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The Bible and its Reception

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2 The Bible and its Reception
Encyclopedia Handbooks Journals Studies March 16, 2016

3 Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its reception EBR Online
March 16, 2016

4 Encyclopedia general reference work research tool March 16, 2016

5 BiBLE Biblical Studies Theology Religious Studies Biblical Archaeology
March 16, 2016

6 Reception Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Other Religions and Religious Currents Literature (Poetry, Fiction, Drama) Visual Arts Music Film Dance February 2017

7 Online also available in print March 16, 2016

8 Who is it For? Students,Teachers and Professors of
Biblical Studies, Theology or Religious or Cultural Studies and the Arts March 16, 2016

9 What are Professors teaching? What are Students studying?
March 16, 2016

10 HebrEW Bible / old testament and Judaism
Courses: Nature and Meaning of the Old Testament The Hebrew Bible in Context: An Introduction The Biblical Imagination: Torah, Prophets, Writings Pentateuch, Writings, Psalms and Biblical Poetry  Judaism: Faith, Communities, Identity March 16, 2016

11 New testament and Christianity
Courses: Nature and Meaning of the New Testament Jesus and the Gospels Life and Letters of Paul Christianity: From Jesus to the Third Millennium Reformation and Emerging Church Movements: Comparative Study and Practical Application March 16, 2016

12 Biblical topics and themes
Courses: God and Human Suffering The Bible, Social Justice, Environmental Theology Women in Judeo-Christian Traditions Justice in Spiritual Care, Issues of Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality Sex, Gender, and Religion March 16, 2016

13 Biblical reception Courses: Religion, Myth, and Fantasy
Religion and the Literary Imagination Visual Culture and Religious Identity Introduction to Christian Worship and the Arts Film, Fiction, and Faith March 16, 2016

14 Religion and Interreligious dialog
Courses: Theories of Religion Interreligious Cooperation and Conflict Comparative Theologies and Practices: One World, Many Faiths Religious Foundations for Social Change March 16, 2016

15 EBR‘s Content What areas does EBR cover?
biblical concepts, people, and places theological and religious concepts in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Other Religions historical eras and epochs areas of cultural reception: literature, visual arts, music, film, and dance March 16, 2016

16 What can students use EBR for?
Students can use EBR to … find introductory information on these topics read up on specific topics in these fields discover how people, places and themes in the Bible have been received in religion, culture and the arts research authors on particular topics with the use of an ample bibliography use EBR as a basis for research papers March 16, 2016

17 What can Professors use EBR for?
Professors can use EBR To … research topics and trends recommend it to students as their first port of call on a topic find out about specific areas of reception identify experts in other fields March 16, 2016

18 Who is developing EBR? March 16, 2016

19 Discuss, assign, and review
The EBR editorial BOARD 6 area editors for biblical books, Archaeology, and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 2 main editors: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament 4 area editors, for biblical books, Archaeology, and Greco-Roman Antiquity main editor: New Testament 4 area editors, for Hellenistic, Rabbinic, medieval, and modern Judaism main editor: Judaism 7 area editors for patristics, medieval, modern, and global Christianity main editor: Christianity 7 area editors, for Islam, Eastern religions, literature, visual arts, music, film main editor: Reception History Discuss, assign, and review more than 1500 articles by over 800 authors per year March 16, 2016

20 THE EBR TEAM 34 editors and so far more than 3,500 authors
academics from a number of disciplines from theology to cultural studies international team experts in their field with international recognition March 16, 2016

21 A look at a few entries
comprehensive treatment of content clear structure lots of reception areas! March 16, 2016

22 Useful ONLine features
full-text search, author search, DOI search (auto-fulfill options) browser function citation referencing (APA, MLA, Chicago standards) images and maps download pdfs of EBR in print Easy to navigate! March 16, 2016

23 Quality – guaranteed How can we guarantee EBR‘s high quality?
authors and editors are experts in their field worldwide multi-level review process renowned academic publisher March 16, 2016

24 Massive Amount of material
CURRENTLY AVAILABLE online currently contains over 5,000 entries comprised of more than 12,000 articles all entries in volumes 1 – 14 (Aaron - Kairos) online supplementary and ahead-of-print-entries online March 16, 2016

25 Massive Amount of material
Still to Come quarterly updated material next update with over 200 new entries – March 2017 volume 15 – online in September 2017 15 more volumes of reference material on its way (30 volumes in print in total) new content each year – approx. 700 entries, i.e. 1,500 articles – in total 30,000 articles March 16, 2016

26 What do users think about Ebr?
EBR … will serve as the gold standard for future biblical reference works. David D. Aune, University of Notre Dame This is so vastly superior to the typical e-book that there is really no comparison at all. John Fitzgerald, University of Notre Dame For the moment, it is sufficient to note that the online edition is easy to use and very easy to navigate.  What one seeks, one finds Jim West, on ZwingliusRedivivus March 16, 2016

27 Handbooks of the Bible & Its Reception
“Everything you need to know” about a particular topic, theme, region, figure, or cultural area of biblical reception 400 – 1000 pages Hardcover/eBooks starting at $183,99 The Bible in Motion (2016) The Bible in Folklore Worldwide (2016) The Bible in Sub-Saharan Africa (2017) The Bible in North Africa (2018) March 16, 2016 PowerPoint-Presentation

28 Journal of the Bible & Its Reception
Current reflections on method and theory as well as themes in biblical reception Interdisciplinary, international, innovative Editorial Board Two issues per year 70% off individual subscription price for SBL members Special Issue: Making Men (2015) Special Issue: The Making of the Modern Bible (2016) March 16, 2016 PowerPoint-Presentation

29 Studies of the Bible & Its Reception
Monographs and edited volumes delve deeply into specific areas of biblical reception 200 – 600 pages Hardcover/eBooks starting at $126 SBL–De Gruyter Prize in Biblical Studies and Reception History The Nowhere Bible (2015) Treasure Hidden in a Field (Prizewinner 2016) The Makings of an Average Joe (2017) Prizewinner 2015 March 16, 2016 PowerPoint-Presentation

30 ARE YOU INTERESTED? Enquire and get a free 30-day trial subscription for EBR Online March 16, 2016

31 HOW MUCH DOES EBR COST? Contact our sales team for specific information on pricing relevant to your institution Northeast US - Emily Farrell – Canada and North Central US – Shannon Ratzer – Southeast and South Central US – Carola Blackwood – Western US – David Birkinshaw – March 16, 2016


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