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Career Development Framework Our Journey So Far – A Lot Done, More to Do December 2016.

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1 Career Development Framework Our Journey So Far – A Lot Done, More to Do
December 2016

2 Agenda A bit on Permanent TSB
Why implement a CDF - ‘The Burning Platform’ Who Owns Career Development? The PTSB Career Development Framework Implementation Project


4 Agenda A bit on Permanent TSB
Why implement a CDF - ‘The Burning Platform’ Who Owns Career Development? The PTSB Career Development Framework Implementation Project

5 Career Management is an Executive Level Concern

6 CEB Research On Attrition PTSB Resignation Analysis
Career Development Framework Programme The Why? - Operational Context - Attrition and Retention Research CEB Research On Attrition CEB research also shows that taking effective action can increase intent to stay by up to 33% Looking at HR metrics for voluntary resignation within PTSB in a 12 Month Period to February 2016, shows some interesting statistics around the reasons why people are leaving the bank: PTSB Resignation Analysis The table adjacent indicates that “Career Change” and “Career Development” are in the top three reasons that PTSB staff are leaving the company. These areas which are the key building blocks of a Career Framework are the areas of most dissatisfaction within PTSB.

7 Agenda A bit on Permanent TSB
Why implement a CDF - ‘The Burning Platform’ Who Owns Career Development? The PTSB Career Development Framework Implementation Project

8 It is Critical that Organisations encourage their people to focus on Career Growth, not just Promotions

9 Career Development Framework Programme The Why
Career Development Framework Programme The Why? - Benefits of Focusing on Career Growth not just Promotions The CDF will be designed to create a agile organisation, rather than just focusing on upward promotions it will also facilitate lateral, career moves offering breath & depth to employees CV’s

10 Moving Towards a Career Partnership Approach

11 Agenda A bit on Permanent TSB
Why implement a CDF - ‘The Burning Platform’ Who Owns Career Development? The PTSB Career Development Framework Implementation Project

12 Career Development Framework Programme
The PTSB Career Development Frameworks aims to: Create a “Career Partnership” where the employee can own their career but are proactively guided by PTSB Provide a simple transparent structure for individuals to visualize where they fit within PTSB Highlight what L&D is relevant to each role so employees can see what competencies and development they require to advance or move laterally within or across Career Families Rather than just focusing on upward promotions it will also facilitate lateral, career moves offering breath & depth to employees CV’s Enable PTSB leverage internal career opportunities to prevent loss to the market and provide staff with information on potential career opportunities they may not have known or thought about Provide a Cloud based CDF Portal with Career Development Tools to enable individuals to easily navigate and discover opportunities across the business and enable them to plan and manage their career and development. This can be done any time and anywhere.

13 Career Development Framework Programme Career Framework Architecture
Career Families Reflects the way in which roles progresses and provides different options for career growth based on skills and type of work Business Specialism Business Delivery Customer Service Managing Through People Competencies Competencies are mapped to each role/ level Behavioural competencies define how you should “behave” and Are aligned to the Strategy Business competencies are what you need to “learn” Competencies will have proficiencies with definitions of what good looks like at each level L1 Strategic Core Behavioural Competencies L2 L3 Business Competencies L4 L5 Assistant Manager Dealer Specialist Role Profiles Jobs are grouped into generic roles A role profile will be a description of a role with similar purpose, accountabilities scope, skills, capabilities and similar levels Salaries ranges are mapped to levels Roles are also mapped to levels and Career Maps Accountant Customer Service Advisor Underwriter Individual Jobs Employees and their individual job within ptsb

14 Managing Through People Customer Relationship Management
Career Development Framework Programme There will be 4 Career Families within PTSB which will reflect the nature of our Business Career Families map Roles into coherent groups based on shared characteristics All the functions within the Bank will have career profiles sitting across the 4 Career Families Where each career profile is located within this structure will depend on what is the main focus of each roles work* Clear Guiding Principles on how to allocate roles within Career Families have been developed Work is currently underway streamlining roles and mapping them to this structure Business Delivery Business Expertise Managing Through People Customer Relationship Management The key emphasis of these roles is to deliver support to the business It involves fulfilment of PTSB’s services to Internal & External Customers Uses organisation knowledge ( e.g. process, structures, people etc.) & administrative skills to complete work in line with established processes & procedures The key emphasis of these roles is to provide specific functional expertise May provide specialist guidance to others. Achieves business objectives through their expertise. Usually an individual contributor. Expertise typically gained through education and/ or experience The key emphasis of these roles is on leading and guiding the action of others Achieves business objectives through the work of others to deliver individual, team, business unit & group performance Managing others & applying line management, operational & or strategic management skills The key emphasis of these roles is to deal directly with the customer To provide direct contact with customers & to positively influence the service experience. To develop/maintain existing business and/or to acquire new business. Provides professional and/or regulated advice /product proposition information to customers / clients * When allocating roles to Career Families the guiding principle will be that 70% or more of the roles work would need to fit within that family

15 Customer Service Agent
Career Development Framework Programme Linking Learning & Development to Career Infrastructure PORTAL LMS (Rebranded & Cloud Enabled ) Career Families Summary Role Profiles Competencies and associated proficiency by level Training & Development linked to Competencies Behavioural Competency “Customer Focus” Business Specialist Customer Focus Definition & Proficiency Training & Dev List of Development Behavioural Competency “Managing Risk Career Development Portal List of Development Drive for Results Definition & Proficiency Training & Dev Customer Service Customer Service Agent Level 5 Training and Development by Competency ILT Courses LMS Books Papers Accreditation Useful development tips Behavioural Competency “High Performance Teams” List of Development One Bank Definition & Proficiency Training & Dev Business Support Business Competency “Planning and Organising” Training & Dev List of Development Planning and Organising Definition & Proficiency Managing Through People Business Competency “Problem Solving & Decision Making” Training & Dev List of Development Problem Solving & Decision Making Definition & Proficiency Career Development Tools to help employees plan and manage their Career

16 What Might it Look Like?

17 What Might it Look Like?

18 What Might it Look Like?

19 Agenda A bit on Permanent TSB
Why implement a CDF - ‘The Burning Platform’ Who Owns Career Growth? The PTSB Career Development Framework Implementation Project

20 Career Development Framework
High Level Plan 2016/2017 Key Milestones June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Project Management Why /Stakeholder Commitment Workshop July 28th Sept 30th Branding July 8th Competencies Build & Review Sept 30th June 24th Career Architecture Design Oct 28th Career Architecture Build Nov 25th L&D (CDF) Nov 25th CDF launch Training – Design & Build July 29th Portal Vendor Selection Oct 28th Portal Design & Build & Upload Nov 11th Portal Pilot & Test Nov 18th Map Individuals to CDF/Role Profiles Ongoing Communications CDF CDF Go Live Launch/ Comms Jan 20th CDF Implementation Training

21 And Finally Some Learning (So Far)
Vital to use HR Metrics to build a strong and rational fact base and build a compelling business case for implementation Define and agree the ‘Why’ and the ‘What’ early with Leadership Team Only involve HRIS vendors when you have a clear and agreed vision. Its easy to get blinded by the gadgets and gizmos Tap into the wisdom within the HR/L&D Community. We are all very easy to talk to and forthcoming (or maybe we have just been lucky!) Involvement of and engagement with the business is the most critical success factor Expect and embrace the bumps and curves on the road

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