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Cardiovascular Cell Therapy 2017: Hype or Hope?

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1 Cardiovascular Cell Therapy 2017: Hype or Hope?
Timothy D. Henry, MD Director of Cardiology Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute

2 DISCLOSURE Baxter, Cytori, Aastrom, Capricor, Cardio3, NHLBI all for Cell Therapy trials

3 The Hope of Stem Cells

4 Too Much Hype!

5 Cardiovascular Disease Targets
Refractory angina Acute myocardial infarction Congestive heart failure Ongoing ischemia Previous MI Nonischemic Peripheral arterial disease CLI Claudication

6 Refractory Angina/Ischemia

7 Catheter-based Cell Transplantation
Biosense Webster Injection Catheter No Needle Extension Isolated cells were intramyocardially transplanted using an injection catheter. 27G needle at the tip of the catheter is extendable, and needle length is adjustable. Usually, we adjust the needle length to 4 to 6 mm. 4-6mm Needle Extension

8 Phase II ACT34–CMI Study Design
Screening and Baseline Visits Subject population (n=167) 21-80 yrs CCS class III or IV Angina Attempted “best” medical therapy Non-candidate for Surgical/Perc. revasc. Ischemia on SPECT 3-10 min. mod. Bruce protocol with angina or anginal equivalent at baseline Cell Mobilization (GCSF 5mcg/kg/d x 5d) Apheresis on Day 5 Randomization 1 x 10^5 CD34+ cells/kg (n = 55) Placebo (n = 56) 5 x 10^5 CD34+ cells/kg (n = 56) Endomyocardial Mapping and Injection with NOGA Isolex selected CD34+ cells / Placebo Rx Follow-up Safety and Efficacy Assessments: 1 - 7 days, and 1, 3, 6, and 12 months; ETT at 3, 6, 12 months MRI at 6 months, SPECT at 6 & 12 months

9 ACT-34 CMI: Reduction in Angina
Anginal Episodes per Week Change from baseline at 6 months P=0.04 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

10 ACT-34 CMI: Exercise Time Change from baseline at 6 months
Total ETT Time Change from baseline at 6 months p=0.013 Seconds

11 Major Adverse Cardiac Events (24 Months)
Control 1x105 CD34+cells/kg 5x105 CD34+cells/kg p-value* Death 7(12.5%) 1(1.8%) 2(3.6%) 0.081 MI 10 (17.9%) 9(16.4%) 6(10.7%) 0.587 Death, MI 15(26.8%) 10(18.2%) 0.096 Death, MI, ACS Hospitalization 17(30.4%) 8(14.3%) 0.101 Death, MI, ACS or Worse CHF Hospitalization 19(33.9%) 12(21.8%) 9(16.1%) 0.078 Pts with MACE events from start of mobilization thru 12 mo in injected pts; *= Fisher’s Exact Test 11 11 11 11

12 Angina Counts at 24 Months
Diff=5.3, p=0.030

13 Refractory Angina Phase III RENEW Study Design
Screening and Baseline Visits Randomization Subject population 21-80 yrs CCS class III or IV Angina Attempted “best” medical therapy Non-candidate for Surgical/Perc. revasc. Ischemia on SPECT or 3-10 min. mod. Bruce protocol with angina or anginal equivalent at baseline 1 x 105 CD34+ cells/kg (n = 200) Active Control (n = 100) Unblinded Standard of Care (n = 100) Cell Mobilization (G-CSF 5 mg/kg/d x 4d) Apheresis on Day 5 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Intramyocardial Mapping and Injection with NOGA ISOLEX selected CD34+ cells / Placebo Efficacy Assessments during 12 month follow-up: ETT, angina frequency, and QoL (SF-36) Safety Assessments during 24 month follow-up: AEs, SAEs, MACE Safety Assessments during 24 month follow-up: AEs, SAEs, MACE 13 13

14 RENEW: Primary Endpoint as Treated

15 RENEW: Angina Frequency
6 months Relative Risk As Treated 0.63 P=0.05 ITT 0.58 P=0.02

16 RENEW Results: 2-Year MACE
Standard of Care (n=28) Active Control (n=28) CD34+ Cell Txt (n=50) Started Mobilization but Not Injected (n=6) Patients with MACE 19 (67.9%) 12 (42.9%) 23 (46.0%) 2 (33.3%) Death 2 (7.1%) 3 (10.7%) 2 (4.0%) MI 5 (10.0%) Perforation 1* (16.7%) Stroke - CV hospitalization 18 (64.3%) 9 (32.1%) 21 (42.0%) Ventricular arrhythmias 1 (3.6%) 1 (2.0%) MACE <2 weeks 3 (6.0%) MACE during follow-up

