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Ast Prof. University of Washington

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1 Ast Prof. University of Washington
Issues in Infertility Mary Ann Draye, ARNP, MPH Ast Prof. University of Washington School of Nursing

2 Day 10, 12, 14, 16

3 Infertility: Definition
Failure to conceive after 12 mos. of regular intercourse; Unable to carry pregnancy to live birth (pregnancy wastage) Primary- Never conceived Secondary- Prev conception; subsequently unable to conceive Unexplained- No abnormalities discovered

4 Infertility : Prevalence
8-15% couples, USA= 1:5 couples 2.1 million couples 1/3 F in their 30’s 9.3 million women using infertility services Rates double in F 35 yrs+ Pg loss >30% in F in 40’s

5 Decline in U.S. Fertility
Changing Female roles Postponement of marriage Delay of childbearing Contraception/ abortion Environmental concerns Environmental hazards

6 Infertility: Etiology
Male 40% Female 40% Combined 20% Unexplained 15% of couples

7 Infertility: Female Factors
Ovulatory dysfunction Tubal disease Advanced age Endometriosis Cervical abnl Unexplained Chronic disease Environment Sexual practices

8 Infertility: Male Factors
Abnl semen analysis Varicocele Obstruction Infections Hormonal abnl Exposures- toxic, Δ Trauma Drugs Smoking esp THC Sexual practices

9 Male Factors: Semen Analysis
Nl Values Volume > 2-5ml Count > 40 million/ml Below 10= poor, 20 or > may be OK if motility and morphology nl Motility >50% Morphology > 30-60% nl WBC < 1million/ml pH 7-8 SPA > 10 Spermatogenesis =

10 Infertility: History Onset Perception/ Knowledge Occupation
Medications Past Health Hx ROS Sexual Hx Amt of disruption/ crisis Stage Support

11 Infertility: Physical
Complete Pelvic Genital/ DRE in M Varicocele 40% L > R Lab Cervical/ vaginal / GU specimens Pap Semen analysis

12 Infertility: Common Responses
Shock Denial Anger/ frustration Guilt Grief…chronic sorrow Depression/ anxiety Decreased self esteem Isolation Exhaustion

13 Infertility: NP Role Initial assessment Referral Empathy/ support
Empowerment -Information -Resources -Self esteem -Anticipatory guidance ~procedures ~logistics Prevention

14 Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
Artificial Insemination (AI) Partner/ known donor Unknown donor In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer (GIFT) Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT)

15 Access to ART Services Access defined= 60 min. travel time Over-served
Northeast % population has access Underserved Alaska, MT, WY, W Va

16 Infertility: Ethical Issues
Patient Potential Child Provider Resources Health care Society

17 Infertility: Resources
Nat’l Resolve Organization Am Society for Reproductive Medicine Resolve of Washington State PO Box 31231 Seattle, Wa 98103 (206)

18 Am Society for Reproductive Medicine
Technical Bulletins E.g. Smoking and infertility Endometriosis and infertility Practice Guidelines E.g. Limits on numbers of embryos to transfer Minimal Standards

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