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2 Effective Resource Management
Ishwari P.Ghimire NASC

3 What is Resource? A useful or valuable possession or quality of organization or person Cambridge International Dictionary The total means available for economic and political development, such as minerals, wealth, labour, force, and armaments. The total means available to a company for increasing production or profit, including plant, labour, and raw material; assets.

4 Definition of Resource
A valuable or useful means that helps to achieve or accomplish desired ends of an individual or organisation, it might be in any form like physical or natural, abstract or concrete, and possess as an assets.

5 Cont.. A socio-economic activity of local governance in which the local-self government identifies the required means, collects them from various sources, allocates properly for maximum use and mobilize until optimum utility to achieve the desired ends of a society or community.

6 Types of Resources Human (Skilled /Semi-skilled Individuals)
Financial (Money/Budget/Capital) Material (Inventory /Physical ) Method (Procedures / Technology) Machine (Equipment / Mechanism) Market (Bazaar) Information (Fact & Figures/Records) Time Natural

7 Some Axioms about Resources
Resources are always Limited Resources are Capital/Assets Resources are Vital Components for managerial / development activity Resources are Capital Generating and Transformable objects All Resources are not applicable in all circumstances

8 Concept of Resource Mobilization(RM)
A social movement Resource mobilization is a major sociological theory in the study of social movements which emerged in the 1970s. It emphasis the ability of movement's members to 1) acquire resources and to 2) mobilize people towards accomplishing the movement's goals.

9 Concept of… An economic devolution
Resource mobilization refers for decentralization of economic authority generated from local material or natural resources through local governance autonomy. Resource mobilization stresses on fund raising activities and its proper utilization in public sector.

10 Concept of… Strengthening local bodies and promote their economic capability Development through Local-self Government Resource mobilization refers to the collection and utilization of resources in an organized way to produce results according to the given system of governance.

11 Objectives and Importance
Efficient and effective deployment of resources Detect waste and errors and minimize them Maintain and guarantee the quality of resources Optimize the cost and profit Fund raising for community development

12 Objectives… Continuation of the required resources
Provide effective public services Improve quality and productivity Minimize conflicts and unhealthy competitions

13 Basis of Effective RM Effectiveness of out-put / outcome
Efficiency in input / handling Economic deployment of available capital Transparent accounting of earnings and disbursement Who gets what how much from whom

14 Case How do you manage the physical facilities of National Trading Ltd. ?

15 Typical view of resource mobilization
Identify problems Develop strategies Find funding

16 Resource Mobilisation Action Plan
STEP 1: Organisational Situational Analysis STEP 2: Resource Mobilisation Environment Research and Donor Mapping STEP 3 :Constructing your Statement of Funding Needs STEP 4: Prospecting and Communicating with Potential Donors/Contributors STEP 5: Monitoring and Evaluating your Resource Mobilisation Efforts

17 Process of Effective RM
Identification Exploration Acquisition Taxation / Revenue Collection Grant / Donations Mining Appraisal / Evaluation Sustainability Feasibility

18 Process of RM ... Allocation Utilization Controlling
Who gets what and how much from whom According to need and capacity of consumption Utilization Proper resources in proper locality / area Proper deployment / delegation Optimal use of resources in public sectors Controlling Supervision Auditing Monitoring

19 Process of RM ... Maintenance Disposition Quality Controlling
Developing Leveling Retaining Disposition Store Recycle Selling / Auction Separation

20 RM for Public Services Conducting Fund Raising Activities
Forming social / self-help groups Organize cooperatives Community farming Providing skill-oriented / vocational trainings Different socio-cultural activities Encourage working through a 'trust' forming Forming consumer's group/committees Promoting allotment concept for public activities Prevention in misuse of public properties

21 HRM Human: refers to the skilled workforce in the organisation.
Resource: refers to limited availability or scarceness. Management: refers  how to optimize  and make best use of such limited and a scarce resource so as to meet the ordination goals and objectives.

22 Human Resource management includes:
conducting job analyses,  planning personnel needs, and recruitment,  selecting the right people for the job,  orienting and training,  determining and managing wages and salaries,  providing benefits and incentives,  appraising performance, 

23 Cont.. resolving disputes,
communicating with all employees at all levels. Formerly called personnel management.  Maintaining awareness of and compliance with local, state and federal labor laws. These are also called as functions of human resource management for the purpose of effect you utilisation of human resource.

24 Policy Making Bodies / Line-agencies for RM
National Development Council National Planning Commission Ministry of Finance Ministry of Local Development District Coordination Committee

25 Effective RM for an organisation
Strengthening and establishment of system and procedures Resource auditing Using 'bottom up' approach Equity in sharing of resources Implementing "Public Private Partnership" model Devolution and or delegation of authority at local level Regular monitoring and evaluation



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