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Biological Abstracts for the Life Sciences

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1 Biological Abstracts for the Life Sciences
Catherine Dockerty and Sophie Wilcox February 2007

2 This session Biological Abstracts – overview
Zoological Record – overview Access Searching and indexes Accessing the full text of papers Alerts Exporting records to RefWorks

3 Biological Abstracts Produced by the Thompson Corporation
Covers journal articles only Coverage: Biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, medicine, pharmacology, zoology, agriculture, veterinary science, ecology, and genetics. 9.5 million+ records 350,000+ records added annually (90% including abstract) 3700+ journals worldwide Availability: in print in Oxford (RSL) electronically in Oxford via OxLIP

4 Zoological Record Produced by the Thompson Corporation
Abstracts of journal articles, books, conferences and meetings, reviews and electronic documents. Coverage: Zoology, ecology, physiology, taxonomy, evolution, morphology and nomenclature. Natural biology is and systematic zoological literature are covered extensively. Applied biological sciences are treated more selectively. 3.4 million+ records 72,000+ records added annually Availability: in print in Oxford (RSL) electronically in Oxford via OxLIP Humans are not covered but prehistoric humanoids are (eg Homo erectus). Domestic and experimental animals are not covered unless unusual or in the wild. Systematic zoological literature is covered exhaustively.

5 Access Electronic Library Resources
OxLIP (Oxford Libraries Information Platform) WebSPIRS VPN (Virtual Private network) Follow the “Electronic Resources” link from OxLIP (Oxford Libraries Information Platform) OxLIP – gives access to all subscribed databases - needs software from OxLIP on the Web – gives access to all subscribed databases EXCEPT some CD-ROMS. No software needed. Electronic Reference Library WinSPIRS and WebSPIRS To access outside the domain you need to use the Virtual Private Network

6 Searching Basic search Advanced search Combining searches
Other search options Citation search Index Thesaurus Possible searches: Anopheles darlingi (reintroduction of) Castor fiber (eurasian beaver) evolution AND animal welfare + dawkins as author coral reef bleaching thanatosis OR death feigning in insects clutch size of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) diet of the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) tawny owl (Strix aluco) blind Mexican cave fish Thesaurus search – foraging, diet Restriction by field – habitat-management in DE

7 Basic search “elephant*” Limit to subject, title or author fields
* = truncation symbol (eg to retrieve both singular and plural) Hints and examples Help and How do I …?

8 Change display Number of records Remove duplicate records
when searching multiple databases Restrict to records with “TOUR Oxford Full Text” link Customise fields displayed Field labels Sorting options when fewer than 200 records retrieved

9 Limit Search To: Click on “More” Options include: Document type
Language Publication year

10 Displaying records Complete record Navigate back to results list
“Show all results” TOUR Oxford Full Text TDNet Open URL Resolver

11 Advanced search “wolf” in title (TI) OR “wolves” in title (TI) AND
“rabies” in any field

12 Saving records Print Save

13 Combining searches “barn swallow*” then “Hirundo rustica” then
“clutch size” Search History Combine “barn swallow*” and “Hirundo rustica” result sets using OR then Combine with “clutch size” results using AND

14 Other search types Citation search Index Thesaurus Journal name
Broader and narrower terms Not always available when searching multiple databases

15 Alerts SDI (Selected Dissemination of Information) Search History
Create SDI Personal user name is address To delete or edit SDIs select SDI link at top of screen

16 Exporting records to RefWorks
Account set-up and log in Export to RefWorks option when saving marked records Select Complete records and either long or short field labels Save to file option In RefWorks, set Import Filter/Data Source to SilverPlatter WebSPIRS Set database to Biological Abstracts

17 Training and help WebSPIRS 5.1 guide WebSPIRS quick reference Online tutorials

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