17 Treatment Effect (95% CI) (s) Treatment Effect (95% CI) (s)
CD34 Patient level Metanalysis: Total Exercise Time ITT Placebo (s) CD34+ (s) Treatment Effect (95% CI) (s) p-value Month 3 31.4 (16.0) 78.0 (12.1) 46.6 (13.0, 80.3) 0.007 Month 6 50.2 (18.5) 100.2 (13.6) 49.9 (10.0, 89.8) 0.014 Month 12 42.5 (20.7) 88.2 (14.7) 45.7 (0.2, 91.2) 0.049 As Txt Placebo (s) CD34+ (s) Treatment Effect (95% CI) (s) p-value Month 3 28.1 (15.7) 80.5 (12.1) 52.5 (19.2, 85.7) 0.002 Month 6 48.8 (18.2) 101.8 (13.7) 52.9 (13.5, 92.4) 0.009 Month 12 39.5 (20.3) 90.5 (14.7) 50.9 (6,0, 95.9) 0.027 *Least squares mean change from baseline (SD)


19 PLoS One 2013 Jun 19;8(6):e64669

20 Mortality PLoS One 2013 Jun 19;8(6):e64669

21 Martin-Rendon Meta-analysis
Angina Class Angina Frequency PLoS One 2013 Jun 19;8(6):e64669

22 Martin-Rendon Meta-analysis
Quality of Life Exercise Time LVEF PLoS One 2013 Jun 19;8(6):e64669

23 CHF

24 Ischemic Heart Failure Progression vs Therapeutic Options
Novel approaches to fill the gap Therapy Medical Health status + CRT Several novel approaches are being tested to fill this therapeutic gap. On one hand, there are novel devises tested for the specific subsets of heart failure patients. On the other hand, a broad range of biologics including cellular interventions is being introduced. So this is the positioning of the cell therapy in the current heart failure management. LVAD → HTx NYHA I NYHA II NYHA III NYHA IV Bartunek J and Vanderheyden M (Eds): Translational Approaches to Heart Failure, Springer 2013

25 Mesenchymal Colony Forming Units
(CFU-F) Patient ID 180 CFU Number per 106 BM Mononuclear Cells

26 MSC Growth Kinetics Control Cell Number (103) Time (hours)

27 Strategies to Enhance Cell Therapy
Increase the number of cells (autologous) Whole bone marrow (Harvest) Selected cells (autologous) Adipose derived cells (Cytori) CD34+ cells (Baxter) ALD-bright (Aldagen) Expand and/or enhanced cells (autologous) Aastrom Biosciences C-Cure MSC-HF Corrected spelling of Caduseus.

28 C-CURE FIM Trial The C-Cure trial demonstrates the feasibility and safety of cardiopoietic mesenchymal stem cells in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy Complementing standard of care, C-Cure therapy improved cardiac function and clinical performance The favourable profile supports follow-up pivotal studies in a larger patient population And we have heard earlier this morning the trial In its totality, the C-Cure trial was important in establishing the first clinical experience and future leads for the ensuing trial at three levels: manufacturing, delivery and design and methodology;

29 Second Generation of Cell Therapy
to Ensure Cardiac Lineage Specification Discovery Translation Application Cell Therapy GF Naïve MSC Decoding natural cardiopoiesis Pre-clinical assessment GMP Scale-up C-CURE trial CP MSC Lineage specification At the level of the cell product optimizaiton, let me reiterate that Andre Terzic and Atta Behfar. By decoding natural cardiopoiesis derived a cardiogenic cocktail capable to prime consistently patient-derived mesenchymal stem cells into cardiac progeny. In preclinical studies, these primed cardiopoietic stem cells demonstrated superior benefit as compared to their unprimed, naïve source. This in tandem with GMP scale up and quality control was the basis for the C-Cure trial. Nature Clin. Pract. 2006, 2007; J Ex Med 2007; Gen. Biol. 2008; Stem Cells, 2008, 2009; JMCC 2008; JACC 2010; Cell Transplant 2011

