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Published byStella Hunt Modified over 7 years ago
Impact of New North American Emissions Inventories on Urban Mobile Source Emissions for High-Resolution Air Quality Modelling Junhua Zhang, Qiong Zheng, and Michael Moran Air Quality Research Division, ECCC, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 8th International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Jan. 2017
Outline Motivation for this study
Recent changes to on-road emissions processing - base year - emissions estimation tools - spatial surrogates - temporal profiles - chemical speciation Example of impacts of changes to processed on-road emissions for 2 high-resolution sub-grids covering 2 large North America metropolitan areas: New York city (NYC) and Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) Summary and conclusions
Motivation On-road mobile sources are an important source of emissions, especially in cities. In 2011, 23% of total anthropogenic NOx emissions in Canada were from on-road mobile sources and 40% in the US. In recent years the tool to estimate on-road mobile emissions has changed from MOBILE6 to MOVES (MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator) MOVES has also undergone frequent updates from version to version 2014a, resulting in relatively large changes of on-road emissions estimates from inventory to inventory Spatial and temporal allocation of on-road mobile emissions become increasingly important when AQ model resolution approaches the kilometer level It is important to understand the impact of the above changes for high-resolution AQ modelling
Changes to Recent Canadian and US On-road Emissions Inventories (1)
Replacement of MOBILE6 by MOVES started with the preparation of the US 2005 (and projected 2012) and Canadian 2010 inventories Unlike MOBILE, MOVES differentiates between on-roadway emission processes and off-network emission processes for engine starts, idling, fuel vapor venting, etc. In addition to 12 road types, a new road type, off-network, with large emissions was introduced in MOVES MOVES-Based 2010 Canadian Monthly On-road NOx Emissions by Road Type
Canada On-road Inventory
Changes to Recent Canadian and US On-road Emissions Inventories (2) NY State population-2015 19.8m Ontario population-2015 13.9m A new set of on-road Source Classification Codes (SCC) was introduced in MOVES2014 and SMOKE v3.6 ( Structure of Old SCC Structure of New SCC List of recently used/analyzed US and Canadian on-road inventories US On-road Inventory Canada On-road Inventory Projected 2012v1 Gasoline: MOVES (Off-network emissions) Diesel: MOBILE6 2010v1 Light-duty: MOBILE6.2C Heavy-duty: MOVES2010b Projected 2012v2 MOVES2010 Off-network emissions 2010v2 MOVES2010b 2011v1 2013v1 MOVES2014 New on-road SCCs 2011v2 2013v2 Projected 2017 2013v3 Inventories highlighted in red in the table and filled with zigzag lines in the plot are those that have been used for the Canadian operational AQ prediction system
Surrogate Description
Changes to Spatial Surrogates – surrogates for old SCCs 12 road types (6 rural + 6 urban 6 surrogates (3 rural + 3 urban) Road Type Surrogate Surrogate Description Rural Interstate 210 Rural Primary Road Miles Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Major Collector 230 Rural Secondary Road Miles Rural Minor Collector Rural Local 130 Rural Population Urban Interstate 200 Urban Primary Road Miles Urban Freeway Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Urban Collector 220 Urban Secondary Road Miles Urban Local 120 Urban Population
4 surrogates for 4 types of roads 11 surrogates for off-network SCCs
