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Standing up for the Evidence

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1 Standing up for the Evidence
‘Friends of Science in Medicine’ Standing up for the Evidence My work from my first report in 2005 – thousands of hours, hundreds of reports posted – a ton of work an ounce of difference Loretta Marron BSc Chief Executive Officer May 3, 2013

2 Pseudoscience in Australia
Pseudoscience is flourishing in this most scientific of all ages! Three billion dollars per annum industry Popular and heavily promoted by the large “Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)” industry 11,000 complementary medicines on the ARTG – only 200 tested ‘low risk’ medical devices – only need to be ‘safe’ Unregistered practitioners are diagnosing & treating patients Not a level playing field Friends of Science in Medicine –

3 Types of Pseudoscience
Those belief systems that are an affront to established scientific principles and as such could never be supported by credible evidence. Those interventions that deserve further study but whose benefits are grossly exaggerated Defying the laws of physics and physiology Friends of Science in Medicine –

4 Types of Pseudoscience
Examples; - Homeopathy, Iridology, Reflexology, Energy Medicine, Healing Touch, Kinesiology, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Crystal healing, Auriculotherapy, etc. Much of naturopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine Also Hypnotherapy, massage, meditation etc, do not change the course of any disease Chi, vital force, innate energy, prana, channels – where they come out of the body used for diagnosis – cells deficient in energy Friends of Science in Medicine –

5 CAM and consumer protection – Does it matter?
Not all CAM practitioners are useless or dangerous (weight loss & massage) Not all CAM practitioners are cynical exploiters With many, the biggest risk for patients is delay in diagnosis of disease and the introduction of effective treatment The treatment given could be dangerous (TCM toxic herbs) Confiscated Chinese remedies laced with prescription drugs, endangered animals and toxic herbs – also Black Cohosh and liver transplants Friends of Science in Medicine –

6 CAM and consumer protection – Does it matter?
Funding legitimate health care is a problem Individual choice can compromise community health e.g Failure to immunise Very expensive in both direct (e.g. vitamins and supplements) and indirect (late diagnosis or delayed treatment) terms Toowoomba cancer centre may be closed (St Andrews) Friends of Science in Medicine –

7 Friends of Science in Medicine
An Incorporated association created in December to “foster good science in medicine”. Co-Founders – Emeritus Prof John Dwyer AO, Prof Alastair MacLennan AO, Prof Rob Morrison OAM, Prof Marcello Costa & Loretta Marron New Exec – Joanne Benhamu RN & Dr Sue Ieraci FACEM Who we are Friends of Science in Medicine –

8 Friends of Science in Medicine
FSM is committed to: encouraging tertiary educational institutions to remove health-related courses not based on science engaging regulatory authorities (and other responsible health care bodies) to reduce the real and potential harm from CAMs not based on science Friends of Science in Medicine –

9 Friends of Science in Medicine
Strong support for university based research into any promising Complementary approaches Strong support for all health care students being taught about CAM claims. Friends of Science in Medicine –

10 Friends of Science in Medicine
FSM - Name & Logo Structure – how would it work? Timing – launched (20 December 2011) Recruitment Defining principles and commitments Incorporation – articles of association Website & first newsletter (5 March 2012) s between Exec members in 1st 3 months Why we set up & How we set up Friends of Science in Medicine –

11 Friends of Science in Medicine
FSM reached out to the scientific and clinical community looking for support Within 10 weeks FSM had 500 supporters (now nearly 1000). Most are prominent scientists and clinicians 19 organisations have now aligned themselves with FSM Friends of Science in Medicine –

12 Friends of Science in Medicine
More than 60 overseas supporters Issues are prominent in many countries FSM has had much publicity here and abroad Predictable opposition from the CAM industries NY Times, UK Guardian, China… Friends of Science in Medicine –

13 Friends of Science in Medicine - Concerns
Universities Health Funds Also - Chiropractic, Pathology, Pharmacy, Veterinary Science, Nursing/Midwifery, Osteopathy, GP’s & Integrative Medicine, Therapeutic Goods Administration …. Friends of Science in Medicine –

14 Friends of Science in Medicine
We are not policemen. We will continue to work with the media. We have our own column (the Bitter Pill) in Australasian Science. We have met with the Parliamentary Health Secretary. We are now considered a ‘Powerful lobby group’. We are here for the long run. Friends of Science in Medicine –

15 Friends of Science in Medicine –
Supporting FSM Please join us, all are welcome. me at – Our Website – Friends of Science in Medicine –

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