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U.S. Department of the Interior

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1 NAU sponsored Lands Conference OST/OAS-Land Buy Back Program Valuations
U.S. Department of the Interior Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians Office of Appraisal Services November 29, 2016

2 Land Valuation Outreach Land Research Land Valuation Land Acquisition Land Valuation is the process that determines the fair market value of tracts where the Department of the Interior (DOI) will offer to buy fractional interests. The Land Buy Back Program’s Land Consolidation process is comprised of four phases – outreach, land research, land valuation, and land acquisition. Under the Program, OAS, OVS/DME and BIA/Forestry are responsible for meeting the Land Valuation requirements.

3 Land Valuation LBBP’s need for a high volume of appraisals, within an accelerated timeframe and across various geographical regions of the country, required OAS make a strategic decision to incorporate the Mass Appraisal methodology and other streamlined valuation methods into its appraisal process. The OAS completes an appraisal of a fractionated tract by appraising the tract as if it were a single-owner fee status tract, and compares it to similar tracts that have recently sold in the area. Adjustments, based upon market conditions and physical characteristics, are made to account for differences between the tract being appraised and recent land sales This strategic direction was one of the recommendations made by The Appraisal Foundation when invited to review OAS’s appraisal methodology for the Program. OAS has appraised nearly 24,400 tracts consisting of more than 4 million acres. Of this land, 96 percent of the acres appraised are agricultural acres. The remaining 4 percent of acres are comprised of variety of property types, including recreational, timberland, residential, commercial, and wildlife habitat.

4 Land Valuation Planning
Sample: Reservations with 1000s of tracts Agency Name Parcel Count Land Use % of Total Acreage TOTAL Parcel Acres ROCKY MOUNTAIN Blackfeet (201) Native Range 0.8600 752,869.03 S Parcels: 8,478 Dry Crop 0.0986 86,317.31 B Parcels: 1,639 Irrigated 0.0414 36,242.77 Total Parcel Count: 10,117 100% 875,429.11 Crow (202) 0.7600 695,655.63 8,804 0.2134 195,332.78 3,122 Irrigated Crop 0.0266 24,347.95 11,926 915,336.36 GREAT PLAINS Standing Rock (302) 0.9223 651,547.55 1,528 Crop 0.0777 54,890.21 3,456 4,984 706,437.76 Pine Ridge (344) 1,530 0.9766 1,053,542.34 6,365 0.0234 25,243.59 7,895 1,078,785.93 Research sample from OAS Regional Operations to determine types of land use, ownership type and best appraisal methodology to use to support an opinion of market value. Reservations with high volume of purchasable tracts, non-complex, and mostly homogeneous ag lands were earmarked for mass appraising All tract information (TSR, plat maps, etc,) must be on hand to complete appraisal. 2) Timber valuations (if applicable) must be on hand to complete appraisal. 3) No Improvements are made part to the assignment. 4) Based upon past experience in Great Plains, 95% of "S" only tracts and 85% of "S" & "B" tracts will conform to mass methodology, the remaining 5% and 15% will be valued using typical appraisal valuations methods. 5) Numbers of tracts with "S", "B“ and “M” resource codes is given by OVS/DME. Note: parcel count left out

5 Land Valuation Planning – Scope of Work
Real Estate Appraisal Methodologies August 5, 2013 Mass Appraisal- similar and non-complex property type and a sufficient volume of land sales Project Appraisal- similar highest and best use of tracts and a similar sale data set can be analyzed Individual, Site Specific Appraisal- tract is complex, has unique physical characteristics and there is limited comparable sales data Purpose is to identify methodologies to use with BBP. Mass- Homogeneous land use types/HBU/similar market areas, Project- eliminate repetitive reporting. Site Specific-commercial, special use. More detail in later slides.

6 Land Valuation Planning
Additional Considerations Developing and Implementing Information Systems Personnel – hiring qualified real estate appraisers and appraisal support staff Training Contracting Tribes and Federal Partners whose decisions and support affect the valuation process, i.e., BLM Cadastral Surveys, OVS-DME and BIA Forestry OASIS is place but needed to develop a mass model process within OASIS, AgWare for sales, ArcGIS- mapping did not have, SPSS- did not have, TAAAMS (title plant)

7 Land Valuation Planning
RESERVATIONS Region Fractionated Tracts w/ Purchasable Interests Purchase Estimate OAS Report Type OAS/Contract Tribe Completion Date Mapping Completion Date DME Completion Date Offer Dates Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation, Washington (107) Northwest 343 $ ,360,586 Individual 9/1/2015 8/10/15 11/9 to12/28/15 Umatilla, Confederated Tribes of Reservation, Oregon (143) 1,015 $ ,113,252 10/23/2015 9/18/15 11/23 to 1/7/16 Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, California (568) Pacific 9 $ ,742 12/15/2015 8/19/15 12/28/15 to 2/15/16 Makah Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Reservation, Washington (108) 257 $ ,524,111 1/30/2016 12/17/15 2/22 to 4/71/16 Fond du Lac Band - Minnesota Chippewa Midwest 351 $ ,837,753 Project 2/15/2016 12/21/15 3/7 to 4/25/16 Round Valley Indian Tribes of the Round Valley Reservation, California (540) 185 $ ,456,371 Project or Individual 3/5/2016 1/30/16 3/28 to 5/23 Quinault Tribe of the Quinault Reservation, Washington (117) 1,422 $ ,263,655 MA 3/14/2016 6/27 to 8/15/16 Considering type of appraisals- not only land use, but also complexity, number of tracts that are purchasable and volume of available comparable land sales.

