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Cambridge Avenue Medical Centre

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1 Cambridge Avenue Medical Centre
GP Patient Survey Cambridge Avenue Medical Centre

2 Many thanks to the 2011 PATIENT SURVEY Patient-Participation Group
Staff of Cambridge Avenue Medical Centre For the design and completion of this survey to help inform us of our perceived performance by our Patients. This will provide invaluable information to help us continue to improve services. A total of 265 questionnaires were completed and 6625 questions answered by patients at Cambridge Avenue and Messingham Medical Centres 2011 PATIENT SURVEY Conducted by Mrs Jenny Lynaugh On behalf of PPG and CAMC October

3 Patient Survey Practice demographics

4 Practice v survey age: sex distribution for whole practice
age:sex distribution for survey respondents N= 265

5 Luck or hard work? Luck or Hard Work?

6 Q1: are You satisfied with the practice?

7 Q2: Getting through on the phone

8 Q3: Phone access to Dr or nurse

9 Q4: Are you aware that practice has a website?

10 Q5: Do you know you can book appointments on=-line?

11 Q6: Do you know you can request repeat prescriptions on-line?

12 Q7: When you booked (on-line,phone,other) did you see the doctor

13 No results are available
Q8: Thinking about the same appointment, were you able to see the doctor when you wanted? There was a poor response to this important question with low response rate and a persistent failure to use the grid to respond. No results are available

14 Q9: did you know that you can book a telephone consultation with the gp of your choice?

15 Telephone consultations
Q10: have you ever had a telephone consultation? Q11: if yes, did you find this helpful? YES

16 Q12a: how helpful do you find the receptionists?

17 Q12b: how satisfied are you with the opening hours?

18 Q13: are you aware that the surgery provides chronic illness clinics?

19 are you aware that the surgery provides?
Q14 minor illness clinics Q15 healthcare assistant clinics YES YES

20 Are you aware that the surgery provides?
Q16: travel clinic Q17: family planning clinics YES YES

21 Q18: do you feel that the surgery covers the whole range of services that you require?

22 Q19: my overall satisfaction with the quality of medical care from the doctors/nurses is..

23 Q20: missed appointments, can you easily contact the practice when you wish to cancel an appointment? ALWAYS

24 Q21: overall, how would you rate the cleanliness of the surgery?

25 Q22: how easy do you find getting into the building at the surgery?

26 Are you aware that Q23: You may park in Chancel car park?
Q24: the pharmacy can deliver medicines? NO NO YES

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