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Read-Around Review mega-, megal-, megalo-

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Presentation on theme: "Read-Around Review mega-, megal-, megalo-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Read-Around Review mega-, megal-, megalo-
large, great

2 What is the word that names a large type of dinosaur that was a meat eater-eater during the Jurassic Period?

3 megalosaur a large dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic Period as a carnivore

4 What is the word that names a very large city or an area that includes many cities?

5 megalopolis a very large city; a very large region made up of many cities and towns

6 What is the word that names a deep love of fancy, extravagant or large things?

7 megalomania a love of great things; an obsession with extravagant things

8 What is the word that names a very famous person such as a singer or an actress?

9 megastar a very famous person; a great star

10 What is the word that names something a person might take that gives a larger amount of vitamins than needed for a healthy body?

11 megavitamin a dose of a vitamin that provides a larger amount of nutrients than what is required to stay healthy

12 What are the prefixes than mean larger or great?

13 the prefixes mega-, megal-, and megalo-

14 What is the word that names a large unit of computer memory?

15 megabyte a large unit of computer memory; one million bytes

16 What is the word that names a very large stone that was used in architecture in Western Europe many years ago?

17 megalith a very large stone used in prehistoric structures in Western Europe

18 What is the word that names a funnel-shaped device used to make your voice sound louder?

19 megaphone a funnel-shaped device used to make the voice larger (louder)

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