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Mrs. Hyland’s Honors U.S. History

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Hyland’s Honors U.S. History"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Hyland’s Honors U.S. History

2 What makes Honors different?
Honors provides opportunity for advanced work, rigorous academic study and practical application of major ideas and concepts found in American history

3 What makes Honors different?
Course is challenging and requires students to take greater responsibility for learning by participating in problem-seeking, scholarly and creative processes Critical analysis and application Reflective thinking Expression and defense of ideas generated through the study of content

4 What makes Honors different?
Follows the same course of study as the corresponding standard U.S. History course Material taught with greater complexity, novelty, acceleration Differentiated curriculum Distinguished by a difference in the quality of work expected

5 What makes Honors different?
Students use original source documents and other resources to supplement text Ex. Immigration project DBQ’s (haven’t completed yet) Students are being prepared for the rigors of Advanced Placement World History (10th grade), U.S. History & European History (11th/12th) and Government (12th)

6 Student Requirements Should be good readers
Should possess solid writing skills Should be able to perform critical analysis of material Should be self-motivated, organized and be able to handle covering material at a faster pace

7 Students Who Do Well Students who do well in this course:
Read the textbook, keeping up with material as we are covering it, often times reading ahead Take their own notes from the textbook Pay attention and focus on what is going on in class Actively participate Refer to class notes when completing homework Begin studying for tests as soon as it is announced Study at least 10 minutes each day prior to the test

8 Students Who Do Well Prepare for tests by
Reading the chapter and taking notes Reviewing the objectives from the Unit Syllabus Complete the Chapter Review Complete the End of Section Review Compare their reading notes with the class notes Know the story and enjoy history!

9 What Students Should Do
If students have tried all of the following suggestions, they should schedule an appointment to work on other types of studying strategies I am free: 4th Period 7th Period 8th Period

10 Contact Information Phone: (440) Before school or during free periods

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