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Columbia River estuary – overview of physical features and habitats

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1 Columbia River estuary – overview of physical features and habitats
Colin Levings ISAB Thanks owing to Jen Burke UW and Chris Hathaway LCREP for graphics

2 What is an estuary? -a semi-enclosed body of water where freshwater and saltwater mix (common usage) -the entire portion of a river that is influenced by ocean tides (Williams et al 2006 for the Columbia River estuary)

3 Why should we concerned about physical features of the
estuary ? -interacting with biological factors (competition, predation) physical factors influence the distribution, abundance, and survival of fish. John Ferguson and Don Lyons will discuss. Examples -temperature influences growth and food requirements -salinity influences the smolting process when salmon migrate from fresh to salt water -currents and water depth can affect distribution

4 Regional setting for the Columbia
River estuary -water from the largest watershed on the northeast Pacific coast drains through this drowned river valley (map from Emmett et al 2000)

5 Salinity and tidal influence

6 Temperature at Warrendale
(from Fuhrer et al 1996) Flow at The Dalles and (from Naik and Jay 2005)

7 Why should we be concerned about wetland habitat
in the estuary? Dan Bottom will discuss. -detritus (complex of decaying vegetation and microbes) is recognized as a main source of energy for invertebrates (fish food) supporting estuarine food webs -vegetation area can be measured and used as a surrogate for fish habitat because vegetation is also influenced by physical factors

8 Historical wetlands

9 Contemporary wetlands

10 Cover and bathymetry by mapping

11 Satellite imagery

12 Video inventory of shoreline to help plan restoration Wetland Loss – Grays River

13 LCREP will describe restoration activities

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