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Welcome To the R.A.W. Online Classroom The R.A.W. Online Classroom’s Real Alive Word Component Introductions …So run, that ye may obtain 1 Cor. 9:24
The R.A.W. Online Classroom
Purpose: – To teach hungry and thirsty believer’s the right and concentrated way to rightly divide God’s Real Alive Word through a component study process that will truly reveal to the believer what God has intended in His Word. Each component represents a piece to the full understanding of each word and text. The R.A.W. Online Classroom will take each student through a step-by-step process to learn and apply each component so the proper and ‘Real Alive’ understanding comes to light up the understand of the hungry and thirsty believer. Warning: This classroom is not for the closed minded or lazy believer. These techniques of study is ‘Not’ intended to push some type of doctrine or theology, but to open the biblical pathway of understanding so that the hungry and thirsty believer can journey to find what All Mighty God has truly said in His Real Alive Word, that the believer’s relationship with God through Jesus the Christ deepens, labors of love are manifested, as our eternity draws closer. Warning #2: Once the basic techniques are learned, the believer will no longer be able to listen to unstudied and unlearned preachers or speakers. Those who represent themselves as powerful preachers or teachers that only have rhetoric, endless and off biblical emotional based commentary that vocally sounds good and is visually verified by energetic gestures and sweat will no longer be able to waste your worship time. Knowing and understanding God’s Real Alive Word is Everything! As Jesus was being tempted by Satan in the wilderness, Jesus responds with Real Alive Word; “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”. Because we are to live by ‘Every Word’, then we must know what every word means when the words are spoken. The only Power that every believer has in their tempted struggles is God’s Real Alive Word. No Real Alive Word, No Real Alive Power! Let’s began the journey to greater enlightenment. Remember, the race is not given to the swift…Eccl 9:11.
The R.A.W. Online Classroom
Component Introduction Word Study – Learning the root meaning, definitions & right defined selections, and usage Context - textual weaving (Referring to the word placement in the sentence), i.e. verse, paragraph, chapters or book surrounding a targeted text to determine the precise and proper (Right) meaning. Culture – The historical interpretation which refers to understanding the culture, background, and situation which prompted the text. It also encompasses the traditions, manners and customs, dress (Fashion) and styles, economic & agricultural conditions, ways of speech, colloquial expressions of that specific period of time. Awareness & Attention – Developing a keen eye and sense of what’s is happening in and around the text. Linguistics : The way in which words are put together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences. It is the personalized and peculiar usage of the tense, voice, mood of verbs and of their cases and genders of nouns as used in scripture. Connotation – The idea suggested by a word or text for the clarification of what is intended: The implication Biblical Application – How the text is to be applied as written, not just as understood alone. Summation of Laps #1, #2, #3, & #4 etc. etc. R.A.W. Student, let’s see what you’re learned! (At the end of every four laps)
The R.A.W. Online Classroom
The R.A.W. (Real Alive Word) Online Classroom will teach students the proper way to study God’s Real Alive Word for proper understanding and application. Exegesis and Eisegesis are two opposite and conflicting approaches in Bible study. Exegesis (Ex-eg- gee-sis) is the exposition or explanation of a text based on a careful and objective analysis. The word exegesis literally means “to lead out of.” That means that the Bible student is led to his or her conclusions by following only the text. The opposite approach to Scripture is Eisegesis (I-sa-gee-sis), which is the interpretation of a passage based on a subjective, non-analytical interpretation. The word Eisegesis literally means “to lead into,” which means the student interpreter injects his or her own ideas, meanings and conclusions into the text, making it mean whatever he or she wants. 2 Timothy 2:15, commands us to use exegetical methods: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashame, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The R.A.W. Online Classroom student is taught to be an Exegete, allowing the text to speak out to them. An honest student of the Bible will be an exegete, allowing the text to speak for itself. The hungry and thirsty R.A.W. Online Classroom student will never attempt to align God’s Real Alive Word with his or her own agenda or self conclusions. Proper Exegesis allows the student to agree with the Word of God; Eisegesis seeks to force the Word of God (the Bible) to agree with the student. Only proper exegesis does justice to the text. Eisegesis is manipulating and a mishandling of the text which always result in a misunderstanding of the text. Exegesis is concerned with discovering what the text is truly speaking out, via word study, word usage, respecting its grammar, context, culture, syntax, and setting. Eisegesis is concerned only with making a point, at the costly expense of word meaning and the divine message from (the) God. The right process of exegesis involves, Observation: what does the passage say? Interpretation: what does the passage mean? Correlation: how does the passage relate to the rest of the Chapter, book and the Bible? Lastly, Application: what is the purpose of this passage for my life (En –Fixed in the Greek) in Christ Jesus? Eisegesis, on the other hand, involves, Imagination: what idea do I want to present and how can I make scripture fit my idea or what I want to say in order to present my agenda? There’s no word study involved, no hunger for right word meaning or application, just what one would want to say. Scripture serves only as a prop like in a play, to dramatize the imagined interpreter’s story.
