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Concord High School Athletic Guidelines

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1 Concord High School 2015-16 Athletic Guidelines
ALL Sports Parent Meeting

2 I. Necessary Forms: Emergency Card
Participation Form/ Insurance Waiver Responsibility/ Sportsmanship Form Concussion Forms Domicile Form Student-Athlete Contract Physical Exam – must be renewed every 365 days Insurance - use your own policy or you may purchase school insurance

3 II. Injuries & Medical Excuses
All injuries must be reported to the Coach and Athletic Trainer. The Coach or Athletic Trainer will complete an Injury Report to be kept on file. Excuses for PE will also apply to attendance and participation on an interscholastic Team. The athlete may not participate until they receive a release from a doctor.

A concussion is a traumatic injury to the brain. Signs and symptoms include: Headache Confusion Amnesia (not remembering events before or after the injury) Vision changes Loss of consciousness Dizziness Irritability/emotional changes (inappropriate crying, laughing, etc) Nausea/vomiting Fatigue/feeling sluggish/slow/’foggy’ Having “bell rung’ Excessive fatigue/drowsiness ANY sign/symptom after a blow to the head is a concussion until proven otherwise

5 NEW NCHSAA Rule: An athlete with a suspected concussion cannot return to play until he/she is cleared by a licensed medical physician Managing concussions is difficult even for well-trained and experienced medical providers. Returning an athlete to play before complete resolution of symptoms can lead to recurrent concussion, prolonged post-concussion symptoms, OR even ‘Second Impact Syndrome’ (which can be fatal)

6 HEART ISSUES A Potential signs and symptoms of undiagnosed heart problems Chest pain with exertion Passing out/fainting from exertion – this is not normal or due to being ‘out of shape’ Family history of unexplained or of sudden cardiac death before age 50 Take home point: Any athlete who passes out or has chest pain with exertion needs a medical evaluation

7 SKIN INFECTIONS Skin infections are common in contact sports
Most skin infections are relatively minor and self-limited Resistant staph infections (MRSA) have become quite common and can be severe Skin infections are spread by skin-to-skin contact, sharing pads/equipment/work-out gear, dirty equipment Any boil or abscess needs medical evaluation

8 Take home point: the vast majority of skin infections can be prevented by good hygiene
Shower right after every practice & game Do not share equipment, pads, work-out clothes, towels, etc… Wash hands frequently with soap/water or anti-bacterial gels Wash equipment, mats, clothes, towels, etc regularly

9 IV. Transportation Athletes must travel to and from an athletic contest on school transportation designated by the Athletic Director. (Some Coaches may allow their athletes to travel Home with a parent or legal guardian.) Family situations may arise that other arrangements need to be made. This needs prior approval from the Coach, Athletic Director and Principal. The Athletic Director or Coach can provide the forms.

10 V. Bail Out Rule If the student quits a team after the first game they are NOT permitted to change teams, attend open gym/field, use the weight room or prepare in any way for an upcoming sport until the original sport has concluded. Equipment: Students are responsible for all equipment and its return. If your child quits they are responsible for the return of the equipment or must pay for its replacement.

11 VI. Behavior Expectations
Our athletes are expected to maintain good attendance, attitude, effort, and respect for property in and out of the classroom. Athletes are expected to behave as ladies and gentlemen on and off the field/court. Show respect for teachers, coaches and officials at all times. Use of profanity during practice or games is not acceptable behavior.

12 VII. Alcohol/Drugs Athletes are not to use tobacco, consume alcohol or any other unauthorized drug (s). Inseason athletes will be removed from their team and will be subject to disciplinary action by the Administration.

13 If an athlete is caught in a drug/alcohol situation during their offseason, they are suspended from skill developments/workouts/open gyms for the remainder of the season of the offense The changes were implemented so out-of-season athletes would have a consequence to violating the commitment to being drug/alcohol-free Cabarrus County has a ZERO Tolerance Policy. The County Policy also includes a 10 day suspension.

14 VIII. Grades While Athletics are an important facet of education, academic success is the primary objective. A student/athlete must be enrolled in and pass three (3) subjects the previous semester to be eligible for the coming semester. The only exception is the final semester of the students senior year. Office Assistant or Library Assistant are not counted toward eligibility as per NCHSAA. Students who are declared academically ineligible during the season will not receive post season awards, letters or certificates.

