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National Board Process

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1 National Board Process
Overview of the Revised National Board Process

2 Eligibility Prerequisites:
The Candidate Must: Possess a baccalaureate degree from and accredited institution. Have completed three years of successful teaching at one or more early childhood, elementary, middle or secondary school(s). Hold a valid state teaching license for each of these years.

3 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Process: Not just something you do, but something you are…. Watch NyV9ptJE#t=226

4 World Class Teaching Program
Is a support group for teachers pursuing National Board Certification Provides a study of the standards for professional teaching Provides a candidate support person during the process An additional Assessment Center Workshop is also available

5 The Process has been revised…..

6 Why revise the process? Incorporate the latest research. Just as we ask teachers to be reflective in their practice, we are reflecting on the certification process to ensure it mirrors the evolving nature of the profession and current research on best practices in teaching. The process was last revised in 2001. Remove barriers. We are working with National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) and other experts in the profession to remove barriers in the process that have nothing to do with whether a teacher is accomplished.

7 History of Revisions to National Board Certification process
1994 6 Portfolio Entries 4 Assessment Center Exercises 2001 4 Portfolio Entries 6 Assessment Center Exercises 2014 4 Components Three Portfolio One Assessment Center (four parts)

8 What’s changing in the process?
Flexibility - While teachers can complete the entire certification process in one year once it is fully implemented, some may choose to do so over several years if that fits better with other demands on a teacher’s time. Efficiency - While maintaining the same level of rigor, the process will be grouped into four components. Affordability - The total cost of certification will decrease to $1,900, each of the four components cost $475. Candidates will have the option to pay for and submit components separately.

9 What’s not changing? Though the process is changing, our principles remain the same. We will continue to emphasize: National Board Standards Five Core Propositions Architecture of Accomplished Teaching A performance-based, peer-review model Content knowledge and commitment to student learning

10 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (STANDARDS)
Standards for each content area and developmental level are created by teachers, for teachers. They represent a consensus among educators about what accomplished, effective teachers should know and be able to do to improve student learning and achievement. Board certification is available in 25 certificate areas, from Pre-K through 12th grade. Throughout its more than 25-year history, the National Board has sought to review and revise its standards to reflect best practices in teaching.


12 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 C1: Content Knowledge**
How will the revised assessment roll-out? C1: Content Knowledge** C2: Differentiation in Instruction C3: Teaching Practice and Learning Environment C4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner

13 This is the first year you can complete the process in ONE YEAR!!!
Once all components are available (THIS YEAR), completing National Board Certification may take anywhere from one year to five years, depending on the approach you take, under the following guidelines: This is the first year you can complete the process in ONE YEAR!!! You may take one or more components per year. You must attempt each of the four components within a three year period. (After each initial attempt of a component, you will have two opportunities to retake.)

14 Important Dates and Deadlines
Type of Fee Details Amount Deadline Registration Window April 1, January 31, 2017 Registration (includes payment of $75 fee) January 31, 2017 Component Selection (includes payment of component fee) Withdrawal Deadline Change of Component Selection Change in Certificate and/or Specialty Area ePortfolio Submission Window April 1- May 18, 2017 Component One: Content Knowledge Testing (Assessment Center) April-June 2017 Score Released By December 31, 2017

15 Costs $75/year registration fee (nonrefundable)
Total cost of process $1900 ($475/component). This is $600 less than before. Mississippi teachers are reimbursed after completion of the process. Pay only for components being taken WCTP Mentor fee ($100/component)

16 National Board Certificates
Review Certificates available and visit

17 The PROCESS of National Board Certification

18 The National Board for Professional Teaching Process
The National Board Certification Components fall in to two basic categories: I. A school-site portfolio II. Exercises at assessment center

19 Component One: Assessment Center
Focuses on subject knowledge Age and content-appropriate teaching strategies for each specific certificate There are two part: Part I: Three constructed response exercises, 30 minutes per exercise Part II: Approximately 45 selected response items, you will be given 60 minutes to complete. The assessment will be given at a Pearson Testing Center.

20 Focus on what you do NOT know! Study throughout the year
Create a notebook or folders :// Study, Study, Study

21 Components Two, Three and Four: School Site Portfolio
One component will include student work, teaching artifacts and a detailed analysis of each. One component will require videotaping of actual classroom interaction. You will be required to describe, analyze, and reflect on your teaching and interactions with students. One component will require evidence of your impact across your professional responsibilities as an educator including your students, parents, peers, and community. Each submission (entry) requires a minimum of hours.

22 Component Two- Differentiated Instruction
This classroom-based portfolio entry is primarily composed of samples of student work and an accompanying written commentary. You will submit selected work samples that demonstrate the students’ growth over time and a written commentary that analyzes your instructional choices based on those work samples.

23 Component Three This portfolio entry captures details about your instructional planning, direct evidence of your practice from two video recordings and instructional materials, and your analysis of and reflection on your teaching as displayed in two video recordings. You will be evaluated on the demonstrated evidence of your practice and analysis as it relates to instruction, student engagement, and the learning environment. This portfolio entry and the rubric used to assess your submission are aligned with the Five Core Propositions and the certificate area Standards.

24 Component 4 This component was piloted this year and will be released Fall 2016.

25 Where to find more information about National Board Certification
Go to Click on “Candidates” tab at the top Click on “First Time Candidates” Click on “Certificates, Standards and Instructions” (first box) Scroll to the certificate you are interested in and click on the components and the standards. If you are unsure about the certificate you want to work on, go back and scroll down on the page and click on “Choosing the Right Certificate Area”

26 How to apply for National Board Certification
Go to Click on Get Started tab at the top of the page Scroll down and click on Apply Now (green box) In the first line, click on “click here” Scroll to the bottom and click on Create a New Account Fill out the information on “Create a New Account” page

27 Contact Information: Dr. Tina Scholtes, Director World Class Teaching Program P.O. Box 5365 Mississippi State, MS Phone: FAX:

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