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ALNAP Biannual Meeting 9-10 June 2005

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Presentation on theme: "ALNAP Biannual Meeting 9-10 June 2005"— Presentation transcript:

1 ALNAP Biannual Meeting 9-10 June 2005
Real Time Evaluation (RTE) of FAO Operations in Response to the Tsunami Emergency Tsunami RTE

2 Real Time Evaluation (RTE) of FAO Operations in Response to the Tsunami Emergency
What is a Real Time Evaluation? Real Time Evaluation = evaluation during the intervention Why a RTE? A closer link between implementation and lessons learning Capturing the emergency while operations are ongoing Tsunami RTE

3 Real Time Evaluation (RTE) of FAO Operations in Response to the Tsunami Emergency
Purpose Immediate feedback and guidance Promoting accountability Identification of gaps Drawing lessons Tsunami RTE

4 Approach and Organization of the RTE
Process and Methodology Participatory and iterative Immediate feedback to FAO management and others Ensuring ownership of results by main stakeholders Tools Document analysis, interviews, field visits, SWOT analysis with stakeholders, focus groups discussions, beneficiary (impact) assessment Tsunami RTE

5 Approach and Organization of the RTE
Timing: A Three-Phase Process 1. Real Time Evaluation Start May 2005 (first mission) 2. End of Implementation: August/September 2005 (second mission) 3. Impact evaluation: late 2005/early 2006 (third mission) Tsunami RTE

6 Approach and Organization of the RTE
Mission Composition Evaluation Officer; Emergency Specialist; Fisheries Expert; Gender and Livelihoods (first mission only) National consultants in Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka Tsunami RTE

7 Methodological Challenges
Managing the Information Flow Working with Teams under pressure Establishing a comparative framework Beneficiary Evaluation Planning the next evaluation phase Tsunami RTE

8 Some Examples of Lessons Learned at this Early Stage
Lessons Learnt with Immediate Feedback Communication with the national authorities Follow up to the desalinization process Tsunami RTE

9 Some Examples of Lessons Learned at this Early Stage
Lessons Learnt for Further Consideration Strengthening preparedness for disaster Streamlining relief operations Investing in technical advice and supporting medium and long term planning Staffing is the cornerstone of an emergency operation Communications Quick and efficient office set up “One size fits all” does not work Tsunami RTE

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