15 Tardiness/ Absences: Must be in attendance for two periods of the day
Tardiness/ Absences: Must be in attendance for two periods of the day. CCS athletic eligibility rules no longer have an attendance requirement. Daily and regular attendance is necessary, however, for academic success.

Any student-athlete or coach who is ejected or disqualified for an unsportsmanlike action must complete the NFHS Sportsmanship course online AND sit one to four games before returning to play. The certificate must be returned Coach Billings upon completion. Athletes will not leave the bench or in any way get involved in a fight or altercation. Leaving the bench is a $1,000 fine that is paid by that team.

17 EJECTION POLICY FLAGRANT CONTACT added as new provision to the ejection policy. Flagrant contact includes, but is not limited to combative acts such as: Maliciously running over the catcher/fielder without attempt to avoid contact Excessive contact out-of-bounds or away from playing action that is unwarranted and extreme in nature Tackling/taking down a player dangerously in a malicious manner Illegally hitting or cross-checking an opponent in an excessive manner with the Lacrosse stick Flagrant Contact carries same penalty as all other NCHSAA Ejection Policy criteria – 1 game in football and 2 games in all other sports. When the combative act causes an opponent to retaliate, it is a fight and carries a double penalty.

18 X. Eligibility Guidelines
Student must live w/parent, legal guardian Must not play, practice or assemble as a team w/coach on a Sunday. Must not dress if ineligible Less than 19 yrs old on or before August 31 Sophomore must have 6 credits Junior must have 13 credits Senior must have 19 credits. Students not academically eligible at the beginning of the semester are NOT eligible at any time during the semester.

19 Falsification of information in terms of eligibility will result in the student athlete(s) being declared ineligible for a period of 365 days from the point of notification by the NCHSAA.

20 XI. Felonies & Misdemeanors
Felony Conviction Any student convicted of a crime classified as a felony under NC and Federal Law are declared ineligible immediately and are prohibited from participation in the NCHSAA sports program. This includes a plea of guilty, plea of no contest or a verdict finding of guilty by a Judge or Jury.

21 XI. Felonies & Misdemeanors
Misdemeanor Charge Any student CHARGED of a crime classified as a misdemeanor under NC or Federal Law will be suspended from Athletic participation for a minimum of 14 days.

22 XII. Hazing It is a willful act, occurring on or off school grounds, directed against a player or prospective member of a school sponsored team. Form of harassment and will not be tolerated. Violation of this policy could be a suspension of the individual player(s) to removal of the player(s) from the team. Charges could be brought against the individual (s) .

23 XIII. Athletic Concerns:
Communication w/ Coach Encourage the student/athletes to talk to the coach. Issues NOT discussed w/coach Playing time Team strategy Play calling Other Student-Athletes

24 How to Address Athletic Concerns: Protocol:
Contact the coach first to set up a meeting If the meeting does not provide a satisfactory resolution call and set up an appointment with the Principal and/or Athletic Director. Do not confront a coach before practice; before or after a game. These times are emotional and they DO NOT PROMOTE RESOLUTION

25 XIV. Game Conduct/Spectators
We encourage everyone to attend our games and support our teams. Individuals who choose to berate opponents, or officials use vulgar language, or make derogatory comments may be asked to leave. Contests can be emotional, a poor call, a costly mistake or loss is difficult to swallow. We ask that you keep things in prospective. Please keep yourself under control and represent your community and school with dignity. That is the same we expect from our Coaches and players.

26 XV. Athletic Boosters Club
They are an very important part of our Athletic Programs; they are able to provide the items that the athletic budget can’t afford. Become a member! $15 / family to join

27 Items Funded by the Boosters:
Athletic Uniforms & Equipment. Field Maintenance for ALL fields including Mowers costs. Windscreen fencing for baseball. Starting blocks for track. Digital scale for wrestling. All team banquet awards. State Championship rings. Weight Room equipment. Has put $90,000+ back into the school $200,000 Total Athletic Cost

28 XVIII. Ticket Reservations
Black and Gold Package All Sports Pass Student ID Sports Pass

29 XX. Information to you School web site: Updates in the Athletic Week, schedule changes etc… Booster Web Site: Official Facebook Web Site: search “Concord Spiders Athletics” Official Twitter Account ???? TBA

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