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LESSON 47 MISSIONS: MORE URGENT NOW THAN EVER (Part 2) MEMORY VERSE: “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "LESSON 47 MISSIONS: MORE URGENT NOW THAN EVER (Part 2) MEMORY VERSE: “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ."— Presentation transcript:

1 LESSON 47 MISSIONS: MORE URGENT NOW THAN EVER (Part 2) MEMORY VERSE: “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” Eph. 5: BIBLE PASSAGE: Luke 15:3-6

2 INTRODUCTION: We live in a world that is uncertain
INTRODUCTION: We live in a world that is uncertain. Current data for mortality rates, life expectancy and the degree of man’s inhumanity to man are alarming, hence the need for us to rise and do something concrete about missions. Today’s lesson is a continuation of the cry for revival in missions.


THREE TYPES OF LOST SOULS The careless (The Lost Sheep) Like sheep, many people in the world, wander away. While keeping its focus on its immediate needs and environment, the sheep goes farther and farther away from the shepherd’s care. Sheep gets lost without any intention to do so, but as a result of carelessness. (Isa. 53:6; Ezek. 34:6). So also, many people never ask i1mportant questions like; where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? They are lost in the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches (Mk. 4:19). Souls of men lost in this category are usually due to personal carelessness.

5 2. The uncared for (The Lost Coin) Some people are lost as a result of the carelessness of others in handling them. Jesus warned His disciples never to offend the little ones (Matt 18:6, 10). The woman in Luke 15:8-9 was responsible for keeping her coin, but due to her carelessness, the coin was lost. The coin cannot help itself, either by bleeping like the sheep or by tracing its way back like the son (Jn. 6:44).

6 3. The backsliders (The Lost Son) The lost son decided deliberately to go astray, just like many have chosen by reason of love for sin and therefore hatred for God and His principles. Souls in this category live in their own wills and go in their own ways. These men live completely ungodly lives. Their talents are wasted on eternally unprofitable ventures (Luke 15:12-13).

7 THE TRINITY’S RESPONSE TO LOST SOULS The Trinity is dissatisfied, so long there are still lost souls, even if only one (Luke 15:4, 8). Church Growth statistics like only 1% lost sheep (1 out of 100), or 10% lost coin (1 out of 10), or 50% lost sons (1 out of 2), is admirable but not to the Trinity. Rather, this is reason for urgent missions’ activity. The Holy Spirit seeks the Helpless (Jn. 16:7-8, 13).

8 Jesus seeks the Ignorant and the Careless
Jesus seeks the Ignorant and the Careless. He seeks the sheep until He finds the sheep (Matt. 15:24; Luke 15:4). The Father waits for the rebellious son to return (Luke 15:20-21). The son must first return to himself (Luke 15:17), before returning to his father (Luke 15:18). The Trinity rejoices when lost souls are found, as represented by the shepherd in Luke 15 (v 6), the woman (v 9) and the father (v 32).

9 CONCLUSION We must develop a sense of urgency for reaching the lost
CONCLUSION We must develop a sense of urgency for reaching the lost. Hence, be dissatisfied as long as souls are still perishing and be burdened for the lost. (Matt. 11:29a, 30). Seek till you find, do not give up on any type of lost souls (Matt 7:8; Acts 10:34-35).

10 QUESTIONS 1. Mention the three types of lost souls. 2
QUESTIONS 1. Mention the three types of lost souls. 2. How does the trinity respond to the lost souls?     

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