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Contract Breaches and Remedies

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Presentation on theme: "Contract Breaches and Remedies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contract Breaches and Remedies
Session 7 Build a contract Breaches & Remedies

2 Build A Contract Contents of Contract Parties Date Terms
Signatures, Witnesses, Seals

3 Build A Contract Harry Jones wants to hire Smith Concrete which is operated by John Smith to build a garage pad. Smith quoted a price of $6,500 for the garage pad including all materials, labour and equipment. Smith excluded cleanup Smith wants payment 5 days after completion Break into groups and draft a contract. Make sure that you include all clauses that you think are needed (don’t worry about the detail – get the intent down)

4 Origins of Disputes Breach of Contract Tort Issues – Breach of “Duty”
Statutory – Competition Act

5 Nature of a breach Major – going to basic value of contract to one party Minor – insufficient to cause void of contract

6 Results of Breach Fundamental Breach - Contract voidable by offended party Breach of Warranty - Damages

7 Intent of damages The idea of damages is to compensate with money for a non-monetary problem

8 Other remedies Specific Performance

9 Where to go to get satisfaction
Courts Alternative Dispute Resolution

10 Alternative Mechanism
Litigation Alternative Dispute Resolution

11 Court Action – litigation
Provincial Court Civil Claim Dispute Note Pre-trial Hearing / Compulsory Arbitration Trial Judgment Enforcement through Court of Queen’s Bench

12 Court Action - Litigation
Court of Queen’s Bench Statement of Claim Statement of Defence Affidavit of Records Examinations for Discovery Trial Judgment Enforcement

13 Alternative Mechanisms
Negotiation Mediation Arbitration

14 Negotiation Principled vs. Positional Negotiation Getting to Yes
Don’t Bargain over positions Separate the people from the problem Focus on interests not positions Invent options for mutual gain Insist on using objective criteria

15 Mediation Impartial Mediator – skill of mediator often overlooked
No decision unless by parties Counsel there only as an advisor – parties do most of the work

16 Arbitration Arbitration Agreement Private Court
Sets the rules Establishes the questions to be asked Defines all the details: transcripts, costs, appeals Private Court Parties pick the judge – the arbitrator Arbitration Act – gives judgment the weight of a decision of the Court of Queen’s Bench Quicker and cheaper than trial Less formal than trial

17 Best Way Depends on nature of dispute
If question is primarily one of law – court If fact-based and special knowledge needed – arbitration If parties are still talking – negotiation or mediation

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