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Black Hills Dist. LLC and RMNG Natural Gas

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1 Black Hills Dist. LLC and RMNG Natural Gas
Scheduling and Invoicing System (QPTM) Upgrade Training For Shippers and Operators

2 QPTM Basics

3 How to Log in Log in to Citrix By using the following Link -

4 Click on the QuorumPTM_CAW icon

5 CAW Application Way for external users to conduct business with TSP
Shippers, Operators, Agents, etc. Same screens and reports that internal users have Common look and feel Allows for easier troubleshooting Built-in security so users can only see their own data Users tied to TSP(s) and BP(s) Shipper transactions: Contract holder and agents Operator / Confirming Party transactions: Location operators and confirming parties Follows standards for NAESB datasets Delete 2nd bullet point?

6 CAW Application External Users
Capabilities and associated security privileges available for external users via CAW: Nomination Submission – External users can submit nominations for contracts where they are the contract holder or nominating agent. Confirmation Response – External users can view confirmation records for nominations for locations where they are the confirming party, operator or shipper. Imbalance Trading – External users can initiate and confirm trades and transfers for contracts or business parties where they are the contract holder or an imbalance trading agent. Invoicing – External users can view invoice data for contracts where they are the contract holder or an invoice agent. Reporting – Several of the internal reports are available for external users as well. The security logic for each report follows the same rules as outlined above. Notification Preferences – External users can subscribe themselves to certain types of notices

7 Tree View vs. Drop Down Menu

8 QPTM Field Colors






14 Screens Nomination Submission

15 Confirmation Response

16 Customer Accounts

17 Imbalance Trade Form

18 Report Execution


20 Nominations A “Nomination” is a request for a quantity of gas for a specific timeframe at a specific Receipt and Delivery Point. The nomination is placed for a specific set of days by the Service Requester/Shipper in the QPTM CAW (Customer Activity Website) However, in most cases the nomination is made for a range of days Every Shipper who has a right to take gas at that point will make a nomination for that day before the start of the gas day, typically in the first cycle of the gas day - Timely Shippers can also make changes to the gas flow in later cycles of the gas day. Before the gas day starts, typically the Evening cycle, and after the gas day has already started, typically the Intraday 1 and 2 cycles All nominations are made on an DTH basis and are always whole numbers

21 Path Threaded Model Type
1 Nomination = Path SR SR K Pkg ID Receipt Qty Receipt Rank Delivery Qty Delivery Rank Trans Type Up Entity Up K Up Pkg ID Up Rank Dn Entity Dn K Dn Pkg ID Dn Rank A B

22 Path Non-Threaded Model
1 Nomination = Buy + Path + Sell Buy “U” record (unthreaded) Path “T” record (threaded) Sell “U” record (unthreaded) Dn Entity Dn K Dn Pkg ID Dn Rank Delivery Qty SR SR K Up Entity Up K Up Pkg ID Up Rank Receipt Qty SR SR K SR SR K Pkg ID Receipt Qty Receipt Rank Delivery Qty Delivery Rank Trans Type

23 1 Nomination = Buy + Path + Sell
Nominated Quantities 1 Nomination = Buy + Path + Sell Buy “U” record (unthreaded) Path “T” record (threaded) Sell “U” record (unthreaded) 100 100 100 100

24 How is K#99999 used? K# is a placeholder contract used on ALL Buys and Sells in QPTM. Remember, 1 nomination = Buy + Path + Sell Buy Path Sell Your “real” contract is what is used to nominate on ANY path. K# 99999 K# 1001 Vector HUB K# 99999

25 Buys & Sells A one-to-one ratio is not always the case
Multiple buys can all feed to the same path and a single sell at the delivery location R1 Buys D1 R2 Sell Buys R3 Buys R4 Buys

26 Nomination Submission Process

27 Nomination Process Flow
Enter nomination data Save (Act Cd created) Error (Err) Codes LI = Line Invalid BI = Business Invalid BV = Business Valid *Everything should be BV before noms can be posted. Validate Submit (This runs both line and business validations) Error and Warning messages (Error tab) Correct invalid nominations Nominations posted to nom tables

28 Error Code Meanings LI – Line Invalid. This is the most severe error. Nothing will be submitted successfully if this error is received. BI – Business Invalid. Nomination will save however, no confirmation records will be created. The error will need to be corrected. BV – Business Valid – AOK. Nomination has been submitted successfully.

