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Chapter 7 The Rise of Europe

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1 Chapter 7 The Rise of Europe
Section 3: The Medieval Church Section 4: Economic Recovery Sparks Change

2 The Medieval Church The Church Dominates Medieval Life
Converted Diverse peoples to Christianity The Role of the Parish Priest Rituals were apart of every day life Priest was the only contact people had with the church Priests would administer Sacraments Believed that Sacrament led to Salvation Bible was in Latin Focused on morality and charity

3 The Medieval Church The Importance of the Village Church
Center of social world Many holidays Main events took place at the Church Villages took pride in their churches Christians made pilgrimage to worship relics

4 The Medieval Church Church Attitude Toward Women
Men and women were equal in they eyes of god. Women were viewed as weak and leading to sin Needed guidance of Men Protected women by setting minimum age for marriage Fined men her injured wives Women were punished more harshly

5 Monasteries and Convents
Monastic Life: The Benedict Rule In 530 Benedict organized the Monte Cassino Monastery in Italy. Introduced Benedictine rule Required monks and nuns to take vows Obedience to monastery Poverty Chastity Monks worked in the fields Helped improve the economy through agriculture

6 Monasteries and Convents
Service and Scholarship Provided health and educational services Gave food and lodging to travelers Some became missionaries Kept Greek and Roman literature in education Wrote and taught Latin

7 Monasteries and Convents
Opportunities for Women Could not become priests Entered covenants In the Middle Ages they took nun’s rights away

8 Church Powers Grow The Church’s Role in Society
Pope was the spiritual leader of the Western Christian Church Based in Rome Claimed Papal Supremacy Led a church army Held lots of land in Italy Highly educated

9 Church Powers Grow Religious Authority and Political Power
All people were sinners Avoid hell by doing good works Developed Canon law Most severe punishment was excommunication Sometimes Nobles who opposed the church were served with interdicts

10 Church Powers Grow A Force for Peace Tried to end warfare
No fighting between Friday-Sunday Contributed to the decline of warfare in Europe

11 Corruption and Reform Two Movements for Reform
Corruption among nuns and priests led to reform In the 900s Abbot Berno reviewed Benedictine Rule Nobles or Bishops could not interfere in church affairs Gregory VII set out new reforms in 1073 Church got to pick bishops Outlawed marriage for priests

12 Corruption and Reform New Preaching Orders
Friars introduced new reforms Friars founded by St Francis of Assissi Led by example of his own good work Preached poverty, humility and love of God. Dominic founded the Dominican Order of Friars Focused on teaching only Christian beliefs and dotrine Women also helped Friars.

13 Jews in Medieval Europe
Existed all across Europe Flourished in Spain Served on Muslim royal courts Lived in peace for centuries Educated and given high positions Were protected but taxed heavily In the 1000s Europe became more prejudiced Often blames Jews for disasters Little interaction with Christians Were forbidden from owning land by Church Still were used as financial advisors Migrated to Eastern Europe and experience relative tolerance and prosperity.

14 An Agricultural Revolution
Technology Improves Farming By 800s peasants were using iron farming equipment Harnesses allowed horses to pull plows instead of oxen, moved faster Production and Population Grow Lords had peasants clear fields for farming and grazing New way of rotating crops Grew more productive foods to use less land

15 The Revival of Trade and Travel
Trade Routes Expand As wars ended trade grew Used armed guards for transport Followed regular trade routes Merchants exchanges local goods with traveling merchants In 1200s Hanseatic League dominated Northern Europe trade routes

16 The Revival of Travel and Trade
The Growth of Towns and Cities Couldn’t travel in winter Gathered in small castles and eventually formed Villages Populations got as large as 10,000 Got charters from Lords or Kings Paid taxes or fees Peasants could buy their freedom and move to towns

17 A Commercial Revolution
The Beginnings of Modern Business Introduced the idea of capital Merchants formed partnerships Took on large projects together Developed insurance Adopted Muslim methods Borrowed the idea of credit or bills of exchange

18 A Commercial Revolution
Society Begins to Change Peasants sold farm goods to pay rent to lords Most became tenant farmers Church forbade interest on loans Barred Jews from professions so they became money lenders

19 The Rise of the Middle Class
Merchants formed the Middle class Were despised by nobles and clergy Considered immoral

20 The Rise of the Middle Class
The Role of Guilds Middle class artisans formed guilds Dominated town life Worked on infrastructure Organized craft guilds Cooperated to focus on economic interests Regulated hours of work, labor and set prices

21 The Rise of the Middle Class
Becoming a Guild Member Aged 7 or 8 Spent up to 7 years training Not paid but supplied room and food Most worked as journeymen Women and the Guilds Worked in crafts Helped with father and husband’s trade Sometimes became guildmasters Had their own guilds

22 Town and City Life Surrounded by walls
Newcomers settled outside the walls Stacked homes Cathedral usually largest building No sewage collection Started to pass some sanitation laws

23 Sacred ritual of the Roman Catholic Church Secular
Vocabulary Sacraments Sacred ritual of the Roman Catholic Church Secular having to do with worldly, rather than religious, matters; nonreligious Papal Supremacy the claim of medieval popes that they had authority over all secular rulers Canon Law A body of laws of a church Excommunication exclusion from the Roman Catholic Church as penalty for refusing to obey church law. Interdict In the Roman Catholic Church, excommunication of an entire region, town or kingdom

24 Formed one of the first guilds Charter
Vocabulary Friars Medieval European monk who traveled from place to place preaching to the poor St. Francis of Assissi Formed one of the first guilds Charter A written document that set out rights and privileges of a town Capital money or wealth used to invest in business or enterprise Partnerships A group of merchants who joined together to finance a large-scale venture that would have been too costly for any individual trader Tenant Farmers Someone who would pay rent to a lord to farm part of the lord’s land

25 A young person learning a trade form a master
Vocabulary Middle Class A group of people, including merchants, traders and artisans, whose rank was between nobles and peasants Guilds An association of merchants or artisans who cooperated to uphold standards of their trade and to protect their economic interests Apprentice A young person learning a trade form a master Journeymen a salaried worker employed by a guild master

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