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? ? ? ? APPEARANCE ? ? ?.

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Presentation on theme: "? ? ? ? APPEARANCE ? ? ?."— Presentation transcript:

1 ? ? ? ? APPEARANCE ? ? ?

2 character Hair Built ? APPEARANCE Face Height Age

3 face

4 Her face is…… oval [ ˈəʊ.vəl ] long square [skweə(r) ]

5 She has a freckled [ˈfrek.l̩d] face.

6 He/she has a … expression (look) on his/her face.
-thoughtful -nice -gloomy -pleasant -serious

7 A nose can be … straight [ streɪt ] . (прямой)

8 turned-up (вздернутый)

9 pointed (острый)

10 snub [ snʌb ] nose курносый

11 He/she has a… nose (with freckles on it)
-long -short -straight -snub -turned-up -pointed

12 Eyes can be…….

13 hazel[ ˈheɪzəl ]-карий

14 Narrow

15 Eyes can be …….with long eyelashes [ ˈaɪ læʃ ]

16 …….with bushy [ ˈbʊʃ i ]густые eyelashes

17 -expressive -kind -clever -beautiful -small -black -blue -brown
He/she has (ir)regular , delicate(rough) features(черты лица ). His/her … eyes with … eyelashes are … -big -small -black -blue -brown - hazel - green - long -short -black -dark -fair -thick -thin -curly -expressive -kind -clever -beautiful


19 Hair [ heə ] style and colour

20 wavy [ ˈweɪ vi ] волнистый ,shoulder length

21 curly [ ˈkɜːli ] ,thick [ θɪk ] кудрявый густой

22 fair [ feə(r) ] / blond [ blɒnd ], straight, thin[ θɪn ] тонкий

23 He/she wears her straight hair in a pony tail.

24 close-cropped|kləʊsˈkrɒpt|коротко стриженный

25 …… a plait [ plæt ] (коса)

26 Не is bald  [ bɔːld ].

27 He/she wears his/her … hair…
-straight -wavy -curly -dark -fair -black -blond -long -short -shoulder-length -in a pony tail -close-cropped -in a plait bald. He is


29 He/she wears his/her … hair…
-straight -wavy -curly -dark -fair -black -blond -long -short -shoulder-length -in a pony tail -close-cropped -in a plait bald. He is

30 Built and Height [ haɪt ] рост

31 The girl is slim(худой ) and short.

32 He is well-built and tall.

33 plump[ plʌmp ] полный

34 stout  [ staʊt ] полный

35 - I want to dye my hair - Which color would you like? Brown, red or black? - I don`t know. Can we help me to choose? - I think, brown is better for you - Ok №2 -I think I`m too fat. I`m going to go to the sport club  -          You`re not fat. You`re a little plump  -          And I have a very long nose. I need a plastic surgery  -          Are you crazy?  -          No, I`m joking  № 3 - Look at that slim girl with fair hair, full lips and blue eyes  - Yes, she is good-looking. I know her. She`s sister of my friend  - May be you introduce me to her  - Sure 

36 What does she look like? I think she is …
She’s got …(hair, eyes, nose, face) Her (hair, eyes, face, nose) is / are … She is … I like … fair straight long brown thin beautiful attractive good-looking pretty appearance oval

37 What does he look like? I think he is …
He’s got …(hair, eyes, nose, face) His (hair, eyes, face, nose) is / are … He is … handsome short straight brown cool dark grey beautiful oval

38 Age 

39 young

40 in her 30’s

41 middle-aged




45 People consider him/her to be… They say he/she is… He/she looks…
-beautiful -handsome-красивый (о мужчинах) -attractive - pleasant -charming -lovely -pretty -nice -good – looking -ugly

46 I find him/her really very (rather/quite) …
-attractive -pretty -lovely -good-looking


48 face Eyes Oval Square long Freckled long nose turned-up nose
straight nose Pointed Snub long eyelashes bushy eyelashes Blue Grey Brown Hazel-eyed Narrow

49 Built and  Height  Slim- стройный  Skinny- худощавый  Fat- толстый  Plump- полный  Well-built- хорошо сложенный  To have a good figure- иметь хорошую фигуру 

50 Pretty- симпатичный  Good-looking- приятной внешности  Charming- очаровательный  Beautiful- красивый  Handsome- красивый (о мужчинах)  Ugly- уродливый  Unpleasant- неприятный  Attractive- привлекательный 

51 Hair style and colour Straight – прямые  Wavy- волнистые  Curly- курчавые  Thick- густые  Thin- редкие, тонкие  Long- длинные  Shoulder length- до плеч  Black hair- чёрные волосы  Red hair- рыжие волосы  Brown hair- каштановые волосы  Blonde, fair- светлые волосы  Brunette- брюнетка, брюнет  Brown- шатен (ка)  Blond, blonde ( блондин, блондинка)  Red- рыжий, ражая 

52 APPEARANCES. They say that appearances are important
APPEARANCES. They say that appearances are important. On the one hand, this is true, on the other, this is not quite right. A handsome man or a pretty woman can have very unpleasant traits of character and the opposite. However, there are exceptions, of course! I want to tell you about my sister, Katya. In primary school she didn’t look very pretty. She had freckles, red wavy hair and was wearing glasses. All this made her clumsy and shy. Since that time her appearance has changed very much, but her character has remained the same. She has grown up into a very pretty girl. She is of a medium height, slender. Her hair has got darker into a chestnut shade. She wears it long to her shoulders. Her face has soft features, her freckles have disappeared, but her complexion remains pale as before. Instead of glasses she wears contact lenses, which allow her sparkling hazel-green eyes to shine. She has a small straight nose and a rather wide mouth but her enchanting smile shows her white teeth and makes her face look charming. No one can say that her gestures are clumsy any more. Katya has nice manners. She is sincere, polite and helpful. She is not easily angered or bad-tempered. Her childhood experience has taught her to be patient and not to show off. She has still remained a bit withdrawn in some situations but she is good-natured, tolerant and sensitive to other people’s needs. She is always ready to help. These are the qualities of her character which I like.

53 middle-aged young in his/her 30’ beauty spot Brown





58 What does he/she look like?
«How does he /she look like?

59 He /she is He /she has Young slim,well- built Hazel-eyed
in his/her 30’ pretty good-looking Charming- очаровательный  Beautiful- красивый  Handsome- красивый (about men)  Ugly- уродливый Unpleasant- неприятный  Attractive- middle-aged beauty spot long eyelashes bushy eyelashes Blue eyes Grey eyes Brown eyes Narrow eyes Wavy, long hair a good figure

60  Bill is talking about his family and friends.
Fill in the gaps with suitable words. One word in each group is extra. - My sister is (0) sociable. But she is sometimes (1) _____. (shy, clever, sociable) - My brother is (2) _____. He has a (3) _____smile for everybody. (friendly, talkative, cheerful) - My mother likes to chat over the telephone. She is a bit (4) _____. But she is (5) _____. (polite, talkative, bossy) - My Dad is always ready to help. He is (6) _____. He isn’t (7) _____. (strong, helpful, lazy) - My best friend is (8) _____ math. He is very (9) _____. (clever, brave, good at) - Kate never looks (10)_______. He is always (11)_______ (cheerful, sad, polite)


62 KEYS 1-а 2-b 3-a 4-c 5-b

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