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Welcome to NEC Blue Devil Block is designed to provide you with an advisor who can help you throughout the year. Today – get to know your advisor and.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to NEC Blue Devil Block is designed to provide you with an advisor who can help you throughout the year. Today – get to know your advisor and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to NEC Blue Devil Block is designed to provide you with an advisor who can help you throughout the year. Today – get to know your advisor and your BDB group. GA DEPT EDU Plan Goal Develop positive, highly interpersonal skills Demonstrate effective communication skills Recognize the benefits of interacting with others in a way that is honest, fair, helpful and respectful. Demonstrate ways to respect and work cooperatively and collaboratively with others.

2 Objective: Through this activity, participants will learn about each other by playing Bingo. Materials: One Bingo card for each participant and pens/pencil Icebreakers take a few minutes to play “Icebreaker” Bingo and get to know your BDB Classmates and BDB Advisor.

3 Distribute a Bingo card and pen or pencil to each participant
Distribute a Bingo card and pen or pencil to each participant. Ask each participant to fill in the blank space with an interesting fact about him/herself. Collect all the cards, mix them up and redistribute them so that no one has the card with his/her fact on it. Invite participants to move around the room asking others to sign in the box that matches a fact about them. Participants can only sign one fact per card. In boxes marked “share,” participants should share more information related to that fact. For instance, for “has traveled to another country,” the participant should list where he/she has traveled. Or you can display the Bingo card on the board and have students stand and share a fact about themselves to the class using Bingo card topics. (Card is next Power Point slide). Getting to know you

4 Plays an instrument (share) Has a dog Likes soccer Is wearing something green Is the youngest child Has a driver’s license Has traveled to another country (share) Has ridden a train Has a cat Has red hair Born in October Plays a sport (share) Is the oldest child Has a six-letter name Likes winter Is an only child Goes by their middle name Was born in another state(share) Likes to cook Knows which college they want to attend(share) Born in February Knows what profession he/she wants to do (share) Likes to sing Now that you have “broken the ice” continue with the Power Point information

5 We all have hopes, dreams, and ideas about ourselves and our futures.
As you begin your first year in high school…remember HIGH SCHOOL COUNTS. No longer are students placed in the next grade. If you do not earn the required credits, you repeat the class until you do earn the required credit. GOALS

6 “No Excuses, No Limits” Take Responsibility – Be Prepared
All summer the ant toiled may hours a day gathering food for the coming winter. The grasshopper laughed at him. “Why waste the wonderful weather? Winter is a long way off!” he taunted. But the ant didn’t even pause to answer. He just smiled and kept working. One day the grasshopper noticed a chill in the air. “What time is it, Ant?” he asked. “Almost winter,” the ant replied, bustling into his hill for the last time that year. The grasshopper stood alone outside in the chilly air, with no food stored and a long winter ahead J. Weston Walch, Publisher. “No Excuses, No Limits” Take Responsibility – Be Prepared

7 EOCT’s and Final Exams come quickly.
Start early, study often, ask questions, and get help if needed Be prepared for what is to come.

8 Begin now to think about and set goals for this semester (this semester ends in December).
Goals keep us all focused… They determine how we live our lives and where our lives end up… Goals keep us moving in the right direction and enable us to accomplish our determined purpose… Keep your eyes and mind on your goals so you don’t lose sight of what is important this year… Goals

9 Have a great day Review notes/classwork daily.
High School determines your future. Make EVERYDAY Count.

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