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FOREWORD Welcome to Mrs. Ransey’s Class
This year we will work together to create a positive environment where learning can take place. Our positive attitude will ensure the atmosphere is set for higher learning. Parental contact will be made to ensure your parent is updated on your progress in this class.
A procedure is a traditional or established way of doing things You and I follow simple procedures daily for example: To a friend you must have an address and you must enter the correct address for the recipient. New employees are taught the proper safety procedures. In order to be successful in learning, you need to follow some simple procedures. I reserve the right to change the procedures based on the instructional needs of each class.
Personal responsibility I can be accountable for actions, choices, and results Respect I can show consideration, appreciation and acceptance Integrity I can be honest, sincere and kind in word and in action Determination I can set goals and meet expectations Excellence I can strive to do the best at all times
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES All School-wide expectations will be enforced in this classroom. (P.R.I.D.E. Matrix) Please be in your seat when the tardy bell rings and remain there unless you have permission to do otherwise. Please don’t apply make up, comb your hair, apply perfume, etc. during class. Please discard your food, gum, or drink before entering the class. Exceptions to this procedure are made by administration and teacher. Respect the teacher, all adults entering class during instruction (i.e. guest speakers), substitute teachers and your peers.
Enter the classroom quietly sign in, get your notebook/textbook if needed and go directly to your seat. Begin Bell Ringer. If you finish your bell ringer early, complete any incomplete work you have for this class. If you don’t have any incomplete work, remain quiet until further instructions are given.
DURING INSTRUCTION Please demonstrate respect and do not talk while the teacher or speaker is talking. Please raise your hand if you have a question. There are no bathroom passes during instruction. There are also no bathroom passes during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minute of class per administration.
WHILE YOU ARE WORKING When you are working individually, you are expected to do so unless I assign a student to assist you with a task. When working in groups, talking should not be loud enough to disturb the surrounding classrooms. If group collaboration doesn’t work at any time, I will stop the entire class from working in groups until there is a time that it can be done successfully.
AFTER YOU ARE DONE Compare your work and the directions/rubric to ensure that you have completed all of the assigned tasks. If you are instructed to submit the assignment, do so once you feel it is ready to be graded. You may visit the approved websites listed on my webpage, study for future test, or complete an additional task I assign.
I will receive classwork/homework on the assigned date . Submitting classwork/homework late will result in a grade reduction prior to checking it for accuracy. When you are absent, the classwork/homework is due within three school days after you return. Exceptions are made for extended absences due to medical reasons or other approved reasons. The majority of your assignments will be available on my website/Schoology. The assignments will be submitted electronically. Assignments that are not submitted electronically will be placed in the designated area in the room.
WHEN YOU ARE TARDY Please make sure you have a pass. Sign in at the door and leave your pass in the folder on the table. Please take your seat without disrupting the class. If I am finished giving instructions, I will make sure you understand what to do next or I will assign a student to assist you.
Supplies/Computer Usages
Please remember to bring your required supplies (pen, pencils, etc.) to school each day. There will be a limited amount of shared resources/supplies available for you. Please take care of these resources. Computer Use – Please remember this is a privilege. Each student must have a signed copy of the Acceptable Computer Use Policy on file in order to use the computers.
DISMISSAL When changing classes or leaving for the day: Remain in your seat until the bell rings or you have been instructed to leave the classroom. Gather all of your belongings and take them with you. The teacher is not responsible for anything you leave in the classroom. When leaving for lunch: wait for instructions from administration or the teacher. Leave the classroom in a orderly fashion. When leaving for an assembly: wait for instructions from administration or the teacher. Leave the classroom in the orderly fashion. Sit with classmates unless you are participating in the assembly and have to be somewhere else.
Ransey’s Reward System
Positive behavior will be rewarded throughout the school year. Tickets will be provided for your positive behavior weekly. You will be able to turn in your tickets for prizes at the end of the week. How you can earn tickets: Be on time for class and complete your bell ringer correctly. Good attendance record Positive interactions and participation during class
Classroom Manager Each students will have the chance to be the classroom manager for one week. This person will help maintain the positive environment in the classroom. Assignments will be done by last name according to the class roster. If it is your turn to be the classroom manager and you know in advance that you will be absent you must pick someone to be the manager for that day. You will also have to split your tickets with this person. Duties Distribute/collect handouts when needed Assist with posting work on the walls (you can pick a student to help if needed) Make sure all students have put notebooks/books/resources on the shelf or table Make sure all chairs are pushed in and there is no trash on the floor upon dismissal Make sure all students have signed in for attendance (when teacher is absent) assist the sub when the teacher is out. Run errands if needed You will receive two PBIS tickets at the end of the week for this duty.
Quote: "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will." -- Vincent T. Lombardi Question: Are you willing to do what it takes to be successful in my class and your other classes this school year?
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