30 C-CURE International Program
Congestive Heart Failure CArdiopoietic Regenerative Therapy (CHART-1) Trial Efficacy and safety of bone marrow- derived mesenchymal cardiopoietic cells (CRBS-CQR-1) for treatment of chronic advanced ischemic heart failure Prospective, multi-center, randomized, sham-controlled, double-blinded study 240 subjects: 2 arms Standard of Care + cardiopoietic cells Standard of Care + sham procedure Based on this advances the Chart 1 trials Identifier NCT

31 Exploratory Analysis Primary Efficacy Outcome as a Function of Baseline LV EDV and Treatment Intensity <

32 Ixmyelocel-T: Expanded Multicellular Therapy
Two-Week Expansion Increases: CD45+ CD14+ M2-like macrophages CD90+ MSCs Potential Mechanisms: Anti-Inflammatory Tissue Remodeling Endothelial Protection Angiogenesis

33 75% fewer patients treated with ixmyelocel-T experienced a MACE
Phase 2a Results IMPACT-DCM (n=39) Catheter-DCM (n=22) 75% fewer patients treated with ixmyelocel-T experienced a MACE (* p < 0.05) MACE = cardiac death, cardiac arrest, MI, HF hospitalization, or major bleeding Henry TD, et al. Circ Res 2014;115:

34 Lancet

35 ixCELL–DCM Eligibility
Inclusion Criteria Age 30 to 86 NYHA Class III/IV heart failure Diagnosis of ischemic cardiomyopathy LVEF ≤35% ICD in place Heart failure hospitalization within 6 months or BNP ≥400 pg/mL or NT-pro BNP ≥2000 pg/mL or 6 MWT ≤400 meters Exclusion Criteria MI, Stroke, TIA within 3 months LV thrombus/ineligible for NOGA PCI, CABG within 30 days Status 1A or 1B on heart transplant list Severe valvular disease Malignancy within 12 months CKD or creatinine clearance <15 mL/min Hg <9 g/dL or HbA1c ≥9%

36 Randomization/Aspiration
Protocol Ixmyelocel-T 12 Day ± 1 Expansion R Randomization/Aspiration Day -14 Injection Day 1 Month 12 Data Analysis Month 24 Safety Follow-up Month 3 Month 6 Screening Days -30 to -15 Placebo

37 Primary Endpoint: Modified ITT (n=114)
_____Primary Endpoint_____ Without IP Procedure Related Events _____Sensitivity Endpoint_____ With IP Procedure Related Events Placebo (N=55) Ixmyelocel-T (N=59) P-Valuea 0.0107 0.0082 Rate Ratio [95% CI] 0.59 [0.40, ] 0.58 [0.39, ] Events/100 patient years 121.73 72.16 123.79 Patient years Exposed 48.5 55.4 Total Events 59 40 60 Distribution of Events by Patient, n (%) 27 (49.1) 36 (61.0) 26 (47.3) >=1 28 (50.9) 23 (39.0) 29 (52.7) 1 11 (20.0) 13 (22.0) 12 (21.8) 2 4 ( 6.8) 3 2 ( 3.6) 5 ( 8.5) 4 1 ( 1.7) 5 1 ( 1.8) 0 ( 0.0) 7

38 LVEF and Volumes

39 Summary Patients treated with ixmyelocel-T had a significant reduction in the primary endpoint on both per protocol and modified ITT analysis 37% to 41% reduction in cardiac events compared to placebo; similar to the Phase 2a clinical trials Driven by a reduction in mortality and cardiac hospitalizations Fewer patients with SAEs observed in the ixmyelocel-T group compared to the placebo group No significant changes in LVEF or LV volumes, NYHA or 6-minute-walk

40 ALLogeneic heart STem cells to Achieve myocardial Regeneration
PIs: Tim Henry, Raj Makkar Phase I/II study Post-MI EF: < 45%, IS > 15% (MRI) Intracoronary infusion of allogeneic CDCs Open-label Ph I (3 sites) followed by double-blind randomized placebo-controlled Ph II (20 sites) Stratified patient recruitment (274 pts total) 30-90 days post MI (healing) > 90 days post MI (chronic) Primary efficacy enpoint: scar size funded by NIH and CIRM grants to Capricor

41 Still not available at the florist yet….

42 We still need better Options!!
Will it be Cell Therapy??


44 Kaplan-Meier Analysis
MACE Days Comparison of Placebo vs. CD34+: p=0.08 Death Days Comparison of Placebo vs. CD34+: p=0.003 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Probability of Event Placebo CD34+ SOC

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