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Systems & Software Engineering
Gordon M. Kranz ODUSD(A&T) Systems and Software Engineering SE Forum March 2009
SSE’s Bottom Line Up Front
We lead the reconstitution of integrated systems engineering and developmental test and evaluation for DoD and its supporting industrial base. We lead workforce development for nearly half of the defense acquisition workforce. We provide technical insight for major defense acquisition programs on a recurring basis. “… managers rely heavily on assumptions about system requirements, technology, and design maturity, which are consistently too optimistic. These gaps are largely the result of a lack of disciplined systems engineering analysis prior to beginning system development …” Gene L. Dodaro, Acting Comptroller General of the United States February 11, 2009 Testimony before Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives DEFENSE MANAGEMENT: Actions Needed to Overcome Long-standing Challenges with Weapon Systems Acquisition and Service Contract Management, GAO T
Agenda SSE Vision and Mission SSE Organization
SSE Methodology and Approach Collaboration & Engagement 2009 Focus Areas The Way Ahead Summary
SSE Vision and Mission Vision:
Systems engineering and developmental test and evaluation principles and disciplines are fully accepted and assimilated into the DoD acquisition workforce positioning the DoD for acquisition excellence leading to a stronger national defense. Mission: Provide flexible engineering and developmental test and evaluation policy, guidance, and workforce development requirements for the DoD acquisition workforce. Foster an acquisition environment of collaboration, teamwork, and joint ownership of program success through a proactive program oversight process ensuring appropriate levels of systems engineering discipline are applied through all phases of program development. Engage all stakeholders across government, industry, and academia to collectively advance engineering practice and achieve acquisition excellence. Version DML/DG/GK First I would like to share with you my vision for SE. My years in the military and as a defense contractor I never forgot why we all do what we do. What draws us to the defense acquisition business is the contribution we all feel to the war fighter. I believe Systems Engineering is one of the essential elements to achieving acquisition excellence and I have captured my organizations vision in the following statement. “read”.
SSE Organization Director, Systems and Software Engineering
Gordon Kranz SES Deputy Director Strategic Initiatives Kristen Baldwin SES Deputy Director Engineering and Test Policy and Guidance Christopher DiPetto SES Deputy Director Human Capital and Specialty Engineering Nicholas Torelli SES Deputy Director Acquisition Systems Engineering and Test Support James Thompson SES Functional Responsibilities Functional Responsibilities Functional Responsibilities Functional Responsibilities Early Systems Engineering System of Systems SE Program Protection Plan Policy & Guidance Acquisition Cyber Security SE Research Center – University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) Studies and Analyses Policy & Guidance - Systems Engineering - Test & Evaluation - Software Engineering SSE Document Coordination and Approval Process - Systems Engineering Plan - Test & Evaluation Master Plan - Test & Evaluation Strategy Standards Energy Human Capital Strategy & Planning - Workforce Development and Management of SPRDE, T&E, PQM and SW (curriculum) - Workforce Health / Assessment - Certification Standards - Competency Models & Analysis Specialty Engineering OIPT/DAB/DSAB Support Technical Support to Acquisition Programs Program Assessments: - Assessments of Operational Test Readiness - Program Support Reviews - Non-Advocate Reviews DAES Database Analysis and Support Measurements and Analysis T&E Oversight List Version DML/SV/TM
SSE’s Methodology and Approach
Systems Engineering, Integration, and Test Policy and Guidance Technical Acquisition Excellence Advancing the Practice Workforce Development Program Assistance & Oversight Version DML/GK Enhanced Program Execution Technical Excellence through continuous feedback and interaction
DoD Challenge: “A”cquisition Process
Planning, Programming, and Budgeting Process FYDP POM Process Appropriation and Authorization of Funds Future Threat and Op Tempo ICD, CDD, CPD Requirements Budgeting Acquisition Synergy Version DML/GK Acquisition Policy, Guidance, and Oversight MDAP Decision Authority
DoD Challenge: “A”cquisition Process
Requirements Budgeting Acquisition Synergy Version DML Changing Threat Changing Budget
DoD Challenge: “A”cquisition Process
OSD / Joint Staff Component Acquisition Executive Industry DoD Challenge: “A”cquisition Process Requirements Budgeting Acquisition Systems Engineering Program Management Testing and Evaluation Roles Functional Areas Functions
DoD Goal: Increase the Overlap
Requirements Budgeting Acquisition Version DML
Opportunities for SSE Engagement
Policy & Guidance Systems Engineering DT&E Program Support Program Support Reviews OIPT, T&E and SE WIPTs AOTR, Post-PDR/CDR Review & Assessment Workforce Planning Competency Models Certification Reqts Education & Training Emerging Concepts Systems of Systems SE Research Outreach SE Forum Engagement Strategy Congress Statutory Direction Sec Def Policy, SecDef and AT&L Direction, DOT&E Requirement Developers ICD, CDD, CPD Service Acquisition, T&E Executives DAB, ITAB, DSAB, OIPT, PSR, SEP, TEMP, Technical Reviews, SE WIPT, T&E WIPT, Test Events/OA, I/FOT&E, AOTR PEOs Version DML Program Office / DT&E Prime Contractors Second Tier Contractors Education & Collaboration Infrastructure Professional/Industry Associations (NDIA, INCOSE, AIA, ITEA, TechAmerica, etc.) DAU, Academic Institutions, SERC, International Partners CSEP-Acq, Research, Industry-University SE Workforce Initiatives, Industry-Gov’t Projects
SSE Engagement INCOSE, SE Summit SE Summit NDIA ICOTE T&E Conference
