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INOLINK The Leading French Science Park Is happy to welcome

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1 INOLINK The Leading French Science Park Is happy to welcome
The members of the EU Consortium INOLINK 29 September 2010 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

2 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
Genopole: the historical French biopark A continuum dedicated to biotechnology Research Companies Hospital University Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 2

3 Medicen Paris Region Bio-cluster
Fully integrated in the Medicen Paris Region Biocluster Medicen Paris Region Bio-cluster Top 1 in Europe for S&T 7,5 % GDP devoted to R&D 8 bioparks 150+ biotech companies 324 pharma companies 363 medical equipment companies 90% of French CROs 300 public and private research centers largest european hospital system 41 state-run hospitals ( beds) hot spot for clinical trials Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

4 Building the most favorable environment to develop biotech companies…
Stimulating scientific environment International network Versatile real estate offers and services Pre seed Fund Biotech Companies Clinical network Shared technical platforms Instruments and programs for company incubation and development 4 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

5 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
A stimulating scientific environment 20 research labs, including 3 national-scale centres 900+ scientists from most National Research Institutes: CNRS, CEA, INSERM, INRA, … Evry University and 3 Schools of Engineering students (34 % in sciences and engineering) 400 professors Ambitious Integrative Programs Institute for Stem Cells (2005) Institute of Systems and Synthetic Biology (2009) Institute for Biomaterials (2010) 5 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

6 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
Real estate: 86,000 m² dedicated to biotech companies Facilities include space from offices to entrepreneurs… Business center: fully furnished offices, meting rooms,… … to customized tenant laboratory & office space Incubator, with shared laboratory equipment 50 to 300 m² wet lab & office suites Fully equipped with benches, sinks, pure water, autoclave, freezers, … Customized spaces / specific demand and layout 300 to m² wet lab, L2 & office suites Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 6

7 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
A new hospital and a center for clinical and translational research A new hospital is in construction on the Genopole campus - The latest general hospital built in France beds - Opening scheduled for 2011 Genopole coordinates the setting of a center for clinical and translational research within the new hospital Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 7

8 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
A team dedicated to facilitating creation and development of biotech companies 7 multidisciplinary dedicated project managers Combining solid complementary backgrounds in pre-incubation, IP, finance, company valuation, bus. development, fund raising, licensing, … A network of external experts Strategy, business development, legal matters, regulatory affairs, clinical development,... . Expert Committee 15 members from academic institutions, pharma industry or VCs. Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 8

9 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
Currently, 69 biotech companies and active projects … LTK Pharma Texcell GlobalBio Energy NanoBH Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

10 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
Biotech companies: fact sheet 67 biotech companies (2009) 224 M€ raised ( ) 159,5 M€ revenues ( ) 681 patents filed ( ) 24 products in development (2009) Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 10

11 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
State of the art shared technical platforms and equipment Platforms - CERFE (animal facility) Bioinformatic annotation - Imaging and preclinical evaluation DNAchips production - Mass spectrometry platform (augmented reality and virtual environment) Equipment Transmission electron microscopy Atomic force microscope Cell sorting station Plant DNA Microarray platform LiquiChip Workstation NMR Workstation Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 11

12 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
GMP production centers for drugs of the future GMP manufacturing centers for Therapeutic proteins and MoAbs in mammalian cells Therapeutic proteins in bacteria, yeast, plants Viral vectors (Genethon) Oligonucleotides (in collab. with Sigma Aldrich) Enzymes and biocatalysis for industrial use - Center for filling and packaging GMP products - Laboratory to develop expression systems Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 12

13 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
An international network oriented to biotech companies Genopole integrates and gives access to an international network Network of international companies, pharma laboratories, bioincubators and venture capital institutions. Genopole is a member of several European consortia with European bioparks BioLink (FP5) Oxford, Munich, Cagliari, Jerusalem, Cardiff Natibs (FP6) Berlin, Barcelona, Karolinska, Tallinn, Tel Aviv, Inno CEBR (FP6) Cambridge, Oxford, Berlin, Munich, Heidelberg, Barcelona, Uppsala, Tallinn, Lyon BIO CT (FP7) Berlin, Barcelona, Turin, Oxford, Debrecen, Inno Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 13

14 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
BIO-CT To identify appropriate Tools (human, technical and financial) in the partnering Bio-Regions likely to be shared in support to innovative biotech projects; To deliver a Joint Action Plan and Business Plan for the maturation of innovative biotech projects by the sharing of regional Tools (human, technical and financial). Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 14

15 Consortium Members 7 members from 6 countries. 5 Bio-Clusters
Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

16 I-PoC achievement: The “Early Stage Development”
Consist in achieving a Project Maturation, from Research to Industry Wet or Dry, but always Tough Quotation from Branscomb, Auerswald & Al. Harvard and Georges Mason Universities Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

17 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
The original scheme from the DoW Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

18 Three main Work Packages
Project maturation (WP leader: BioTop Berlin) Company incubation or “Molecule” incubation (Academic Pre-development) Access to the Human resource and their mobility. (WP leader: BioCAT Barcelona) Example: Could Bio-regions co-operate in Reverse Brain Drain actions? Access to first class facilities, (GMP, …), located in other Bio-Region. (WP leader: BioPark Canavese - Torino) Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

19 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
Genopole Engineering The Unit of Genopole dedicated to offering specialized high-value services and customized solutions to emerging Bio-regions and Bio-clusters located outside France. Genopole Engineering relays on An in-house team with first-hand experience and extensive track-records from over a decade on technology transfer, project maturation, company creation and early financing. An extensive network of independent consulting experts and firms in technologies and biotechnology. A network of independent firms offering services and products in the fields of biotechnology and health-care. A close collaboration with the French governmental agencies and network involved in the promotion of innovation Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 19

20 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
Genopole Engineering – Offer (1) Companies / start-ups Incubation; maturation Financing: seed money, venture capital Education & training (tech transfer, entrepreneurship, running an incubator/biocluster) Company organization, project management Product development Evaluation and analysis of corporate and business contracts Advice on technology / company valuation Market & competition analysis Intellectual property analysis Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 20

21 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
Genopole Engineering – Offer (2) Innovation, research and development Identification, implementation, coordination of innovative research programs Technical assessment on science/technology Strategic advice Technology valuation Elaboration of development plans to capture innovative value Market & competition analysis / Intellectual property analysis Innovative research: Project engineering, management, execution, follow-up & audit Networking and search of partners, resource management Research programs for third parties 21 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

22 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
Genopole Engineering – Offer (3) Infrastructures Design, construction, setting, validation of Platforms and Facilities HT screening, imaging, genotyping, sequencing, cell sorting, manufacturing plants (for proteins in eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells, for viruses, viral vectors or vaccines), Hospitals / Clinical research units, containment level Laboratories (L2, L3), animal facilities, QC labs Equipment, installation and operations Platforms/ facilities: Project engineering, management, execution, follow-up & audit Resource management Networking and search of partners and suppliers Implementation of QA systems / Dossiers for Certification / Accreditation Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 22

23 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010
Genopole Engineering - Pipeline Saudi Arabia Poland Tunisia Morocco South Africa Argentina India China Colombia Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010 23

24 Consortium INOLINK - 29 September 2010

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