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“Delivering as One” through Joint Programming and Joint Programmes

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1 “Delivering as One” through Joint Programming and Joint Programmes
Joint Office : What have we learned?- Presentation title goes here this is dummy text

2 What is Joint Programming?
Joint Programming: process of UN organizations and national partners working together to prepare, implement, monitor and evaluate development activities in order to achieve national priorities related to MDGs or commitments arising from UN conferences, summits and conventions. It includes: UN Contribution to Country Analytic Work/CCA, UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) JSM, Joint monitoring, Annual Review of UNDAF, UNDAF Evaluation 1) Common Country Assessment (CCA), United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) JSM, Joint monitoring, annual review of UNDAF, UNDAF Evaluation 2) Joint programming is manifested in the common country assessment (CCA); the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and associated results matrix; the joint strategy meeting with national partners; and UNDAF annual reviews and evaluations 3) For UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA and WFP there are three additional components and taken together it is called Common Country Programming Process Country Programme Documents (CPDs), Country Programme Action Plans (CPAPs), and Annual Work Plans (AWPs).

3 What is Common Country Programming?
For UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA and WFP there are three additional components and taken together it is called Common Country Programming Process: Country Programme Documents (CPDs), Country Programme Action Plans (CPAPs), and Annual Work Plans (AWPs). The work plan and budget detail roles and responsibilities of partners in coordinating and managing the joint activities. The joint programme document is signed by all participating organizations and (sub-)national partners

4 What is and is not a Joint Programme?
A joint programme is a set of activities contained in a common work plan and related budget, involving two or more UN organizations and (sub-)national partners. What is not a JP? Regular joint events (e.g. UN days) Funding arrangements, whereby programmes funded by one UN organization and implemented by another UN organization Pass-through fund management mechanism used solely to channel resources without JP work plan The work plan and budget detail roles and responsibilities of partners in coordinating and managing the joint activities. The joint programme document is signed by all participating organizations and (sub-)national partners

5 TCPR 2001, 2004, 2007 UN Reform call for increased Joint Programming
Rationale: Joint Programmming & Joint Programmes (JPs) TCPR 2001, 2004, 2007 UN Reform call for increased Joint Programming Reduce transaction costs for governments, donors, UN Respond to donors & countries concern for enhanced UN development contribution Following the ongoing UN reforms of the past 10 years, the emerging UN priority is increased development impact through improved coordination. Indeed, (TCPR) resolutions from 1998, 2001, 2004 call for more effective UN coordination which is country driven, aligned with national priorities while advancing follow up to major international conferences and agreements.[1] Equally important is the national capacity development priority for enhanced coordination and government leadership in aid management. Responding to the Secretary Generals November 2006 “Delivering as One” Report the UN engages in joint programmes to strengthen how UN organizations jointly work with governments. Joint Programmes (JPs) add value as a rational response to addressing national priorities in a coordinated, streamlined and cost effective way maximizing synergies among national partners while drawing on UN agencies comparative advantage expertise. [1] References are made to the need for UN alignement around country driven national priorities and plans in TCPR 53/192,56/210,59/250.

6 How JPs contribute to “Delivering as One”
Responding to the Secretary Generals November 2006 “Delivering as One” Report and in the spirit of the Paris Declaration the UN engages in joint programmes to strengthen how UN organizations jointly work with governments. Joint Programmes (JPs) add value as a rational response to addressing national priorities in a coordinated, streamlined and cost effective way maximizing synergies among national partners while drawing on UN agencies comparative advantage expertise. 1) Common Country Assessment (CCA), United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) JSM, Joint monitoring, annual review of UNDAF, UNDAF Evaluation 2) Joint programming is manifested in the common country assessment (CCA); the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and associated results matrix; the joint strategy meeting with national partners; and UNDAF annual reviews and evaluations 3) For UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA and WFP there are three additional components and taken together it is called Common Country Programming Process Country Programme Documents (CPDs), Country Programme Action Plans (CPAPs), and Annual Work Plans (AWPs).

7 Reported JP ADVANTAGES in 2006 RC Reports
300+ JPS developed since 2000 Improved coordination among agencies Multiplied disciplinary approaches to issues with distinctive UN brand Reduced programme duplication and synergies in supporting same priorities Enhanced development impacts; strengthened team building across UN staff operational cadres 1) Funding Arrangement- such arrangements can be a part of the joint programming process but do not in and of themselves denote a joint programme 2)

8 Lessons Learned from UNDG Review on Joint Programmes
Not fully exploiting potential to mainstream thematic priorities that are not exclusive to any one UN Agency Need RBM systems to measure & report impact Explicit strategy needed to address participation of NRAs JPs not realizing potential of partnerships UNCTs advised not to “over focus” on JPs, but evaluate from country perspective what outcomes can best be achieved by a JP. Review of over 20 JPS “Enhancing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Joint Programmes Lessons Learned” carried out by Lauren Kelly released 17 March 2006.

9 Reported Agency Participation in 2006 JPs
1) Funding Arrangement- such arrangements can be a part of the joint programming process but do not in and of themselves denote a joint programme 2)

10 When is a JP formulated? Analysis/CCA AWPs UNDAF Results Matrix JSM
CPD CPAP 1) Funding Arrangement- such arrangements can be a part of the joint programming process but do not in and of themselves denote a joint programme 2)

11 What conditions potentially facilitate JPs?
Priority programme area to several agencies & govt Complex set of factors needed to achieve a result Institutional Frameworks in place Global commitment support arrangements are in place Availability of complementary capacities amoung UN agencies Existence of strong Theme Groups & coord. mechanisms 1) Funding Arrangement- such arrangements can be a part of the joint programming process but do not in and of themselves denote a joint programme 2)

12 Key steps in formulating a JP Document (JPD)
Formation of JP Steering Committee Development of Joint Programme Document Elaboration of MOU, signed by all participating agencies in case of Pooled Funding Elaboration of LoA signed by Donor (s) and AA in case of pass through funding 1) Funding Arrangement- such arrangements can be a part of the joint programming process but do not in and of themselves denote a joint programme 2)

13 Changes being introduced in JP Document Format
New Format 1. Cover page: Link to UNDAF Outcome & budget 2. Background/context & Situation Analysis 3. Strategies 4. Results Framework 5. Management and Coordination Arrangements 6. Fund Management Arrangement 1) Funding Arrangement- such arrangements can be a part of the joint programming process but do not in and of themselves denote a joint programme 2)

14 Changes being introduced in JP Document Format
New Format contd. 7. Feasibility, Risk Management & sustainability of results 8. Accountabilities, Monitoring & Evaluation & Reporting 9. Ex Ante Assessment 10. Legal Framework 1) Funding Arrangement- such arrangements can be a part of the joint programming process but do not in and of themselves denote a joint programme 2)

15 UN DOCO Resources UNDG “Guidance Note on Joint Programming”
UNDG JP database UNDG JP Learning and Training materials UNDG Roster of JP Resource Persons DOCO JP Focal Point Review of over 20 JPS “Enhancing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Joint Programmes Lessons Learned” CPN network 1) Funding Arrangement- such arrangements can be a part of the joint programming process but do not in and of themselves denote a joint programme 2)

16 End of Session Thank you!
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