29 Nomination Process Flow
Validate button allows user to see errors before submitting. Save button creates activity records (Act Cd) for later retrieval. **Note – In 2.2 Act Cd automatically created. Not the case in 4.0. You will need to SAVE before submitting if a Act Cd is wanted. Save is meant to serve as a scratch pad. Submit button validates nominations and if valid (no errors) writes to the database Once a nomination has been submitted it cannot be deleted.

30 How to Enter a Nomination Path Threaded (PT)
Enter a Service Requester and Date Range. The Open Cycle field will default to the next cycle which is available to nominate. For a different cycle, specify a Query Cycle. Click “Retrieve” button. The Nominations tabs will become editable. Select Service Requester Contract from the pick list. Selecting a contract will set the Receipt and Delivery Ranks to the default ranks set in the Nomination Configuration System Preferences. Enter upstream information Select receipt location, upstream business party, upstream contract, and up package ID (optional). Enter the receipt quantity that is being transported. Entering the receipt quantity will automatically set the fuel and delivery quantities. Enter downstream information Select delivery location, downstream business party, downstream contract, and down package ID (optional). Select the Transaction Type from the drop down if system has not already auto-populated an option. Transaction type will default based on the default set in the Nomination Configuration System Preferences. Click “Submit” button to submit nomination

31 How to Create a Nomination
To open the Nomination Transaction screen, navigate to the CAW Screens menu on the menu bar, click on Nominations, Nomination and Nomination Submission. The below Screen will appear. In the Svc Req field, select the appropriate service requester. “Quick Reference guide” In the Gas Day field, select the first gas day that the nomination will be submitted. In the Def (default) End Gas Day field, verify that the gas day displayed is the date that the nomination will be submitted through, or change the date to the appropriate end date. Click Retrieve.

32 If applicable, verify which nomination model should be used for each contract and the appropriate model tab: PNT Entry (Path) or PT Nominations. If the nomination is a PNT Entry, enter the following required information on the PNT Entry (Path) tab. If the nomination is a PT Nomination, skip to Step 8. In the Path area, enter the service requester contract number (Svc Req K), the receipt location on the nomination (Rec Loc Prop), the delivery location on the nomination (Del Loc Prop), and the nominated receipt quantity (Nom Rec Qty). Some of these fields are highlighted below. After entering the Svc Req K, Rec Loc Prop, Del Loc Prop, and Nom Rec Qty information, the Fuel and Nom Del Qty fields will automatically be populated based on the applicable fuel rates. Select the TT (transaction type). This type may default based on the Nomination Configuration System Preferences; however, this information can be changed. Enter a package ID, if applicable. In the End Date field, enter the end date through which the nominated quantities are constant. WHY IS END DATE FIELD GREYED OUT. CHANGE IN QRG In the Upstream and Downstream grids, enter the appropriate information. The totals within each of these 2 grids will populate as the records are entered into all 3 grid areas (Path, Upstream, and Downstream). Verify that the receipt variance (Rec Var) and delivery variance (Del Var) are both “0” before proceeding.

33 For a PT Nomination, enter the following required information.
In the Grid area, enter the service requester contract number (Svc Req K), the receipt location on the nomination (Rec Loc Prop), the delivery location on the nomination (Del Loc Prop), and the nominated receipt quantity (Nom Rec Qty). Some of these fields are highlighted below. After entering the Svc Req K, Rec Loc Prop, Del Loc Prop, and Nom Rec Qty information, the Fuel and Nom Del Qty fields will automatically be populated based on the applicable fuel rates. Select the TT (transaction type). This type may default based on the Nomination Configuration System Preferences; however, this information can be changed. Enter a package ID, if applicable. In the End Date field, enter the end date through which the nominated quantities are constant. WHY IS END DATE FIELD GREYED OUT. CHANGE IN QRG Once all the nomination records have been entered and the variances have been resolved, select one of the following options: Click Save. This selection will save the nomination and allow the data to be retrieved and submitted at a later date. After clicking save, the activity code at the top will be populated. Click Validate. This selection will validate the nomination and present any errors or warnings on the Error tab. Errors must be corrected before the nomination can be submitted. Click Submit. This selection will validate and submit the nomination. Once any validation errors have been corrected and the nomination has been submitted, it can be confirmed.

