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Creating a Culture of Engagement

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1 Creating a Culture of Engagement
10/31/2017 Creating a Culture of Engagement Dianna Montgomery Manager, Employee Engagement

2 Agenda Employee Engagement Engagement Matters Three types of employees
Feelings are facts Measuring Engagement Focus on retention The Stay Interview Succession Planning Focus on Strengths Team Building Engagement Committee Ideas

3 Engagement Matters Employee Engagement positively influences key business initiatives Productivity Quality Profitability Patient Experience Retention Safety Engaged employees and teams Have more energy Have increased productivity Positively affect on those around them Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report, 2013

4 Three Types of Employees
Engaged Loyal Committed Productive Connected Quality work Not Engaged May be productive Disconnected and/or distracted Absenteeism Actively Disengaged Physically present but psychologically absent Negative outlook towards work Shares negative outlook

5 The Three Types of Employees Worldwide
ENGAGED NOT ENGAGED ACTIVELY DISENGAGED 13% 63% 24% Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report, 2013

6 Think about your best day at work.
How would you describe that day? Table discussion (5 minutes) with person sitting next to you Volunteer to share What made it great for you? How did you feel? Reprinted or used with the permission of Gallup, Inc. Copyright © 2015 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 Feelings Are Facts Human behavior is driven by both rational and emotional factors. Emotions are at play in every work environment every day: Relationship between employee and manager Relationships among employees Employee feels valued and respected. Employee feels his or her opinions count. Reprinted or used with the permission of Gallup, Inc. Copyright © 2015 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

8 Measuring Engagement Employee Engagement Survey
Administered annually by Gallup 15,000 employees and faculty Up to 46 questions Gallup Q12 questions and custom questions focused on patient experience, patient safety, accountability, leadership, spiritual well-being & respect Measures level of engagement within each workgroup and for the overall organization Links to key business metrics Turnover/retention Patient Experience Safety Absenteeism LOA

9 The 12 Elements of Engagement
Q12. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow. Q11. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. Q10. I have a best friend at work. Q09. My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work. Q08. The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important. Q07. At work, my opinions seem to count. Q06. There is someone at work who encourages my development. Q05. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person. Q04. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. Q03. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. Q02. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right. Q01. I know what is expected of me at work.

10 Developing action items
Results are given to managers/leaders Managers meet with their team Review results Discuss feedback and current state Opportunities and strengths of team Create action item(s) Link to Q12 question Assign responsibility for action items Schedule date to follow-up on progress

11 Focus on Retention We asked employees…
“I plan to be working for Loma Linda University Health (LLUH) two years from now.” Employees responded using a 5 point agreement scale: 5 = strongly agree 1 = strongly disagree

12 Focus on Retention Employees answering with a ‘5’ were asked,
What is it that makes you want to stay at Loma Linda University Health? Answers focused on team, vision and culture People/team Mission/vision/values Strong /supportive work environment Love my job/great place to work Patient care/connection to the patient Manager/supervisor Employees answering with a ‘1-4’ were asked, What one change or improvement would make you more likely to stay at Loma Linda University Health? Answers are more tactical Better pay Increased staffing More communication/collaboration Greater opportunities for growth/development More consistent accountability

13 Stay Interview – New Employee
One-to-one conversations between manager and employee. Purpose: Ensure successful start for new employee. Opportunity to gain feedback at 30, 60, and 90 day intervals. 30 day check –Questions regarding schedule, teamwork, materials/supplies, and training. 60 day check – Questions regarding communication, systems/service improvements, training, and voicing opinion. 90 day performance appraisal

14 Stay Interview – Ongoing
Opportunity to stay connected with employees. One-to-one conversations Sample questions What are your career goals? What makes a “great day” at work? What forms of recognition do you prefer? What things bring you satisfaction and ignite your passion for your job? Why do you stay? Why might you leave?

15 Succession Management
Focus on talent Who is ready now? Who is ready 18 months from now? Who is ready 3-5 years from now? Identify strengths What rotational assignments and credential building experiences will they need to become well rounded and eligible for succession?  

16 Succession Management
Successful organizations must establish multi-year, multi-level internal pipelines of talent. What gets measured, gets done—build it into a dashboard or other format. Are there gaps in the pipeline? What challenges are in the horizon? Are our talent management efforts paying off? Maintain clear documentation

17 Focus on Strengths Gallup StrengthsFinder Online assessment tool
34 themes Identify, understand and maximize strengths Top 5 strengths Team contributions Individual development Succession planning “People who use their strengths every day are six times more likely to Be engaged in their work…” Clifton StrengthsFinder,

18 Top 34 Strengths Achiever Responsibility Self-Assurance Harmony
Context Arranger Restorative Significance Includer Futuristic Belief Activator Woo Individualization Ideation Consistency Command Adaptability Positivity Input Deliberative Competition Developer Relator Intellection Discipline Maximizer Connectedness Analytical Learner Focus Empathy Strategic

19 Team Building Identify the STRENGTHS of individuals
View the strengths of all members of the team Recognize opportunities for team members to utilize the strengths of others Discuss how gaps can be filled ASK: What are our strengths as a team? What are our opportunities as a team? Design team building activities based on their responses Example: If trust is an opportunity, facilitate team building activity exercising the team’s use of trust. FOLLOW-UP during the next team meeting to find out what has changed since the team building activity

20 Engagement Committee 30-35 front line employees
Represent various job types and functions from across the organization Front-line staff Clinical and non-clinical Members recommended by department head and/or supervisor Monthly one-hour meetings Move to quarterly meetings once established Purpose of committee Work on initiatives and events that will promote employee engagement Discuss and share feedback on topics including rewards, recognition, and employee appreciation events Provide recommendations to Administration Take information shared in committee back to department

21 Simple Actions Drive Engagement
Be respectful to employees Acknowledge their presence Recognize their efforts and accomplishments Be visible Let employees know what is happening Be open and transparent in communications Explain the “what” and “why” Ask for their input and follow up Promote accountability and fairness Establish and maintain clear standards Model the desired behaviors Encourage collaboration

22 Organizations Need to:
Manage with a focus on employee engagement Energize leadership and front-line staff by engaging them in being part of the solutions. Focus on careful employee selection and developing a talent pipeline Have strengths-based conversations Encourage open, honest communication and sharing of ideas. Find opportunities to recognize employees and show appreciation in formal and informal ways Focus on retaining talent

23 Questions

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