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Governments in the Digital Age – Progress, Priorities and Policies

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1 Governments in the Digital Age – Progress, Priorities and Policies
May 16, 2017 World Association for Sustainable development Digital Revolution, Smart Cities and Performance Improvements towards a sustainble knowledge-based inclusive development.

2 Structure of the Presentation
Background – Trends in ICTs WB strategy in ICT Governing in the digital age Investing in sustainability Potential areas for collaboration

3 Trends in ICTs(1) ICTs can deliver wider sectoral impacts. Smart
Transport Agri-tech E-commerce Land management Natural pesticides natural fertilizers mapping Business to business Business to consumer Government to consumer Intelligent transport systems Supply chain and logistics Smart Cities, Big data analytics Telemedicine, healthcare IT, cost efficient innovative devices for human health Med-tech Edu-tech Energy Telemedicine Healthcare IT Innovative devices for human health Online education, MOOC Remote learning Innovative learning models Smart grid Renewables and Generation Energy Storage and efficiency

4 Trends in ICTs (2) The internet remains unavailable, inaccessible, and unaffordable to a majority of the world’s population. From a global population of 7.4 billion Only 3.2 billion people have internet access Only 1.1 billion people have Broadband access Source: WDR 2016

5 Trends in ICTs (3) A significant digital divide also remains within countries—in access and capability. Source: WDR 2016

6 World Bank Group - range of development finance solutions
TWIN GOALS OF THE WBG (ending extreme poverty / promoting shared prosperity) Financing Instruments Knowledge Services Wide range of solutions to address development challenges (IBRD/IDA financing) Trust Funds and Grants Private Sector Loans& Equity Guarantees and Risk Management Reimbursable Advisory Services (technical assistance) Economic and Sector Work Private Sector Advisory

7 World Bank Group Support for Digital Development
More than 110 countries helped with investment and technical assistance in the ICT Sector. More than 1,300 World Bank projects have ICT components (74% of the Bank’s portfolio). Stand-alone ICT operations include: Digital connectivity (telecom reforms, broadband) Digital platforms and solutions (e-government services, cloud) Since 2003, ICT sector reforms helped attract $30 billion in private investment. IFC: Over $2.3 billion in telecommunications infrastructure. MIGA: Over $550 million in political risks guarantees to support private investments.

8 Three Pillars of WBG ICT strategy Transform, Innovate, Connect
1. Transform – Using ICT to transform service delivery across sectors Transformation of service delivery across all sectors of the economy, using mobile phone and broadband networks. Promotion of e-government, open data, and interoperability initiatives through the financing of ICT applications for public administration, collection of citizen feedbacks, improved service delivery, etc. 1. Transform 3. Innovate 2. Connect 2. Connect – Accelerating access to high speed internet Supporting institutional & regulation reforms and improving legislative environment for Telecoms to further promote competition through greater infrastructure sharing and open access models. Financing broadband infrastructure development (international connectivity, backbone, backhaul, access network) through PPPs to increase coverage and affordability of services. 3. Innovate – Supporting ICT innovation for jobs and competitiveness Supporting (hackaton, etc.) the development of ICT innovations to foster industry development and innovation for greater competitiveness and accelerate the shift to service-oriented knowledge economy. Increasing skills development and jobs creation through technology parks, micro- work, eLearning content & Delivery programs.

9 Latest “Call for Action” for ICTs WDR 2016 “Digital Dividends”
In Jan 2016, WBG published World Development Report (WDR) 2016 on Digital Dividends, as an analytical foundation for its growing digital development work. The report reviews the opportunities that digital technologies offer to developing countries, in terms of inclusion, efficiency, and innovation. It also discusses the risks that exist if the benefits of digital innovation accrue to those already better off and the necessary complements (such as the country’s skills capacity, business environment, and governance) to ensure that digital development can work as a positive force for sustainable, inclusive development.

10 Latest “Call for Action” for ICTs WDR 2016 “Digital Dividends” (4)
Analog foundations for a digital economy. Source: WDR 2016

11 “Digital Dividends” Global Findings
“Citizens use e-government mostly for getting information, not transacting” “Use remains surprisingly low” “Many investments in e-government fail to have any impact” “To have impact, e-government systems need to be accompanied by administrative reforms and legislative changes – e.g use of digital ID” “high failure rate of e-government projects” “unsustainable”

12 Government in the Digital Age
“Digital government is government designed and operated to take advantage of digital data in optimizing, transforming and creating government services” - Gartner Data-driven Digital by Default Digital from end to end Automation Individualised Wherever, whenever Think Amazon for G2B, and Facebook for G2C