34 How to Enter a Nomination Copy Nominations
Click “Copy” to open the Copy Nominations screen. Set the new begin gas day, end gas day and cycle. Set copy options: Copy Error Transactions – whether to include BI nominations in new nomination Make New Nom Qtys Zero – whether to set all receipt and delivery quantities to zero. Copy Existing Zero Noms – whether to include zero nominations in new nomination Click “OK” Nomination for new gas day and cycle will be created. “Submit” must be clicked to submit nomination

35 How to Enter a Nomination Copy Nominations
Screens  Nominations Nomination Submission

36 How to Copy a Nomination
To open the Nomination Transaction screen, navigate to the CAW Screens menu on the menu bar, click on Nominations, Nomination and Nomination Submission. The following Screen will appear. In the Svc Req field, select the appropriate service requester. “Quick Reference Guide” In the Gas Day field, select the first gas day that the nomination will be submitted. In the Del Def (default) End Date field, verify that the gas day displayed is the date that the nomination will be submitted through, or change the date to the appropriate end date. Click Retrieve.

37 Click Copy. The below screen will pop up on the screen. Select the desired “New Begin Date” and “New End Date” dates for the copied nomination. Also Select the Cycle for the copied nomination. The nominations from the Beginning Gas Day that are queried will be what is copied to each of the days indicated in this range. Choose whether to copy the following options: 1. Copy Error Transactions 2. Make New Nom Qtys Zero 3. Copy Existing Zero Noms Click OK. The Nomination Submission will refresh with the new Beg Gas Day, End Gas Day and Cycle. The Nomination Volumes can now be updated as necessary. At this point, the copied nominations have NOT been submitted; they are still in “Add” mode. Click Submit to submit the copied nominations.

38 If a nomination is invalid, click on the Errors tab and view the errors that need to be addressed.
After addressing the error, click “Submit” to re-submit the nomination.

39 **NEW FUNCTION** How to Enter a Nomination using the 31 Day Popup
Double clicking a nomination row will open the 31 Day Popup screen. Enter the receipt or delivery quantity that is being transported for each day. Click “Change” on the 31 Day Popup to save changes and close screen. The “Submit” button on the Nomination Submission screen must be clicked to submit changes.

40 31 Day Popup Screens  Nominations Nomination Submission

41 Nomination Indicators
Visual cues to highlight nominations that have a material change Blue: changes before Def End Gas Day Yellow: changes in later cycle of Gas Day Green: Blue + Yellow Material Changes are any substantive change to a nomination Examples: Receipt Quantity, Receipt Rank, Delivery Quantity, Delivery Rank Can view material changes on 31 Day pop up or with a Query Cycle Check to make sure these are on in CAW

42 Nomination Indicators: Material Change
Material change: a substantive change to a nomination Examples: Receipt Quantity, Receipt Rank, Delivery Quantity, Delivery Rank A visual cue to highlight nominations that have a material change during the gas day and default end gas day range The 31 day pop-up can be used to view these changes Screens  Nominations Nomination Submission

43 Nomination Indicators: Later Cycle
Later Cycle: this means the same nom exists with material changes in a cycle later than the cycle used to query the screen A visual cue to highlight nominations that have a previously submitted material change in a later cycle The Query Cycle can be used retrieve for the specific gas day and cycle with changes Screens  Nominations Nomination Submission

44 Nomination Indicators: Multiple Indicators
A visual cue to highlight the presence of both a material change in a later cycle and on a later gas day Screens  Nominations Nomination Submission

45 Nomination Summary Tabs
Read-only tabs Provide a different view of the same nominations displayed on the PT and PNT Nominations tabs Path Summary Aggregates nominations by service requester contract, receipt location, and delivery location for a quick view of path totals. Location Summary Aggregates nominations by location for a quick view of location totals.

46 Nomination Errors Tab After submit, the status for each nomination will be set to LI, BI, or BV (Line Invalid, Business Invalid, or Business Valid). The Error tab will show any invalid nominations and the associated validation warnings and errors. Some errors can be overridden by Internal Pipeline Schedulers. Maybe delete last point

47 Nomination Errors Screens  Nominations Nomination Submission

48 Nomination Warnings We have added more warnings in 4.0 to encourage customers to include more information to nominations to ensure a more accurate confirmation process.

