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Bloomington Public Schools Community Survey January 2017

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1 Bloomington Public Schools Community Survey January 2017
Survey Data Shows....











12 The Metropolitan Area Outlook
Bloomington School District is not alone in seeing these challenges. Throughout the Southern and Western Metro Area Suburban School Districts considering November referendums: Tax hostility markedly increased Opinions about sufficiency of funding higher Renewal referendums more challenging

13 The Effort Ahead The Serious Challenge of 2017


15 Referendum Vote Goal I Victory (based on 33% turnout) = 11,500 out of 61,000 voters Need to Identify 5,000 more “YES” voters than in 2007 referendum election Current Projected Parent Vote = 3,300 out of 10,800 already supporting parent voters GOAL: IDENTIFY AND MOTIVATE “YES” PARENT VOTERS TO GO TO THE POLLS!

16 Referendum Vote Goal II
If PARENT “YES” VOTE is increased to 50% --5,400 “YES” VOTES – then we need to identify and motivate an ADDITIONAL 6,100 “YES” VOTERS

17 School-based Info Campaign
Pros: Develops ownership Shares work & accountability Increases team of knowledgeable people, including parents Personalization of key messages to fit school community Increases opportunities for face-to-face communication Challenges: Requires new thinking Requires more staff, parent involvement Strong organizational skills of team leader Informational only; no advocacy (on school time or grounds) Significant workload on Admin teams, including principals, Superintend- ent and CR

18 Information Campaign Step One: Create Team Step Two: Develop Plan
Principal/Admin 1-2 licensed staff 1-2 classified staff 3-5 parents 2-3 students (HS only) HC IM NH JHS KHS PB RV Metro South BCCA Comm Srvcs OGE & OGM OLE & OLM VVE & VVM Pond & SW WB WW Step Two: Develop Plan Meeting schedule through Election Day Strategy to register parents, eligible voters (set goal, track) Communication Tactics (presentations, social media, etc.) Strategy to encourage early voter turnout (set goal, track) Assign 2-3 members of team to Citizens Referendum Committee


20 Citizens Referendum Committee
Advocacy or “Yes” Committee led by Co- or Tri-Chairs Chairs are usually parents, community leaders Committee members: Parents, residents, school board members; Assigned to Committee Stakeholder Groups to support “Yes” Campaign work “Yes” Campaign runs parallel to School Information Campaign “Yes” Committee Campaign Tasks: Create unifying identity and key messages Fundraising Provide support to & encourage School Teams Advocate through robust communication, personal connection campaign, and social media effort Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) efforts through absentee ballots and early voting

21 PTA Involvement in Referendums
PTSA’s may … Support the school-based information campaigns, as they are INFORMATIONAL, not advocacy Support “Get Out the Vote” efforts for parents, without advocating a position Allow “YES” groups to present at meetings, but as a unit, may not take a position on the “YES” campaign … UNLESS a vote of attending membership is taken and a majority agree in support These rules are not unique to PTSA’s … they are true for any 501(c)(3)

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