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Strategic Plan Goal 100% of AISD students will graduate exceptionally prepared for college, career and citizenship.

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2 Strategic Plan Goal 100% of AISD students will graduate exceptionally prepared for college, career and citizenship.

3 Strategic Plan Performance Objective Categories
Academic Achievement College Readiness Workforce Readiness Leadership, Citizenship and Responsibility

4 Workforce Readiness Strategies
Expand workforce internships across instructional programs, including technology, CTE and fine arts Increase elementary student engagement in career-related activities Revise and expand CTE programs Enhance students’ seamless entry into the workforce through technical dual credit, workforce certifications, etc.

5 Current Ag Science Program
Agricultural science program only offered at Arlington and Martin High School Agricultural science project housing is limited to privately owned facilities

6 Agricultural Science Center
Project included in 2014 Bond Program Centrally located at State Hwy 303 & Michigan Ave. Provides equitable program access to students at all six high schools Allows for expanded course offerings to address strategic plan strategies




10 Ag Science Center Spaces
Two classrooms Metal fabrication lab Animal pens Heifers (20) Goats/Sheep (54) Rabbits (40) Two interior exercise pens Offices 50 parking spaces Fencing

11 Ag Science Center Operations
Secured Site Electronic card access Security cameras Capacity 300 students per day at max classroom capacity Transportation provided to/from high schools Waste management Removed from the site every two days




15 Course Offerings Livestock Production Advanced Animal Science
Wildlife and Ecology Management Veterinary Medical Applications Practicum in Agriculture – Veterinary Assistant Students work with local veterinarians Agriculture Mechanics and Metal Technologies Introduction to Welding

16 Course Offerings Courses taught at the Career and Technical Center will compliment Ag Science courses Welding Horticulture Floral Design Medical Terminology

17 Additional Investments
Water reclamation Solar power Wind turbines



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