49 Questions on Submitting or Maintaining Nominations?

50 Confirmations

51 Confirmations A “Confirmation” is an agreement between interconnecting parties to receive / deliver a specified quantity of gas for a specified date under a contract for a specific interconnect based on submitted nominations. This confirmation is placed for a specific day by the Operator of that Interconnect Point. Every nomination must have a confirmation. Once the nomination is confirmed, this is the Scheduled Quantity

52 Confirmation Response (Shippers Only)
Provides nominated, confirmed, and scheduled quantities by day and cycle at the location level. This screen is view only, no updates allowed from this screen. This screen can also be used to check for any scheduling reductions.

53 Confirmation Response
Screens  Confirmation Confirmation Response

54 Confirmation Summary Provides nominated, confirmed, and scheduled quantities summed to a location level. This screen is view only, no updates allowed from this screen. Double Click row to take user to Confirmation Response for that location.

55 Confirmation Summary Screens  Confirmation Confirmation Summary

56 Questions about Confirmations?

57 Operator Measurement Inquiry (Operators Only)

58 Customer Accounts

59 Customer Account Maintenance
The Customer Account Maintenance screen is a tool that can be used to see current imbalance and any volumes that are available to trade. A trade that has been approved will also show in this screen as well in the Trades column.

60 How to View Imbalances via the Customer Account Maintenance Screen
To open the Customer Account Maintenance screen, navigate to the CAW Screen menu on the menu bar, click on Flowing Gas, Imbalance, Customer Accounts and Customer Account Maintenance. The Customer Account Maintenance screen appears. . Select an Account ID using the highlighted scoped pick list.

61 The screen will populate with the Account ID information for the item selected.
Data will appear in the grid for the contracts associated to the selected Account ID and for the months selected in the below highlighted optional dates parameters section of the screen. The below Filter Criteria can be used to return data specific to the criteria entered. These filters should be selected if user wishes to restrict the data before querying the screen.

62 Click Retrieve Use the Balance Tab to display data summed by month. Use the Activity Tab to display data summed by day.

63 Customer Account Summary
This screen will show beginning balance, Alloc. Rec and Del, Gross Receipt, Receipt Fuel, Trades, CICO and Open Balance.

64 Imbalance Trading

65 Each trader gets a trade activity record in their customer account.
Trade Process Flow Initiating Trader enters his trading info (BP #, K #, quantity) and who he wants to trade with (Confirming Trader). When the trade is submitted, it will run through various validations that are configured for the account type. Most common validation is to check that the account balance is moving towards zero, i.e. not creating a larger imbalance. The pipeline can choose to insert an approval step in the process in order to review trades before they are processed. Notifications are associated with all steps of the trading process. Confirming Trader pulls up existing trade, fills out their K # and confirms trade. Each trader gets a trade activity record in their customer account.

66 Imbalance Trading Form
Used to submit imbalance trades Configurable workflow Statuses Optional approval Screens  Inventory Accounts Imbalance Trades Imbalance Trading Form

67 Imbalance Trading Maintenance Grid
Read-only view of data from Imbalance Trading Form, with same security applied External users could query for all available trades By double clicking on a line item, you will be redirected to the Imbalance Trading Form. Screens  Inventory Accounts Imbalance Trades Imbalance Trading Maintenance

68 Cash-ins and Cash-outs (CICO)

69 Cash-in vs. Cash-out Cash-in Cash-out Deliveries exceed receipts
Receipts exceed deliveries Shipper gave more than he took from the pipe Positive imbalance quantity Long Gas due shipper Negative CICO quantity Credit on invoice Sell Cash-in Deliveries exceed receipts Shipper took more than he gave the pipe Negative imbalance quantity Short Gas due pipe Positive CICO quantity Charge on invoice Buy

70 CICO Lag Times CICO and PPA CICO Lag Times
Set on the Imbalance tab of Contract Maintenance Represent the accounting months between when the imbalance occurs and when the CICO occurs Can differ for imbalances created from current month allocations and prior month allocations Imbalance Trading and Payback use same lag times CICO Lag Time of 1 PPA CICO Lag Time of 1

71 Reports 71

72 How to Run a Report To open a Report, navigate to the System menu on the menu bar, click on Report Execution. The below screen appears. Select the Report Type from the dropdown list. “Quick Reference Guide” Select the Report from the dropdown list.

