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New DPBC Organizational Structure

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Presentation on theme: "New DPBC Organizational Structure"— Presentation transcript:

1 New DPBC Organizational Structure
Effective Immediately

2 Some things are set in stone by DPNM & DPBC Rules
County Chair – Elected (Bill Peifer) 1st Vice Chair – Elected (Cheryl Harris) 2nd Vice Chair – Elected (Tom Solomon) Secretary – Appointed Assistant Secretary – Appointed Treasurer – Appointed Executive Committee – Elected & Appointed (Ward Chairs + Officers) County Central Committee – Elected March 25th Rules Committee – Ward Chairs (or Elected March 25th) Resolutions Committee – Elected March 25th (Paula Farkas) (Carolyn Garcia Mack) (Steve Estrada)

3 My Goal is to Augment The existing structure with actual functional committees
Five Functional Committees* Communications & Technology ACTION Committee Finance Committee Planning & Logistics Committee External Relations Committee Most work will involve cooperative efforts between 2-5 committees! All Chair/Co-Chair appointments are to be considered “temporary” * The County Chair and both Vice Chairs are automatic ex-officio members of all committees. Also, Chairs and Co-Chairs are automatic ex-officio members of any subcommittees within their committees. There will be a 6th Committee, to be discussed later. County Chair - Elected 1st Vice Chair - Elected 2nd Vice Chair – Elected Secretary – Appointed Treasurer – Appointed Executive Committee County Central Committee Rules Committee Resolutions Committee

4 Communications & Technology
Newsletters Blue Review Weekend Li’l Blue We Have Issues Website Maintenance & Redevelopment Database Continued Development Data Analysis Updates & Reports for Ward Chairs Social Media Facebook Twitter Others (future – Instagram, Reddit, Tumblr, YouTube, etc.) Communications & Technology Existing committee to be expanded in both size and scope Co-chaired by Bill Peifer, John Doran and Ivan Pfeifer

5 ACTION Committee Training & Mentoring DPBC Office Staff Volunteers
Ward Officers Precinct Officers DPBC Office Staff Volunteers SignUpGenius Special “Strike” Team For Campaigns and Issues Phone Banking Canvassing Data Analysis (from CommTech) Voter Registration Recruitment Issues & Advocacy An expanded version of the former Party Building Committee Activism Connecting Training Involvement Organizing Neighborhoods Co-chaired by Tom Solomon and Roxanne Allen

6 Finance Budget Subcommittee Fundraising Subcommittee
Chaired by Carl Akins Fundraising Subcommittee Chaired by Jim Collie Finance Chaired by Treasurer Steve Estrada

7 Planning & Logistics Meetings & Conventions Parades (Floats)
Coffee & Conversation (weekly) Third Thursday (monthly) Executive Committee (quarterly) CCC & Pre-Primary (annually) Parades (Floats) Gay Pride State Fair Picnics & Pot Lucks Possible return of Pancakes & Politics Fundraising Events Dinners Other Fundraisers Support for other activities Planning & Logistics Co-Chaired by Millie Peifer and TBD

8 External Relations Press Relations Union Relations Community Relations
Newspapers Radio TV Union Relations Dialogs with all locals Labor Liaison – John Doran Community Relations Democrats Care! Clothing & School Supply Drives Possible Food Bank Democratic Groups Native American Groups Affiliated Caucuses Elected Officials, Candidates & Campaigns External Relations Co-Chaired by Cheryl Harris and Ane Romero

9 Previous Communication Paths
County Chair Vice Chair Volunteer Committee

10 Future Communication Paths
Steering Committee – Meets Monthly Includes: County Officers plus the Chairs/Co-Chairs/Subcommittee Chairs of Communications & Technology; ACTION; Finance; Planning & Logistics; External Relations Oral and written reports!

11 The Committee Structure
Steering Committee CommTech ACTION Finance Planning & Logistics External Relations

12 Example of how it might work Chair and Vice Chairs kept “in the loop” during the whole process All involved committees report to everyone else at Steering Committee meetings Fundraising proposes a “Jefferson/Kennedy Day” fundraising dinner Fundraising communicates with Budget to confirm available discretionary “seed” funding Fundraising communicates with Planning & Logistics regarding venue, menu, etc. Fundraising and Planning & Logistics work with Budget to develop a sub-budget for the event Planning & Logistics makes necessary arrangements Fundraising works with Communications & Technology for promotion of the event External Relations provides input on potential guest speakers and special guests External Relations notifies press Event is held! HUGE success!!! Communications & Technology harvests contact information of attendees ACTION Committee recruits a new ward chair and several new precinct chairs Receipts are deposited in the bank Fundraising communicates with Budget for necessary adjustments to the budget Steering Committee devotes a full meeting to “Lessons Learned” Report on the event is presented to the Executive Committee

13 New DPBC Organizational Structure
Effective Immediately

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