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English for Lawyers 2 Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević Session 9

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1 English for Lawyers 2 Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević Session 9
Session 9

2 Final revision

3 American federalism Explain the basics of the organisation of government in American federalism. Consider both the vertical and horizontal divions, i.e.: National and state levels The three branches of government (legislative, executive, judicial)

FEDERAL (NATIONAL) LEVEL US Congress (HoR + Senate) President of the US (+ the Cabinet) US Supreme Court (+ District Courts and Circuit Courts) STATE LEVEL state legislative assemblies (x50) state governors state court systems

5 Translate the following sentences
The basic provisions lay down the most fundamental features of the state: organisation of government, separation of powers, armed forces, the national flag, coat of arms, anthem, etc. Municipal courts are also responsible for non- contentious litigation, enforcement, and land registry matters. County courts have a first instance criminal division for severe criminal offences punishable by imprisonment in the duration of more than 10 years. A Chamber may relinquish jurisdiction in a case to the Grand Chamber at any stage in the procedure before judgment, as long as both parties consent.

6 Translate the following sentences
Temeljne odredbe propisuju osnovna državna obilježja: organizaciju vlasti, trodiobu ovlasti, oružane snage, državnu zastavu, grb, himnu, itd. Općinski sudovi su također nadležni za izvanparnične postupke, ovrhu i zemljišnoknjižne stvari. Županijski sudovi imaju prvostupanjsku kaznenu nadležnost za teška kaznena djela kažnjiva kaznom zatvora u trajanju duljem od 10 godina. Vijeće se može odreći nadležnosti u predmetu u korist Velikog vijeća u bilo kojoj fazi postupka prije donošenja presude pod uvjetom da se obje stranke s time slažu.

7 Explain the following terms
misdemeanour courts respondent state hold judicial office contracting state dissenting opinion admissibility final decision an impartial judge

8 Explain the following terms
American federalism delegated powers Bill of Rights proportional v. equal representation popular v. electoral vote judicial activism

FEDERAL (NATIONAL) LEVEL coining money defense foreign relations taxation regulation of trade STATE POWERS STATE LEVEL (x50) anything not delegated to the national government and not prohibited by the federal Constitution and federal laws

10 assembly – dispute – fair - dissolution – ratify – levy delegated – representative – assess – accession – council One of the fundamental rights set out in the Constitution and the European Convention is the right to a _________ trial within reasonable time. There are two type of Congressmen: senators and _________ . Under International Relations, the Constitution lays down the rules for the _________ of international treaties and _________ to international alliances. State Judicial _________ has the power to appoint judges. Administrative _________ are resolved by the Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia. Commercial courts are involved in the setting up and _________ of companies. Both levels of government in the US have the power to _________ taxes, while the power to declare war is _________ to the federal government. In the ECHR, committees of three judges _________ the admissibility of applications to the Court.

11 assembly – dispute – fair - dissolution – ratify – levy delegated – representative – assess – accession – council One of the fundamental rights set out in the Constitution and the European Convention is the right to a FAIR trial within reasonable time. There are two type of Congressmen: senators and REPRESENTATIVES. Under International Relations, the Constitution lays down the rules for the RATIFICATION of international treaties and ACCESSION to international alliances. State Judicial COUNCIL has the power to appoint judges. Administrative DISPUTES are resolved by the Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia. Commercial courts are involved in the setting up and DISSOLUTION of companies. Both levels of government in the US have the power to LEVY taxes, while the power to declare war is DELEGATED to the federal government. In the ECHR, committees of three judges ASSESS the admissibility of applications to the Court.

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