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E-Commerce Business Models

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Presentation on theme: "E-Commerce Business Models"— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Commerce Business Models
Ing. Athanasios Podaras, PhD

2 Content What is business model? Components of a business model
Revenue Models on Internet Functions and objectives of BM Typical EC Business Models Classifications of EC Business Models

3 What is a BM? A business model describes the manner in which business is done to generate revenue and create value.

4 Components of a BM Description of the customers to be served and their value proposition A description of all products and services the business plans to deliver Growth strategies. A description of the required business process and the distribution infrastructure (including human resources) A list of the resources required, their cost and availability (including human resources). A description of the organization’s supply chains Value chain structure List of competitors and competitive advantage Expected organizational changes Expected revenues


6 Revenue Models on Internet
Sales . Companies generate revenue from selling products Transaction Fees. Commissions are based on the volume of transactions made Subscription Fees . Customers pay a fixed amount, usually monthly, to get some type of service Advertising Fees Affiliate Fees . Companies receive commissions for referring customers to certain websites Licensing Fees (i.e. Microsoft charges fee for each workstation using Windows NT) Other Revenue Sources . Some companies to watch a sports competition in real time for a fee

7 Functions of BM Describe the supply and value chains.
Formulate the venture’s competitive strategy and its long-range plans. Present the customer value proposition Identify who will use the technology for what purpose; specify the revenue generation process; where the company will operate. Estimate the cost structure and amount and profit potential.

8 Typical EC Business Models
Online direct marketing (b2b, b2c) Electronic tendering systems Electronic marketplaces and exchanges. Viral marketing Group purchasing

9 Classification of EC BMs (Rapa, 2010)
Brokerage Advertising Infomediary Merchant Direct Affiliate Community

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