Changes to Spatial Surrogates – surrogates for new SCCs (MOVES2014) 5 road types (2 rural + 2 urban + 1 off-network) 4 surrogates for on-network (2 rural + 2 urban); 11 surrogates for off-network for 2011V2 and projected 2017 various surrogates such as population also used previously for off-network emissions 4 surrogates for 4 types of roads Road type 02 (rural restricted) 210 (rural primary roads) Road type 03 (rural unrestricted) 231 (rural unrestricted roads) Road type 04 (urban restricted) 200 (urban primary roads) Road type 05 (urban unrestricted) 221 (urban unrestricted roads) 11 surrogates for off-network SCCs Refueling 600 (gas stations) EXT/APU (Hoteling) 205 (truck stops) Source types 11/21/31 (passenger cars/trucks, motorcycles) 535 (res + comm + ind + inst + govt) Source type 32 (light comm. trucks) 510 (commercial + industrial) Source type 41 (intercity buses) 258 (intercity bus terminals) Source type 42 (transit buses) 259 (transit bus terminals) Source type 43 (school buses) 506 (education) Source type 51 (refuse trucks) 875 (landfills) Source types 52/61 (short haul trucks) 256 (off-network short haul trucks) Source types 53/62 (long haul trucks) 257 (off-network long haul trucks) Source type 54 (motor homes) 526 (residential non-institutional)
Changes to Temporal Profiles - temporal profiles for old SCCs
E.g., 12 weekday and 12 weekend diurnal profiles for 12 road types
Changes to Temporal Profiles - temporal profiles for new SCCs
Very detailed weekly and hourly profiles were created based on U.S. VTRIS (Vehicle Travel Information System, national/state/county statistics. For NY state there are 52 weekly profiles and 156 diurnal profiles. In addition to weekday and weekend profiles, day-specific and vehicle-specific diurnal profiles have also been created and are used
Changes to Chemical Speciation
Many new on-road VOC speciation profiles have been introduced in recent SPECIATE databases. For example, SPECIATE 4.4 (released Feb. 2014) has 43 new exhaust/evaporative gas profiles for on-road mobile emissions and SPECIATE 4.5 (released Sept. 2016) has another 33 exhaust-gas profiles Previously only one NOx speciation profile was used (NO:0.891, NO2:0.1, and HONO:0.009) Recent US inventories (2011v2, projected 2017) based on MOVES2014 include pre-speciated SCC-specific NOx emissions: NO, NO2, and HONO, in addition to NOx emissions (beware potential for double-counting) Not all of the new VOC speciation profiles have been used for emissions processing, but they are available to be used
Model Grid and Analysis Subgrids
Consider two 60x60 subgrids of PanAm km high-resolution AQ modelling grid Subgrids cover the metropolitan areas of Toronto (GTHA) and New York city (NYC) GTHA subgrid,Population 8M NYC subgrid, Population 19M
Seven Emissions Cases Considered
(4 for the NYC subgrid, 3 for the GTHA subgrid) Case Description NYC-C1 Projected 2012v1 US inventory, 6 spatial surrogates for 12 road classes, off-network emissions, for gasoline vehicles, old temporal profiles: used previously for Canadian Regional Air Quality Deterministic Prediction System (RAQDPS) NYC-C2 2011v1 US inventory, 6 spatial surrogates for 12 road classes, population surrogate for off-network emissions, old temporal profiles: now used for RAQDPS NYC-C3 2011v2 US inventory (based on MOVES2014), 4 spatial surrogates for 4 road classes, 11 spatial surrogates for off-network SCCs, new temporal profiles NYC-C4 Same as NYC-C3 except based on projected 2017 US inventory: being tested as potential candidate for RAQDPS GTHA-C1 2010v1 Cdn inventory, 6 spatial surrogates for 12 road classes, no off-network emissions, population used for 2 local road surrogates, old temporal profiles GTHA-C2 Same as GTHA-C1 except capped population (Gately et al., 2013, ES&T, 47, ; Moran et al., 2015, 14th CMAS Conf.) used for 2 local road surrogates: now used for RAQDPS GTHA-C3 2013v3 Cdn inventory, 4 road surrogates for 4 road classes, capped population surrogate used for off-network emissions, old temporal profiles: being tested for potential candidate for RAQDPS Inventories in red have been used for RAQDPS and the two in red are being tested for potential candidates for RAQDPS. Traffic emissions are inversely related to population density above 2000 person km-2 (Gately et al., 2013, ES&T, 47, ) based on statistics over 351 Massachusetts towns done by Conor Gately from Boston University (BU), who is doing CO2 emissions inventory.
