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by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

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1 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers
Assessment Chapter 16 Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

2 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers
Assessment Whenever teaching or training occurs, it is important to assess performance and/or developmental level prior to formal instruction or remediation. But, many professionals don’t know how to select and administer tests correctly. Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

3 Reflecting on Assessment
How do you feel about tests and assessment, generally (whether it’s a chemistry final or a test of physical fitness)? Do you experience test anxiety? If so, how do you overcome it? If you were the person conducting the assessment, what are some ways you could help the individual being assessed? Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

4 Questions to Ask Regarding Assessment
Why do you want to assess? What variables do you plan to assess? Which tests purport to assess the important variables that you have identified? How will you prepare yourself for collecting the data? Do you have the statistical skills to interpret the assessment data? How, and with whom, will you share the assessment results? Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

5 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers
More About Assessment Reasons to assess: Screening Program content Evaluating progress Program evaluation Classification Selecting the best test: Is it statistically valid, reliable, and objective? Are norms established for a population similar to the one you plan to assess? Is the test instrument feasible to administer? Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

6 Characteristics of Ideal Tests
Valid, reliable, and objective Measure what they claim to measure Participants’ scores do not vary significantly Content validity Test reliability Interrater reliability Correlation coefficient Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

7 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers
Test Feasibility Which test can be administered in the least amount of time? Must you administer it individually, or can it be administered to groups? Do you have the training and expertise to administer the test? Do you have all of the necessary supplies and equipment? Do you have the training and expertise to interpret the results? Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

8 Preparing Participants— Reduce Anxiety by Considering . . .
Test environment Physical needs Psychological needs Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

9 Interpreting Assessment Data—Measurement
Measures of central tendency Measures of validity Standard deviation Normal curve Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

10 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers
Informal Assessment An alternative for anxious individuals Observations Play-based assessment—for young children Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

11 Types of Assessment Instruments
Norm-referenced instruments: Easy to administer but not precise Criterion-referenced instruments: Provide more insight but can be complicated Product-oriented assessment Process-oriented assessment Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

12 Selected Norm-Referenced Instruments
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development III Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency–2 Subtests for the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency–2 Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

13 Selected Process-Oriented Assessment Instruments
Ohio State University Scale of Intra-Gross Motor Assessment (SIGMA) Developmental Sequence of Motor Skills— Component Approach Developmental Sequence of Motor Skills Inventory—Total Body Approach Test of Gross Motor Development Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

14 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers
Sample Excerpt from the Summary of Fundamental Motor Skill Stage Characteristics—MSU Motor Performance Study: Total Body Approach Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

15 Assessing Individuals with Disabilities
Many assessment instruments cannot be appropriately used with special populations (e.g., a child who uses a wheelchair). Some assessment tools are appropriate: Peabody Developmental Motor Scales–2 (PDMS–2) Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development (BDIED) Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

16 Assessment Categories from the BDIED
Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

17 Assessing Physical Fitness— Physical Fitness Batteries
FITNESSGRAM and ACTIVITYGRAM Presidential Youth Fitness Program Brockport Physical Fitness Test President’s Challenge—Adult Fitness Test Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

19 Reflecting on The Adult Fitness Test
Do you consider yourself fit? Take the online adult fitness test. How did you do? Was the test easy to take? Would you recommend it? Can you see yourself helping others to take the same test (and the others described in the textbook)? Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

20 Assessing Functional and Physical Fitness of Older Adults
Senior Fitness Test: Chair stand Arm curl 2-minute step test Chair sit-and-reach Up and go Back scratch test Short Physical Performance Battery 4-meter walk to measure speed and gait Four standing static balances Measure of the ability to get in and out of a chair Copyright © 2016 by Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

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