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Seniors: Class of 2018 Finishing Strong.

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1 Seniors: Class of 2018 Finishing Strong

2 Meet the Guidance Department
Class of 2018: Mrs. Smith Class of 2017: Mrs. Salazar Class of 2020: Mr. Mancuso Class of 2019: Mr. Sabato PRIDE’S PEAK: Mrs. Cassutt At-Risk/Group Counselor: Ms. Saffer Here on Tuesdays and Thursdays only

3 Contacting your counselor
Make an appointment via the Guidance Assistant, Mrs. Daulton Drop-in before school, during lunch, or after school without an appointment, otherwise you will need to schedule an appointment to have a pass to leave class

4 Credit Check You are responsible for completing all 23 of your credits PRIOR to your scheduled graduation date If you are behind on credits and do not have a plan, you need to meet with Mrs. Salazar IMMEDIATELY You cannot walk at graduation without COMPLETING ALL of your credits

5 Graduation requirements
Review your credit check in studentvue to determine if you are on track to graduate in May 2017 If you have COMPLETED less than 17 credits, you are not on track to graduate in May 2017 Options for credit recovery: Evening School Saturday School Each option is $175 per half credit 4 English credits 4 Math credits 3 Science credits 3 Social Studies credits World History/Geo; US/AZ History; US/AZ Gov’t; Econ/Entrepreneurship 1 PE credit .5 Health credit 2 Fine Arts/CTE credits 5.5 Elective credits 23 Credits = GRADUATION

6 LIFE AFTER Mountain Pointe
University or 4 Year Degree Selective/Highly Selective/Out of State University In-state University Community College or 2 Year Program 2 years then transfer to 4 year university Associates Degree or Certificate then go to work Technical/Vocational School Military Workforce or Apprenticeship

7 Applying to college Apply online; visit college/university website for requirements and to apply Research colleges/universities you are applying to; do they accept the Common Application? Visit representatives from Arizona Universities and other schools during AcLab Check Canvas and listen to announcements to find out when representatives will be on campus Sign up to attend through Mrs. Daulton Attend the NACAC Out of State Greater Phoenix College Fair on Sunday, Oct. 22nd.

8 University requirements
In-State University Requirements(16 core requirements) 4 years of English 4 years of Math (through Pre-Calculus) 3 years of Science 2 years of Social Studies 2 years of Foreign Language 1 year of a true Fine Art ASU/UA Top 25% in high school graduating class 3.00 Core GPA in competency courses (4.00 = "A") ACT 22 UA 21 English, 24 Math SAT Reasoning UA Critical Reading 530, Math 540 NAU High school graduate with an unweighted GPA of 3.0 or above High school graduate with qualifying college entrance exam score: ACT: 21 English, 24 Math SAT: Critical Reading 580, Math 570 GCU 3.0 unweighted GPA or 1000 on SAT Math/Reading score combined or 19 ACT Composite score. ***You only need to meet ONE of the above criteria

9 Tri-U college night ASU, UofA and NAU will be on campus to meet and talk with students and parents about the application process. There will be breakout sessions with each college, as well as, workshops on financial aid, scholarships and the honors college application process. WHEN? September 27th TIME? 6:30pm WHERE? The auditorium

10 Community college requirements
High School diploma AcuPlacer tests Sign up at htttp:// You DO NOT need to take the ACT or SAT

11 College application process
Decide which route you are eligible for based off of your course history, GPA, and test scores Check admissions requirements to the colleges/universities in which you are interested Check the deadlines for application; make a calendar of deadlines Complete the online applications Take any required tests and have the scores sent directly to the schools; request the scores are sent if you already took the tests Send an official MTP transcript via Mrs. Davidson. her at Send any required essays and/or letters of recommendation Allow teachers at least 2 weeks to write a letter of recommendation for you AT LEAST one of your letters should be from a core teacher who knows you well Write a thank you note, write a thank you note, write a thank you note Complete a Counselor Recommendation Packet in Guidance if you need a letter from your counselor

12 SAT & ACT If you have not already taken the SAT or ACT, you need to do so right away We recommend you take both; you may do better on one test over the other YOU complete the test registration online; your counselor does not register you Links to registration are available in the following places: MTP Guidance website Selective/Highly Selective Universities Check the school’s admissions requirements: You may need to take the ACT with writing or the SAT subject tests Sending your scores YOU are responsible for sending your scores; your counselor cannot send your scores and they are not on your transcript Save time and money by having them sent when you take the test

13 Sending your transcripts
Mrs. Davidson at directly to have your transcripts sent. Only students can request transcripts. Ranking and GPA are only updated at the end of each semester See Mrs. Davidson in Guidance with any questions

14 Paying for college Oct. 1, 2017 – Submit your FAFSA Must create a FASFA ID first! Grants: Money provided by the University or Government based off of need You do not need to pay grants back Scholarships: Money awarded by the University or private organizations based off of merit or need You do not need to pay scholarships back Loans: Money LOANED by the government to help pay for your education You DO need to pay loans back, usually with interest Use your resources to find scholarships and invest the time to apply: 30 hours of work could equal $5,000-$10,000! Tempe Union High School District website click Students, then College Preparation, then Scholarships Receive text updates ! TO: University websites Mountain Pointe website

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