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NCD Prevention & Control Programme SRI LANKA

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1 NCD Prevention & Control Programme SRI LANKA

2 Country Background Health System Disease Burden & Risk factors What is in place for NCD Prevention & Control What we need for NCD Control & Prevention

3 Country Background Land Area – 65,000 sq km Population 21 million
GDP – Per Capita (PPP) USD 4500 Health Care financing – 4.2% GDP

4 Organization of the Health System
Ministry of Healthcare & Nutrition Provincial Health Ministry (9 provinces) Regional Director of health services Preventive Services Curative Services District Base Hospital Teaching Hospitals Organization of the Health System MOH 50 – 100,000 population MOH Primary Care Institutions 1: 22,000 No defined population Primary Care Institutions DH RH PU CD

5 Evolving Disease Burden & Risk factors
Demographic Trends & Population Ageing Growth in percentage of population aged 60 years and above, Sri Lanka and world regions, 2000–2050 Source: World Bank Sri Lanka Aging Survey (SLAS) 2008

6 Mortality Trends & the problem of Adult Mortality
Changes in life expectancy at age 60 years, Sri Lanka and the United States, 1921–2001 Source: Source: Sri Lanka from Sarkar (1951), Department of Census and Statistics (1970), De Silva (2007), and Institute for Health Policy’s computations from the same sources, and the United States from Bell and Miller (2005).

7 NCD Mortality

8 NCD Mortality

9 NCD Morbidity * Katulanda unpublished data

10 Prevalence of Major NCD Risk factors
Male Female *Smoking (Adults) 22.8% 0.3% *Obesity (BMI>=25) 19.6% 30.4% **Lipid Levels (Total Cholesterol) 19.4% 28.7% ***Hypertension (Systolic BP>140mmHg & Diastolic > 90mmHg) 13% 14% Physical Inactivity (<600MET minutes / week) 17.9% 31.9% Fruit & Vegetable Consumption(<5 fruits/vegetable servings) 81.4% 83.3% *Sri Lanka STEPS survey 2007 **Ragama Risk Factor Study 2007 ***Katulanda et al 2005

11 WHAT IS IN PLACE 1. Political Will Mahinda Chinthana ++
National Health Policy + National NCD Policy and Strategic Framework+++ Cancer Control Policy??? Medium term NCD Operational Plan ++ National Health Council??? National Authority on Tobacco & Alcohol+++ National NCD Steering Committee ??? National Nutrition Advisory Group??? National Cancer Advisory Group ??? National NCD Working Group

12 NCD Policy Objective (2009)
To reduce premature mortality (less than 65 years ) due to chronic NCDs by 2% annually over the next 10 years through expansion of evidence- based curative services, and individual and community-wide health promotion measures for reduction of risk factors.

13 1 Support prevention of chronic NCDs by strengthening policy, regulatory and service delivery measures for reducing level of risk factors of NCDs in the population 2 Implement a cost-effective NCD screening program at community level with special emphasis on cardiovascular diseases 3 Facilitate provision of optimal NCD care by strengthening the health system to provide integrated and appropriate curative, preventive, rehabilitative and palliative services at each service level 4 Empower the community for promotion of healthy lifestyle for NCD prevention and control 5 Enhance human resource development to facilitate NCD prevention and care 6 Strengthen national health information system including disease and risk factor surveillance 7 Promote research and utilisation of its findings for prevention and control of NCDs 8 Ensure sustainable financing mechanisms that support cost-effective health interventions at both preventive and curative sectors 9 Raise priority and integrate prevention and control of NCDs into policies across all government ministries, and private sector organisations

14 Medium Term Operational Plan
Strategies Identified under each objective. Eg: Policy priority 1: To establish and strengthen national policies and plans for the prevention and control of NCD Strategies Major Activities Expected output Key progress indicators Responsible institutions/ Organizations Implement district NCD and strategic plan 1.District NCD working committees Improve implementation of NCD policy and strategic plan at district level .% meeting held in each Year/ quarter at district level PD/RDHS Monitoing of the NCD program at provincial and district level 2. Develop program indicators for provincial and district level Improve implementation and monitoring of national NCD policy and strategic plan % planned activities carried out during the year DDG(MS1) NCD unit M&E unit