The R.A.W. Online Classroom
BIBLE STUDENT BOOK LIST Note: This bible path is NOT for the lazy Christian, but for the Believer that is truly seeking the Knowledge of (the) God by the Word of (the) God. Enter at your own enrichment. We will start with the New Testament Study Skills: A King James Authorized Version (With the Thee’s and Thou’s) The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible about $30. The Word Study New Testament & The Word Study Concordance (Two Volume set) by Tyndale about $50. The Complete Word Study Dictionary New Testament by Spiros Zodhiates Th.D. about $35. Interlinear Greek-English New Testament (3rd Edition) by Jay P. Green, Sr. Published by Baker about $25. VINE’S Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words by W.E. Vine; published by Nelson about $25. The New Manners Customs of the Bible by James M Freeman; published by Bridge-Logos about $15. Note: The student can never go wrong acquiring as many “Manners & Customs” as possible. Zondervan’s Pictorial Bible Dictionary by Merrill C. Tenney about $17. Note: The books in Bold print are higher in priority, and you do not have to get them all at once. However, to begin, the student will need at least the “New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance; it would be most helpful to also get The Word Study New Testament (2 Volume) set and The Interlinear Greek-English NT Note: If the student has a Personal Desk or Laptop, Note book, “Libronix Digital Library” bible software would be a great investment start. You can look for all books and libronix software at Lifeway, Mardel’s and Christian book stores.
The R.A.W. Online Classroom
LAP 1 Word Study Always pray for understanding and guidance before and during your study of God’s Real Alive Word!!! Every Word as Matthew 4:4 states that proceedeth out of the mouth of God is important and life giving. So, as believer’s in God’s Real Alive Word, we are to live by every word. So, in order to live by every word, we must know what every word means. The Dilemma – The Word of God was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Latin; conversely, our language is English. Additionally, in the original text of the Bible, 11,280 different Hebrew, Greek Arabic and Latin words were condensed into roughly 6,000 different English words. The dilemma is, how can one fit 11,280 words in 6,000? The answer is clear one cannot. You translate several words from the original language into one English word, or one cuts down the 11,000 plus words to fit into the 6,000 English words. Either way, one looses a great deal of original word in the translation. Additional Word Study Observances – In translating from the Greek to English, the New Testament original language is often translated by several Greek words and vice versa. In other words, one Greek word may be translated into several English words. Ex: Luke 7:1 say, ‘Now when he had ended’; ‘when he had ended is represented as one Greek word, [Pleróō; contracted plērṓ, fut. plērṓsō, from plḗrēs (Strong’s #4134), full. To make full, fill. Particularly, to fill a vessel or hollow place; to perform fully]. So, a reference to the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount. Secondly, a Greek word in the New Testament may be represented by several English words. Additionally, one Greek word may have slightly different shades of meaning depending upon context, usage and connotation. Ex: The verb ‘Worship’ in the Greek is: 1. eusebeo – to be pious or devout towards any one or any thing; 2. latreuo – to serve in an official service for hire and or reward; 3.Proskuneo – to prostrate one’s self; literally, the act of worship. There are many more shades of the word that can be found. So hopefully, the R.A.W. student can see how important proper word study is to rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
The R.A.W. Online Classroom
LAP 1 continued Keep Running Word Study Always reference your Strong’s Concordance, the Interlinear Bible and or Word-Study New Testament, making sure the right word meaning and context is properly used. The Method – Which Words should be looked up? The student should never attempt to select random words in the text. Proper Word Study must include ‘Every Word’, for every word is important! The Start – Look up the words in the text that God’s Holy Spirit has led you to focus on in your Strong’s main concordance. Write down the English word, the Greek word English rendering, Strong’s number, [in this case #4137 for the word ‘ended’, Luke 7:1]. Now turn to the Greek dictionary section of your Strong’s and find the number and Greek word with the definitions. Follow out all the information about the word such as its source words. If in the definitions it says, ‘Compare’ or from another number, follow the word leads. Then find the word in the Vines Dictionary and or Word Study Concordance by Tyndale. Follow this method for each word in the text, not just ‘Key’ words or ‘Action’ words. Note: If there is not a corresponding number for a word in the text, then that word is not represented in the original Hebrew or Greek text and most likely serves as a ‘Scribe or translator's’ insertion for understanding or clarity of the textual context. Scriptural Exercise: Do a word study on, Romans 12:3 (Send your completed word study to for evaluation). This is the first corner of lap 1.
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