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The gendered tariff Democrats: tariff weakens the autonomy of the white male farmer and consumer; emasculates him Republicans: tariff enables male.

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2 the gendered tariff Democrats: tariff weakens the autonomy of the white male farmer and consumer; emasculates him Republicans: tariff enables male wage earner to support his wife, who then can protect the domestic hearth

3 Grover Cleveland: home-wrecker?
Above: political cartoon: “Another voice for Cleveland”; right: soon to be First Lady Francis Folsom

4 Alliance St. Louis platform, 1889
Abolition of national banks Substitution of money issued by the U.S. Treasury Government ownership of railroads and telegraph Progressive taxation The sub-treasury plan

5 Election of 1892 Populists elected three governors Five U.S. Senators
Populist presidential candidate gets 1,041,000 votes 8.5 percent of the total vote Grover Cleveland (D) defeats Harrison (R) by 300,000

6 “You are kept apart that you may be separately fleeced of your earnings.” – Tom Watson to black and white farmers

7 Free silver! Add silver to the Gold Standard Adopted by William Jennings Bryan

8 Interstate Commerce Act, 1887
Shipping rates have to be "reasonable and just" Rates must be published Secret rebates outlawed Price discrimination against small markets illegal.

9 Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 1890
Trusts “in restraint of trade or commerce” made illegal Punishable by fines of up to 10 million dollars Individuals who “conspire to monopolize” guilty of a felony Attorney General empowered to enforce the law

10 The Loophole: U.S. vs. E.C. Knight Company, 1895
E.C. Knight produced 98 percent of refined sugar in U.S. But Supreme Court declared it wasn’t violating Sherman act because it was involved in manufacturing, not trade Nyah nyah nyah . . .

11 Depression of 1890s Worst economic collapse in United States history

12 Homestead Strike, 1892 – battle of the Monangahela River


14 In 1893, as in 1873, financial troubles with the transatlantic railroads cause massive bank failures, prompting an already weak consumer economy to collapse.

15 The Chicago Columbian Exposition of 1893

16 Coxey’s Army, 1893

17 Above: the town of Pullman; right: a sleeping car

18 The Pullman Strike, 1894 Above: Eugene Debs and George Pullman

19 Jane Addams, Hull House, Chicago

20 “You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of Gold
“You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of Gold.” - William Jennings Bryan, 1896

21 Bryan’s 1896 political program
A graduated Federal income tax Direct election of United States Senators Greater regulation of the railroads, telegraph, and monopolies to protect consumers Lower tariffs to protect consumers Backing the dollar with silver as well as gold for a more flexible currency

22 Mark Hanna: Mastermind of the McKinley campaign of 1896

23 Showdown for the People’s Party, St. Louis: 1896
“Fusionists” want to ally with Democrats using free silver issue, and endorse William Jennings Bryan But many Alliance supporters want to stick to issues like the sub-treasury plan As a compromise, Populists endorse Bryan, with Tom Watson as their Vice Presidential candidate

24 Frank L. Baum, Wizard of Oz, 1900
Dorothy = average American citizen Scarecrow = farmer Tin-Woodman = factory worker Lion = William Jennings Bryan Mark Hanna = The wizard of OUNCE (aka .OZ)


26 Left: the Bradley Martin Ball of 1897; right: Cornelia Bradley; bottom right: children in New York City circa 1890.

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