Subgrid Total NO Emissions for July for Seven Cases
NYC subgrid population 19M GTHA subgrid population 8M Heather Simon, 2016: To improve model agreement, some researchers have proposed reducing mobile-source NOx by 30% to 70% Variation of subgrid total NO emissions is consistent with variation of input emissions inventories shown on Slide 5 Difference of the subgrid total NO emissions between the two subgrids also reflects the difference in total population between them NOx emissions are reduced by 40% from the 2011v2 inventory to the projected 2017 inventory for the NYC subgrid. This will help to reduce the reported high model NOx (NOy) bias (e.g., Simon, et al., 2016, 15th CMAS Conf.) when the 2011 US inventory is used
Current EPA 2011 CMAQ/CAMx NOx and NOy Evaluation (slide from Simon et al., 2016)
CMAQv5.0.2 NOx bias – all AQS sites CMAQv5.1 NOx bias – all AQS sites CAMx v6.2 NOx bias – all AQS sites NOx is generally unbiased or under-predicted during daytime but is over-predicted in morning and evening transition hours and at night NOy tends to be over-predicted by the models at all times of day CMAQv5.1 has improved characterization of mixing in morning/evening transitions and at night compared to CMAQv5.0.2 NOx and NOy biases decrease in CMAQv5.1 versus CMAQv5.0.2 CAMx v6.2 biases in NOx and NOy generally fall between biases from CMAQv5.0.2 and v5.1 CMAQv5.0.2 NOy bias – all AQS sites CMAQv5.1 NOy bias – all AQS sites CAMx v6.2 NOy bias – all AQS sites This slide was from Heather Simon’s presentation (2016 CMAS) to show that NOx/NOy was overestimated by CMAQ and CAMx using 2011 NEI
Spatial Distribution of July NO Emissions - NYC Subgrid (1)
Case NYC-C1: Projected 2012v1 US inventory (released in ) Emissions were mainly distributed along major highways
Spatial Distribution of July NO Emissions - NYC Subgrid (2)
NYC-C1: Projected 2012v1 NYC-C2: 2011v1 For NYC-C2 vs. NYC-C1, more emissions allocated to populated areas due to the large off-network emissions, for which population was used as spatial surrogate For NYC-C3, 11 spatial surrogates were used for off-network emissions, resulting in less emissions than NYC-C2 but more emissions than NYC-C1 in populated areas NYC-C4 has significantly less emissions than other 3 cases due to the reduction of NOx emissions in projected 2017 inventory NYC-C3: 2011v2 NYC-C4: projected 2017
Spatial Distribution of July NO Emissions - GTHA Subgrid (1)
Case GTHA-C1: 2010v1 Cdn inventory (released in 2013) Similar to NYC-C1 case, emissions were mainly distributed along major highways
Spatial Distribution of July NO Emissions - GTHA Subgrid
GTHA-C1: 2011v1 GTHA-C2: 2011v1 For GTHA-C2 vs. GTHA- C1, use of capped population as surrogate for emissions from local roads reduced emissions by 20%-50% in densely populated areas For GHTA-C3 more emissions were allocated to populated areas than for GTHA-C1 and GTHA-C2 due to the large off-network emissions, even though capped population was used as spatial surrogate for off-network emissions GTHA-C3: 2013v3 GTHA-C2/GTHA-C1
Time Series of NO Emissions - NYC Subgrid
NYC Subgrid Total NO Emissions – One Week Time series of the 2011v1 emissions is very similar to that of the projected 2012v1 emissions, although spatial distribution is much different Time series of 2011v2 emissions is very different from the time series of 2011v1 due to different temporal profiles used Time series of projected 2017 emissions is similar to 2011v2, but day-time emissions were reduced by about 50% Weekday Hourly NO Emissions Relative Difference between 2011v1 (C2) and v2 (C3) 0%
Time Series of NO Emissions - GTHA Subgrid
GTHA Subgrid Total NO Emissions – One Week Diurnal variation of emissions is similar between the 2010v1 and the 2013v3 inventories, although spatial distribution is quite different NOx emissions are increased by about 15% over the GTHA when the 2013v3 inventory is used
Canadian Diurnal Profiles were created from FEVER Study (Zhang et al
Canadian Diurnal Profiles were created from FEVER Study (Zhang et al., 20th EI conference, 2012), different from EPA profiles for HDV
Summary and Conclusions
Recent changes to Canadian and US on-road mobile emissions inventories have significant impacts on model-ready urban mobile emissions in terms of magnitude, spatial and temporal allocation, and chemical speciation The projected 2017 US inventory released by the US EPA is likely to help reduce the large positive NOx bias predicted by air quality models using the 2011 US inventory Due to changes in spatial surrogates, a larger portion of the mobile emissions will be allocated to populated areas Changes to US temporal profiles will increase on-road emissions during the morning rush hours but reduce emissions during the afternoon rush hours and overnight Whether these changes will improve AQ model predictions in North American urban areas still needs to be tested, particularly by high-resolution models
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