15 National NCD Program Colleges (Physicians, GPs) Health Ministry
Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) Other Ministries NGOs Media NCD Unit Mental Health Unit Planning Unit Nutrition Division NATA Youth / Elderly & Disability Unit Trauma Secretariat Health Education Bureau Epidemiology Unit Family Health Bureau Ministry of Education Health & Nutrition Ministry Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Public administration & Home Affairs Ministry of Social Services Ministry of Media & Mass Communication

16 National Authority on Tobacco & Alcohol (NATA)
Tobacco Control ( NATA ) Act include: 2006 Sales & promotion of tobacco products to minors prohibited (Minor defined as below 21 years of age). Advertising, Promotions & Sponsorship prohibited. Vending machines prohibited. Health warnings compulsory. Smoking in indoor places prohibited with exceptions. Sri Lanka is the fifth country in Region to sign and first country in the Region to ratify. Its position comes third globally in ratifying the WHO FCTC after FIJI (3 October 2003) and Malta (24 September 2003) Health Promotion Fund Tobacco Cessation Counselling Tobacco Quit Line DTCC Cells

17 Coordinating Mechanism
National Steering Committee for NCDs National Steering Committee for NCDs National Health Council National Advisory Council for Cancer NCD Working Groups Chairman Social Marketing and Advocacy Population Screening & Health Checks Législation Programmatic and System Issues

18 WHAT IS IN PLACE 2. Situation Analysis and Projections
World Bank NCD Report ++ World Bank Sri Lanka Ageing Survey ++ PEN Costing JICA Costing Ragama Risk Factor Survey ++ Other Studies (Katulanda)++

19 WHAT IS IN PLACE 3. Human Resources Central Level Leadership ??
NCD Director ?? DTCC (District Tobacco Control ) Cells in all districts District Level – 16 MO NCDs ++


21 WHAT IS IN PLACE . Programmatic Pilots / Initiatives
JICA funded NCD Prevention Project+ WDF Funded NIROGI Lanka + WHO Funded PEN (Package of Essential NCD Interventions for Primary Care in Low Resource Settings) +++

22 PEN Assess Capacity & Coverage Identify Needs
Essential Equipments Essential Medicines Essential Recording Tools/MIS WHO/ISH Risk Charts Protocols for primary Care

23 Assess Capacity & Coverage
(Facility Assessment) Population Size & Geographical Area covered Human Resources Equipment Infrastructure & Services Medicines Utilization of Services Referral of Patients Financing Administration Community Links

24 Essential Equipment Measurement Tape Stethoscope
Thermometer Measurement Tape Stethoscope BPMD with digital reading Weighing Machine Peak Flow Meter Nebulizer Glucometer & Glucose Test strips Urine Protein Test Strips ECG Machine

25 Hydrocortisone Injection
Essential Medicines Aspirin ISDN GTN Atorvastatin HCT Nifedepine SR Atenolol Enalapril Frusemide Beclamethasone Inhaler* Prednisolone Hydrocortisone Injection Chlorpheniramine Glibenclamide Metformin Insulin Amoxycillin

26 Essential Recording Tools / MIS
Medical / Out Patient Information Register Patient Clinic Book / Clinic Record Drug Dispensing covers

27 Protocols for Primary Care
Screening Prevention & Early detection of cancers Health Education & Counselling Tobacco Cessation Counselling Angina, MI, Cardiac Failure Asthma / COPD / LRTI TIA / Stroke


29 Community Mobilisation through NGOs and Community Leaders

30 WHAT IS NEEDED Address Human Resources issues at National and
District Levels Strengthen Inter-Sectoral Collaboration Population-Based Interventions - Legislation on Salt, Fats and Import of Cooking Oil Expedite Revision to NATA Legislation Incorporate Pictorial Health Warnings Expansion of Pilots / Initiatives to other Districts and engagement of Provincial Councils Workplace Engagement Physical Activity Tobacco Free Healthy Canteens School Engagement Include in Curriculum Increase Physical Activity Healthy Canteens / Food Students as Agents of Change Teachers as Catalysts

31 Healthy Meeting Menus Health Check Up

32 Celebration of Theme Days
World No Tobacco Day Gold Winners Award for World Stroke Day activities (2009) World Stroke Day World Heart Day World Health Day World Diabetes Day

33 Thank You Thank You…

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