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LS2 Safety Preparation Thomas Otto, LS2 Safety Support Officer for LHC

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Presentation on theme: "LS2 Safety Preparation Thomas Otto, LS2 Safety Support Officer for LHC"— Presentation transcript:

1 LS2 Safety Preparation Thomas Otto, LS2 Safety Support Officer for LHC
Ana-Paula Bernardes, LS2 Safety Support Officer for Injectors

2 Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety
Outline Scope Who is in charge ? (Safety CERN) Plan ahead ! Preventive Safety actions Conformity / Preventive Workplace Safety Diversity and Harmonisation (Safety) training ALARA, VIC Summary LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

3 Setting the Scope 1 2 3 4 Long Shutdown Commissioning Operation
Technical Stop YETS 2015 1 EYETS 2016 2 * YETS 2017 3 LS2 4 Activities independent from the operation (i.e. surface, Linac4…) Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety LHC Performance Workshop 2016

4 Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety
Who is in charge ? Hierarchical Line Consulting Means Rules / Advice LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

5 Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety
Plan ahead Conformity Issues Preventive Workplace Safety ALARA Training VIC Work -7Q -6Q -5Q -4Q -3Q -2Q -1Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

6 Two aspects of Safety Conformity Preventive Workplace Safety Equipment
Process Standards (ISO, EN, Eur. Dir….) Safety Rules, best practice Inspection Hazard identification, risk assessment Report on non-conformities Safety Report, action list Make conform Apply rules and best practice Conformity marking User manual Procedure manual Training in use of equipment Training the process Safety Training Personal Protective Equipment LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

7 Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety
Conformity Issues Conformity: an item meets the essential requirements of a given (safety) standard “Equipment X is conform to Standard EN 1234” Have all relevant items inspected HSE unit inspection service Make conform, where necessary Technical measures Technical documentation and manuals Train workers LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

8 Preventive Workplace Safety
Workplace Safety ascertains that a worker uses a conform equipment in a safe way Risk Assessment of relevant processes Technical experts Safety (support) officers HSE unit experts Put into place recommended actions Establish process manuals Train workers LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

9 What to consider relevant ?
Equipment and tools which are modified by CERN entirely developed by CERN Operations and Processes of high complexity involving unique equipment, tools, methods taking place in special environments Industry-type work by contractors is covered in PP LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

10 Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety
CERN’s Diversity LS2 takes place all over CERN: LHC, SPS, PS, PSB, LINACS Surface facilities All technical and physics departments Different history, different “culture”, different persons (and personalities) LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

11 Harmonised Approach to Safety
The LS2 Coordination and its Safety Support Officers promote a Harmonised Approach to Safety: Same principles of Safety organisation (who is in charge, coordination, follow-up) Same effort in preparation and prevention for similar type of work Same prerequisites for access (exceptions justified by lower / higher Safety risk) Same rules for everybody LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

12 Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety
Safety Training Formal Training (HSE unit) Capacities limited Plan requirement ahead (personnel scheduling) Language issue unresolved On-the-job training (Supervisor’s responsibility) For processes and equipment Include in schedules LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

13 Prevention of Radiation Risk (ALARA)
The ALARA dose optimisation process Based on a process description (with timing) Collaboration between executing unit and HSE Optimisation of a measurable objective (dose) Other safety aspects often included: asbestos, physical constraints, … An example of successful safety prevention Frequently necessary in LIU projects 1st ALARA III committee for EYETS in Nov. 2016 LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

14 Visite d’Inspection Commune
By professional Safety Coordinator or by the “Works and Services Supervisor” Focus on coordination of co-activities and high-risk activities Takes place shortly before intervention Too late to make important changes If not successful, delaying the start of works LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

15 Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety
Plan ahead (reminder) Conformity Issues Preventive Workplace Safety ALARA Training VIC Work -7Q -6Q -5Q -4Q -3Q -2Q -1Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

16 Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety
Summary LS2 is the umbrella to Accelerator upgrade projects Consolidation projects Routine maintenance A Safety Framework is developed, based on Conformity & Preventive Workplace Safety Adequate (Safety) Training The (well-known) hierarchical line of Safety responsibility remains in place, with support from Projects, Coordination and HSE unit The LS2 Safety Support Officers will work to harmonise the Safety approach over projects, facilities and departments. LS2 Committee Thomas Otto LS2 General Safety

17 Thank you for your attention.

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