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Mrs. Fulton’s 3rd Grade Leaders

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1 Mrs. Fulton’s 3rd Grade Leaders
Pin this to your fridge so you know what’s going on! October 19, 2015 ~~ SPECIAL NEWS AND NOTES ~~ Special News & Notes STUDENT LED CONFERENCES – On Monday your child will bring home a Student Led Conference form. The conferences will be after school Tues., Oct. 27, and Wed., Oct. 28. Our goal is 100% participation. Please return the form with your choices of time as soon as possible, so confirmations can be sent home and to secure your spot. MEDIA NIGHT – Tuesday, October 13, 5: :30 SHOE BOXES – Please save your shoe boxes and send them in for an awesome project the kids will be doing in Science enrichment. POP TAB CONTEST -- Send in your pop tabs to Benefit Ronald McDonald House – Last year we made a valient effort and collected over 400 pounds of tabs … the winning school collected over 1,000! HERITAGE NIGHT CELEBRATION -- If you would like to share things that represent your heritage; music, crafts, artifacts or pictures of your families traditions please contact to sign up for a table or to loan us your items for this wonderful event. We can’t wait to learn about your heritage. The celebration is November 12. Mrs. Fulton’s … Sawgrass Bay School Website STANDARDS 1. slog -walk slowly and heavily, like walking through deep snow or mud. 2. commence- begin or start 3. flabbergasted- very surprised, shocked, or astonished 4. permissible- allowed or permitted 5. tingle - tickle or sting 6. adventuresome - willing to try something new, exciting, and a little scary 7. belongings - the things someone owns 8. faint - not clear or strong 9. cling - hold onto someone or something very tightly 10. roam - wander or move about without any particular purpose or place to go 11. joyful - full of happiness 12. sorrowful - full of sadness VOCABULARY TEST 10/28 READING – Unit 2: Sequencing and Cause & Effect MATH – Topic 4: Relate Multiplication and Division UPCOMING ASSESSMENTS ELA – Tues., 10/20, Unit 2 Cold Read Test Wed., 10/21, Spelling Test Math – Mon., 10/19, Topic 4 Quiz Thurs., 10/22, Topic 4 Test Fri.,, Oct. 23 – No School (Professional Development Day) Mon., Oct. 26 – No School (Teacher Work Day) Fri., Oct. 30 – Report Cards 1st 9 Weeks IMPORTANT DATES HOMEWORK Reading – Due Friday (See homework instruction sheet in Bobcat Binder for details) Monday – Smart 7 Strategies #1-3 Tuesday – Vocabulary Wednesday – Smart 7 Strategies #4-7 Thursday – Short Answer Question Math – Due Next Day Worksheets will come home Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and are due the following day. SPELLING TEST 10/21 1. saved 2. moved 3. riding 4. waking 5. pulled 6. taking 7. hopped 8. baking 9. picked 10. having 11. letting 12. running 13. drawing 14. folded 15. shopped 16. freezing 17. equipped 18. dancing 19. happening 20. quitting

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