SE Division Manufacturing Division ICPM ITEA, T&E Conference Boeing Aerospace Corporation AIAA, T&E Conference NASA NRO Navy RDA HQ USAF/TE AFFTC Previous slide indicated overall SSE engagement strategy across government and industry. Successful engagement is not a product of the outreach office, but rather a collective effort across the entire SSE team. Build Since the reorganization, the collective SSE engagement effort has been very successful. In the case of government and industry professional organizations, we have relayed the SSE message to INCOSE, NDIA, ITEA, and AIAA. These efforts have included not just the Director, but about 15 different SSE personnel. In the case of government organizations, we have delivered the SSE message to NASA, the NRO, the NAVY Chief systems engineer who works for ASN, Research, Development, and Acquisition, and HQ USAF/TE. As a result of these engagement efforts, we are now initiating efforts to engage the JLTV program with early SE efforts, strengthening our reliability efforts, investigating ways to reduce duplication on program reviews, and sharing SRCA/PSR results with USAF test & evaluation. In the next 60 days we have already strengthened the engagement effort to include a wider variety of Service engineering and test organizations as well as industry partners. We will also be making a dedicated effort to tailor the SE conference agenda to match our priorities and demographic trend data. Finally we have efforts in work to engage the recent acquisition legislation for the betterment of Department acquisition. Next 60 Days… SAF/AQ, ARMY SE, USAF SE, USN DT&E, USA DT&E, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, INCOSE Region V, PEO SYSCOM, DAU, CSER, ASC/EN, AAC/EN, USMA, USAFA, SMU, AIA … and shaping SE conference, engaging on legislation
2009 Focus Areas Risk Reduction OSD Policy & Guidance
DSB DT&E Report & 231 Report Recommendations Integrated DT/OT Reliability Improvement Early SE Access to Relevant Data for Evaluation & Decision Making Risk Reduction NRC Study Recommendations DT&E Revitalization Milestones A/B Critical Correct SE Staffing Component Development Planning Pre-Milestone A Analysis OSD Policy & Guidance Workforce Development Version DML Our strategy for Systems Engineering in the Department is driven by external and internal assessments. The National Research Council study of Early Systems Engineering confirmed the need and potential impact for early application of systems engineering and recommended the four items listed on the top left of this chart. These recommendations are embodied in our OSD SE strategy to enhance SE engagement prior to MS B (and MS A), to ensure that we are training, educating and providing adequate resources to meet complex system acquisition needs that we require today, and also conduct research and studies to address areas where we know we have needs for system engineering improvement. In addition to this external study, we have conducted analysis of findings from over 40 assessments of major defense acquisition programs, determined root causes and developed several key recommendations to address these issues. These recommendations, that emerge from actual acquisition program issues, happen to be very synergistic with the external recommendations and our OSD strategy. PSR Systemic Analysis Recommendations* Enhanced SE Pre-MS B Improved Program Planning and Execution Achievable Acquisition Strategy Enhanced Gate Review Process Enhanced Staff Capabilities * Based on 3,700 Program Assessment findings from 40 Programs Support Reviews (PSR) 13
The Way Ahead 2009 and Beyond Concentration on Program Formulation
Implement technically-based Materiel Development Decision Ensure mandatory Milestone A supported by SE analysis Analyze PDR Reports and Post-CDR Reports to inform the MDA Renew government oversight of DT&E to reduce risk in IOT&E Execute mandated PSRs and AOTRs 2009 IOC B A FOC CDD CPD ICD Materiel Solution Analysis Technology Development Production & Deployment Operations & Support Engineering and Manufacturing Development FRP Decision Review Materiel Development Post CDR Assessment PDR CDR AoA Pre-Systems Acquisition Systems Acquisition Sustainment C or Post PDR 2003 – 2008 Version DML This is a good news chart for OSD that is not necessarily shared by the field and major programs. The new finally makes formal in PSRs the somewhat casual reference in our first SE policy memo (Feb 2004) to our assessment of programs. AOTRs were born from Congressional frustration with the large number of programs failing OT. The AOTR was designed to provide independent input to the program’s CAE to inform his/her certification of OT readiness as well as the MDA and DOT&E. 2003 – 2008 Concentration on Program Execution Stood up new AT&L organization focused on SE Integrated SE and DT&E Published AT&L SE policy letters instantiated in DoDI Overhauled and enriched DAWIA curriculum Created common framework for program assessments 14
Summary Chart SSE will continue to enable and challenge the acquisition systems engineering and test and evaluation workforce to perform the best they can and in turn to effectively contribute to the overall acquisition excellence and individual program success.
Review Findings Drive Actions
Findings from Our Reviews* We do not start programs right Insufficient requirements analysis and definition at program initiation Lack of rigorous SE approach Optimistic/realistic reliability growth not a priority during development Inadequate software architectures, design, development discipline, and organizational competencies We do not manage programs right Insufficient trade space Insufficient risk management Inadequate IMP, IMS, EVMS Lack of quantifiable entrance/exit criteria Maturing “suitability” (e.g., RAM) not always a priority Preliminary Recommendations and Systemic Issues Impacts to Policy, Guidance, Education and Training Recommendation Areas Acquisition Strategy and Planning Decision Gate Reviews Enhanced Staff Capabilities Collaboration with Industry and Services Vetted systemic issues Chartered NDIA Task Group Developed recommendations and actions *Based on 3,700 Program Assessment findings from 40 Program Support Reviews © 2006 by Carnegie Mellon University 17 17
DoD Challenge: “A”cquisition Process
Roles OSD / Joint Staff Component Acquisition Executive Industry Functions Requirements Budgeting Acquisition Increasing the Synergy Systems Engineering Program Management Testing and Evaluation Functional Areas
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