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Water quality data - providing information for management

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1 Water quality data - providing information for management
Philipp Saile UNEP GEMS/Water Data Centre International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change

2 Data Management in Monitoring Programme Design
Set objective Preliminary surveys Monitoring design Field operations Quality control and assurance Programme redesign Laboratory operations Data storage Data analysis and presentation Interpretation and assessment Management action

3 Water quality monitoring data management
Plan Collect Process Analyze Preserve Publish/ Report Describe Manage Quality: Quality Control and Assurance Backup & Secure

4 Data Management Planning
Data collection Responsibilities Information about data and metadata Schedule and Budget Quality management Usage, users and outputs Storage & preservation Data management plan What data are you collecting? Do the data already exist? How will data be collected? Electronic vs analog In-house vs contractors Who is responsible for managing the data and the data management plan? Clearly define responsibilities for data management, collection, metadata Information about data and metadata What format will be used to collect data? Existing standards? Different formats for data archiving, publishing and reporting? What metadata will be compiled, which format and standard? Version control Schedule and budget: Program start, end, lifetime Available funding Data quality control and assurance How will data be checked? IN-house vs external Is all data checked or random samples? What are the uses for the data, who are the users and what outputs are required to meet different stakeholder objectives Data access regulations Will data be published? => Effects on data storage, access and protection Storage and preservation Is data stored in different places and media? Who is handling backups, archiving Are backups checked and by whom? How long are backups being kept? Plan for data archiving?

5 Quality management: Quality Control and Assurance
Plan Collect Process Analyze Preserve Publish/ Report Describe Manage Quality: Quality Control and Assurance Backup & Secure

6 Data Quality Control and Assurance
Sampling & Analytical QA/QC Data QA/QC QA/QC before collection QA/QC during data entry QA/QC after data entry Data quality assurance is an important requirement for subsequent data analysis and use and depends on proper sampling & analytical quality assurance. It comprises all activities that prevent errors from entering or staying in a data set. These activities ensure the quality of the data before it is collected, entered, or analyzed, and monitoring and maintaining the quality of data throughout the program. We will look at different activities before data collection, during and after data entry.

7 QA/QC Before Collection
Define & enforce standards Formats Codes & Controlled Vocabularies Units of Measure Analytical methods Metadata Design data storage “fit for purpose” Minimize number of times items that must be entered repeatedly Use consistent terminology Atomize data: one cell per piece of information Assign responsibility for data quality Be sure assigned person is educated in QA/QC The remainder of the module will cover best practices for quality control and quality assurance for the different stages of a research project. First, before data collection, a researcher should think about defining and enforcing standards that will be used during the project. Consider formats that will be used for the data tables or data entry forms. Also, if abbreviations or codes are used, they should be defined up front. Measurement units should also be specified and relevant metadata should be identified before collection. Second, you should assign responsibility for data quality before collection begins. Ideally, the person responsible for data quality assurance and data quality control is the person collecting the data, and is educated in quality control and assurance methods.

8 QA/QC During Data Entry
Double entry Data keyed in by two independent people Check for agreement with computer verification Document changes to data Avoids duplicate error checking Allows undo if necessary => Version control Consider using techniques that help eliminate mistakes during data entry. Examples are using Double data entry, where non-digital data are keyed in by two people independently. Differences in entries can then be detected via computer programs and examined further for mistakes. Another way to reduce data entry error is to record yourself reading off the data, and then transcribe it from the recording. You may also use a text-to-speech program reads the data to you while you type it into the computer. CC image by weskriesel on Flickr

9 Basic data checks QA/QC After Data Entry Transcription error checks
Wrong decimal position Double entries Omission error checks Validity & feasibility checks Outliers Major ion balance error Statistical feasibility Analytical feasibility Transcription errors such as incorrect positioning of the decimal point or transcription of data relating to the wrong sample, double reporting Ommission errors e.g nitrate is often ommitted Validity and feasibility checks Outlier checks: Identify potential data contamination Graphical checks: Normal probability plots, regression, scatter plots Maps Statistical tests Statistical feasibility: Totals must be greater than component parts Analytical feasibility: Result need to be in analytical range of method applied Major ion balance

10 Data Storage and Preservation
Plan Collect Process Analyze Preserve Publish/ Report Describe Manage Quality: Quality Control and Assurance Backup & Secure

11 Data collection and storage
Information System Database Spreadsheet Textfile Data analysis Reporting/sharing Data storage Data processing Data entry* Data exchange Data archiving Features Complexity

12 Backups Archiving Data rescue Data Preservation
Periodic snapshots of data in case current version is destroyed or lost Stored for near to near-long-term Backup control checks! Archiving Used to preserve data for historical reference or potentially during disasters Final version of data stored for long-term Frequency: major milestones and Data rescue Convert historical data in usable formats

13 Data Analysis – Overview
Analysis of data distribution Testing assumptions about data sets Specifying magnitudes and variability Estimating reliability of statistics Comparison of data sets Associations between data sets Identifying trends and seasonality Testing theories relating to the water quality data Analysis of data distribution

14 Data Analysis – Analysis of data distribution
Histogram Cumulative frequency distribution Test for normal distribution Chi-Square G-Test Kolmogorov-Smirnov (n > 50) Shapiro-Wilk (n < 50)

15 Data Analysis – Specifying magnitudes and variability
Descriptive Statistics Mean Standard deviation Coefficient of variation Percentiles Boxplots Parameter variability Temporal variability Spatial variability

16 Data analysis - Comparison of data sets
Scatter Plots Statistical tests to detect significant differences Student‘s t-test Mann-Witney U-test Kruskal-Wallis test Student t-test can be used in water quality management to test for compliance with water quality objectives (or standards or guidelines) or for assessing the effectiveness of water pollution control measures. E.g compares different time periods of same parameter,

17 Statistical software packages
Data Analysis Tools Spreadsheet software Excel, OpenOffice Statistical software packages SPSS, Matlab, SAS R, Octave, (Python)

18 Data backup and archival at defined intervals including checks
Summary Data management planning is essential to ensure data integrity, to maximize use of data and to meet information requirements of monitoring program Plan and ensure quality control and assurance measures through entire data life cycle Data backup and archival at defined intervals including checks Selection of analyis methods depending on underlying data and scope

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