13 Framework for Digital Government
Holistic approach is needed to effectively deliver public services. Stakeholders Government Citizens Businesses Donors/NGO/CSO Health & Welfare Social Svc Education & Learning Citizen/BusinesTransactions Revenue& Trade Tourism Finances Banking Agrobusiness Utilities Transport Services Addressing information and Service needs for the verticals Shared Services–Registries (eID), Maps (GIS), Payment, Standards, Inter-Operability 13 B4A- Infrastructure (EN), Cloud, Data Centers Mobile Platforms, Security, Laws, Regulations, Governance

14 Digital Government Dimensions
Leadership User Focus Processes Data Analytics Common Data Infrastructure Capabilities Security

15 Digital Government Project Examples
Moldova, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Sri-Lanka, Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana, Colombia, Tunisia Enabling Environment Provision of legal and regulatory technical assistance for security of e-transactions, privacy and data protection, security, PPP Capacity building in policy and regulation in the above areas Whole of Government portal with user login, and payment gateway Modernize governments’ communications network Improve Services at agency/ministry level: Simplification, modernization and digitization Promote Open Data Capacity Building Communications Project Management

16 Mexico Information Technology Development Project
Quick Summary Project Amount US$ 80 million (IBRD Loan) Approval July 2008 Status Closed in December 2015 Project ID P106589 Project Objectives Foster the creation of jobs in Mexican IT Companies by improving their competitiveness and efficiency through access to A larger supply of trained & accredited personnel Technologies, quality standards, and global marketing networks of multinational corporations Development of Human Skills Strengthening of IT Clusters and Selected State Agencies

17 Armenia E-Society and Innovation for Competitiveness Project
Quick Summary Project Amount US$ 30 million (IBRD loan: US$ 24 million, Borrower: US$ 6 million) Approval November 2010 Status Closed in June 2016 Project ID P115647 Project Objectives Strengthening the underlying infrastructure and enabling environment for digital government e-Society Infrastructure Development (microloans for PCs) Fostering Enterprise Innovation Promotion of the creation, growth, and competitiveness of knowledge and technology-driven enterprises, support to tech incubators, SEZ for ICTs Encouragement of traditional sectors to adopt new technologies

18 Gabon eGabon (Health & ICT, $55 Millions)
Project Components Strengthening the National Health Information System (NHIS) Preparation of appropriate standards for NHIS Undertaking of detailed feasibility and design studies for NHIS Development and implementation of a change management strategy and process reengineering Extensive knowledge management program in eHealth sector, including international study tours Setting-up a national health information center responsible for data warehouse operation, management of norms and standards, system maintenance and operation of a helpdesk Implementation of an integrated NHIS based on the feasibility studies, with all necessary data transferable between various system modules Capacity building Development of national health plan and results-based financing pilot in the health sector Advancing the Digital Innovation Ecosystem Development Acceleration of the development of a local digital innovation ecosystem Organization of a business plan competition Fostering of the software developers’ community Capacity building among government officials Project management

19 5.2 Billion Mobile Subscribers
Digital Government Platforms Mobile Technologies: Largest Ever Delivery Mechanism Rapid spread of mobile technologies resulted in the largest ever delivery mechanism that generates multi-sector impacts. Chile: Taxes online (from 25 days to 6 hours) Water resource management, IoT, Early Warning system DRM Governance Social Development & Governance Climate Change Botswana: Quality reporting and m-payment of energy bills A few hours Philippines: customs online (from 8 days to 2 hours) 5.2 Billion Mobile Subscribers in the world Energy Trade Rwanda: eSoko AGR mobile based market place – 12% increase in HH income India: interstate check posts for trucks (from 6 hours to 2 min) Transportation Health Still 2 Billion people without a mobile phone. Finance Agriculture Kenya: m-payments (15 million users) India: Land Title Certificate (from 30 days to 5-30 min)

20 Priorities – Differ for each Government
Policy Dialogue: Digital government assessment based on national strategy’s priorities Mobile Apps Ecosystem – Skills & access to finance; Alliance with Universities, diaspora networks Registries – People, businesses, assets, land. Life cycle management – from birth to death (G2C) Smart Cities applications – Invest smartly in broadband infrastructure and on-line services. eLearning, MOOCs, eHealth, Innovation in social service delivery (cash transfers, subsidies).

21 Access Basic skills Content Design Engagement
The A,B,C,D,E of Inclusion & Sustainability - Infrastructure, costs, competition/regulation Access Basic skills Content Design Engagement Basic education, vocational training, entrepreneurship - Local value, languages Will to reform, Change Mgmt, Communications Commitment to design, test and adopt by gov & society Investments for both CAPEX, OPEX (PPPs if feasible).

22 Thank you for your attention

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