73 The below grid will display the available parameters for the selected report. Enter the appropriate parameters for the data the user wishes to see in the report. If the Ignore Param box highlighted below is greyed out, then the parameter is required. If the Ignore Param box is white, the parameter is optional. Uncheck the Ignore Param box for parameters the user wishes to enter and the parameter input field will become editable and the optional parameter can be selected. On some reports, if the parameters include both Prod Mth and Accounting Mth, then one of these two parameters must be entered. After entering all of the require and optional parameters, hit the Execute button on the bottom of the Report Execution screen. The below Batch Process screen will pop up on the screen and the report data will be pulled from the database.

74 The report will open in a new file output
The report will open in a new file output. The below screen is an Adobe Acrobat PDF file output. The reports can be output as a Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat or Crystal file depending on the parameter selected for “Report Export File Type”. .

75 Nomination Reports

76 Nomination Reports ALRX17 – Monthly Activity – Up/Dn. Displays nominated, confirmed, scheduled and allocated quantities for each day in a given production month, as well as the difference between the scheduled and allocated quantity. ALRX18 – Monthly Activity – Path. Displays nominated, confirmed, scheduled and allocated quantities for each day in a given production month. The data is grouped by location, service requester, contract, and path location. NNX01 – Path Balance. Shows the nominated, confirmed and scheduled quantities by service requestor and contract. NNX08 - Daily Activity Grouped by Service Requester. Shows nomination activity by service requester for a specified gas day. NNX09 – Nomination Cycle Comparison. Displays the nominated quantities for the two input gas days and cycles, and the quantity and percent difference between the two gas days and/or cycles. The data on the report can be displayed be service requester or by location analyst. NNX12 – Nomination Error. Shows invalid nominations. NNX33 - Daily Nomination. Displays the nominated quantities for each location and shipper, for every day in a given production month. The report can be grouped by service requester or by location.








84 Confirmation Reports

85 Confirmation Reports CAX14 – Scheduled Quantity for Operator. Displays the scheduled quantities for each up and down nomination for a given gas day and cycle. CAX15 – Scheduled Quantity for Service Requester. Displays the scheduled quantities for all nominations for a given gas day and service requester. CFX01 – Up/Dn Nominated Volumes Not Scheduled or Confirmed. Displays up and down nominations where the scheduled quantity is different than the nominated quantity, for a given gas day and cycle. CFX03 – Up/Dn Confirmation. Displays the confirmed quantities for each up and down nomination, for a given gas day and cycle, as well as the previous day and month-to-date confirmed quantity. The report can group the data by location, operator, location analyst, or service requester. CFX05 – Path Nominated Volumes Not Confirmed. Displays path nominations for a given gas day and cycle where the scheduled quantity does not equal the nominated quantity, and the associated reduction reason. CFX07 – Path Confirmations (By Location, Operator, or BP). Displays the confirmed quantities for each path nomination, for a given gas day and cycle. The report can group the data by location, operator, or service requester (shipper). CFX08 – Monthly Online Confirmation. Displays the final nominated or confirmed quantities for each day in a given production month, grouped by location or shipper.








93 Allocation Reports

94 Allocation Reports ALRX01 - Operator Statement. Provides the allocated, scheduled, and nominated volume for each location and service requester. ALRX03 - Service Requester Statement of Gas Allocation. Provides the allocated, scheduled, and nominated volume for each location and service requester. The report also displays nominated and scheduled quantities for unallocable locations ALRX24 - Allocation Imbalance Report. Displays the prior period and current month allocated quantities and associated imbalance for each path and contract for a given month. ALRX51 - Allocated-to-Scheduled Comparison. Displays the total allocated and scheduled quantity for each contract for a given month. ALRX54 - Scheduled Versus Measured Volumes . Displays the scheduled and measured quantities for each location and gas day in the input gas day range.






100 Invoice Report BLRX00 - Invoice Documents. The Invoice Document is configurable and can include any of the following pages as part of the packet: Standard Documents Cover Page Statement of Account Invoice Summary Remittance Page Invoice Details (non-CICO charges) Invoice Details (CICO charges) Supporting Documents Imbalance Statement Storage Statement Trade Statement Transfer Statement PAL Statement



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