8 Valuation Phase Types of Appraisals
1. Mass Appraisal Definition: The process of valuing a universe of properties as of a given date using standard methodology, employing common data, and allowing for statistical testing. Advantages: Speed Low Unit Cost Testable results USPAP Standard 6

9 Critical Components of Mass Appraisals
GIS – Geographic Information System Robust Database Management Capabilities Effective Valuation Models meeting national standards OASIS – Appraisal request generation and Information System for OAS USPAP Standard 6

10 Steps in Mass Appraisal Modeling
Data Assembly Exploratory Data Analysis Base Mass Appraisal Model Development Full Model is completed Sales Ratio Testing Model Refinement Final Mass Appraisal Model OAS LBBPV modeling team has been working with local OAS regional appraisers in the model development process to gain expert information on local real estate markets and subject tracts.

11 GIS for Mass Appraisal- Osage and Ponca
Subject properties only- 11

12 GIS for Mass Appraisal- Blackfeet
Red = Appraised Tracts Yellow = Comparable Sales

13 Valuation Phase Types of Appraisals
2. Project Appraisal A multi-parcel appraisal that include the appraisal analysis of more than one tract that is documented in a single report. The most relevant Approach to Value (Cost, Income or Sales Comparison) is applied to all parcels and the report format follows the requirements under the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (UASFLA), Section 17-D. Appraisals developed under USPAP Standards 1and 2. More land uses, limited sales and less tracts, but still in the 100s.

14 GIS for Project Report- Bad River
Bad River – 500 plus tracts, HBU- recreation plus (wetlands- wild rice fields). 14

15 GIS for Project Report- Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation
Red- tracts, yellow sales. Approximately 130 tracts HBU- agriculture and rural residential 15

16 Valuation Phase Types of Appraisals
3. Individual, Site Specific Appraisals Individual Appraisals are for a single tract Individual or site-specific appraisals may be used on tracts that are difficult to value simultaneously with tracts amenable to mass appraisal without diminishing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the appraisal process. Benefits: Tracts with potential economic value in minerals or timber can be left out of the mass appraisal and appraised individually Certain tracts may not be amenable to mass appraisal valuation techniques, such as those located in commercial areas or urbanized zones where greater variation and value may exist Appraisals developed under USPAP Standards 1and 2. For single tract – may be commercial, industrial, etc.

17 GIS –Individual Site Specific- Squaxin Island
13 tracts, recreation and timber- HBU. Contracted for timber valuations. 17

18 Individual Site Specific- Cabazon
Only 2 tracts appraised- the above is a vacant industrial site. 18

19 Appraisal Types and Cost Efficiency
Mass appraisal Individual appraisal Many Properties One property Analyze 3-5 years of sales Analyze 3-5 years of sales; however, the analysis may be limited to most current sales (3-6 months) Virtual inspection- thousands On-site inspection of the one property 5 to 7 months to be complete a model 2-3 days turnaround* Statistical testing of Typically qualitative analysis. May use statistical results required testing Low cost per appraisal Higher cost per appraisal report report (unique and/or complex) (non-complex/homogeneous) Mass appraising has always been used for ad valorem taxation within counties. The counties usually take up to 2 -3 years to develop and implement mass appraisal models, then a continued updating of the model periodically. With OAS/LBBPV a new model is developed and implemented from the beginning, as each reservation is unique in property type and real estate markets. *This timeframe for completion is when appraiser does not need to inspect the subject tract, comparable land sales are available in the office and the subject tract is vacant and non-complex.

20 Different Appraisal Approaches Used to
Determine Value? The SALES COMPARISON APPROACH is based on similar properties in the vicinity that have sold recently. The COST APPROACH is based on the cost to replace or reproduce an existing improvement(s) on the property (i.e. rebuild) after deducting for accrued depreciation and adding land value. The INCOME APPROACH is based on the net income the property generates, which converted to market value by a market derived capitalization rate or the Net Present Value estimate of the income stream. All of the methods are considered but for most BBP assignments the Sales comparison Approach is the primary method.

21 How Property is Appraised
The COST APPROACH is based on the cost to replace or reproduce the existing improvement (i.e., rebuild) after deducting for accrued depreciation and adding land value. Cost approach, in many cases, is used to value structures. As the BBP is not requesting the valuation of structures (improvements), this approach is seldom used.

22 How Property is Appraised
The INCOME APPROACH is based on the income the property generates, capitalized or NPV estimate to determine its market value. OAS uses the income approach for trust lands that have a HBU of commercial, industrial, special use. 22

23 How Property is Appraised
The SALES COMPARISON APPROACH is based on a direct comparison of similar properties in the vicinity that have sold recently.

24 Use of Appraisals Purpose of the Appraisal-
For land purchase transaction by USDOI Only valuing surface rights Not applicable for other types of transactions Trespass Damage Estimates Rights of Way Leasing Partitions Loans/mortgages Tribes seeking Agreements to determine fair market values must demonstrate the ability to perform reservation-wide valuations in a manner that is efficient and cost-effective. Tribes that currently perform appraisal work under a P.L Program may be better positioned to provide opinions of market value for the Program through an Agreement. The OAS reviews and decides whether to approve appraisals provided by a Tribe.

25 Deputy Director, OAS/LBBPV
Thank You. Mr. Eldred Lesansee Director, OAS Ms. Iris F. Crisman Deputy Director, OAS/LBBPV Mr. Thomas Young Project Manager

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