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U.S. History and Geography

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. History and Geography"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. History and Geography
Teacher: Mr. Demas Textbook: The American Vision Conference: 1st period Lunch: B session Contact Information: - Phone ext Room: 209 Credits: One credit. Required for graduation. Iwo Jima

2 Grading Policy Grades: Students will be graded on three categories as shown in the pie chart. Two categories are 40% or together 80% of total grade. The other 20% will be mainly homework and in class work such as reading assignments or worksheets. Late Work: I will not accept late work. I will only allow it for excused absences and other situations that may arise such as family emergencies. Please contact me and let me know if there is something going on. I can be flexible. I understand “life happens!” Make - Up Work: Tests/ quizzes: One week to make up tests either before or after school. NOT DURING CLASS TIME. All other work: Depends on circumstances and length of assignment. Extra Credit: All work must be turned in and tests taken before it is considered. I do offer extra points for everyone on certain occasions during the year. Power Teacher: All grades will be entered in Power Teacher according to length and depth of assignment. A general rule is no later than one week from due date. Simply adding scores will not give you an accurate grade as I use weighted categories for grades. Please contact me for more information about grades. *One Sheet Projects vary by unit study and involve multiple higher order learning skills. On one standard size sheet of paper they need to show a students best work and include color and detail to meet the scoring rubric.

3 Classroom Rules and Expectations
Don’t Do Come to class on time and be at desk before the bell. Bring materials to class such as writing instruments, textbook and paper. Raise hand to get instructions and participate. Show respect for classmates and teacher. Be on task at all times. Work only on history. Slouch in chair at desk. Sleep in class or have head down. Put work away before the bell. Get up from desk while the teacher is talking. Use make-up, lotion or other grooming products. Bring food and drinks H20 = AOK Consequences: A verbal warning will be given for violating any of the above Do’s or Don’ts. After two verbal warnings within one week a 15 minute detention will be given. Detentions will be with teacher before or after school. For detention no-shows a written referral will be given and a parent contact. Sleeping in class will be a one warning detention. Warnings are erased after one week. Continuous violations may result in contacting parents and involving the Dean of Students.

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