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Bridging The Standardization Gap

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1 Bridging The Standardization Gap
ITU-T Workshop on Bridging the Standardization Gap and Interactive Training Session (Nadi, Fiji, 4 – 6 July 2011 ) Bridging The Standardization Gap Vijay Mauree Programme Co-ordinator ITU Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

2 Activities to bridge the gap
Outline Overview of ITU Global ICT standards Standardization gap Activities to bridge the gap Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

3 ITU: Telecoms and ICT since 1865
Specialized United Nations agency responsible for ICT 192 Member States, 700 Sector Members Focus on Development Radiocommunication Standardization Established 1865… Sector Members Mexico: Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Telecomunicaciones por Cable (CANITEC) Instituto Politécnico nacional (IPN) Marcatel Com. Satélites Mexicanos (SATMEX) Telecomunicaciones de México (TELECOMM) Teléfonos de México Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

4 ITU-T Strategic Goals Develop interoperable, non-discriminatory international standards (ITU-T Recommendations) in a multi-stakeholders public/private environment. Assist in bridging the standardization gap between developed and developing countries Extend and facilitate international cooperation among international, regional and national standardization bodies, forums and consortia

5 Standards Success Stories
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

6 Global ICT Standards Are Vital
Engine For Economic Growth Imagine a world with no standards Influence global ICT standards work Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

7 The Standardization Gap
Defined as the disparities in the ability of developing countries, relative to developed ones, to access, implement, contribute to and influence international ICT standards, specifically ITU‐T Recommendations. The standardization development gap is itself both a cause and a manifestation of the wider digital divide Bridge the standardization gap: PP Res 123, WTSA Res 44 and WTDC Res 47 Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

8 Bridging The Standardization Gap
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

9 Activities To Bridge The Gap
Enhance Standardization Capability Develop Human Resources Assist in enhancing efforts in standards applications Set up Regional Groups Establish BSG Fund Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

10 Enhance Standardization Capability
Research on measuring and reducing the standardization capability gap Free access to ITU-T Standards Increase remote participation and collaboration Admission of Sector Members and Associates from developing countries Increase number of officials (Chairs / Rapporteurs) from developing countries in ITU-T Study Groups Increase SG meetings in developing countries Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

11 Develop Human Resources
Capacity Building In Depth Technical Tutorials Workshops Online Forums Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

12 Enhance Standardization Capability
Research on measuring and reducing the standardization capability gap Free access to ITU-T Standards Increase remote participation and collaboration Admission of Sector Members and Associates from developing countries Increase number of officials (Chairs / Rapporteurs) from developing countries in ITU-T Study Groups Increase SG meetings and workshops in developing countries Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

13 Regional Groups Regional Groups and meetings SG2 Group for Arab Region
SG3 Groups for Asia and Oceania, Africa, Europe and Mediterranean, Latin America and Caribbean (Tariff and accounting principles) SG12 for Africa (Performance, QoS) Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

14 BSG Fund BSG Fund set up in 2008 : CHF 289,000 Objective
Facilitate the participation of developing countries in the standards development process Allow developing countries to profit from access to new technology development Ensure that the requirements of developing countries are taken into account in the development of standards Korea Communications Commission, Nokia Siemens Networks, Microsoft, Cisco Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

15 Conclusions Bridging the Standardization Gap
Increase the use of ITU-T Recommendations, membership and participation of developing countries Capacity building on standardization Increase participation in Study Groups, Workshops, Meetings and number of contributions Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011

16 Thank you! Contact:

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