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Welcome to our Read Write Inc. Parent Information Session

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1 Welcome to our Read Write Inc. Parent Information Session
Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

2 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Before we start: Please take a few seconds to write on a post it note anything you would like to find out about phonics or reading in Early Years and post it in our ‘post it car park’ We will check at the end if we have addressed your queries and if not we will try to answer at the end. Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

3 What do you know about reading?
Write down what you know about reading. Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

4 What is Read Write Inc Phonics?
A rapid learn to read programme Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

5 Why Read Write Inc Phonics
Tried and tested over many years Systematic and structured Early success in reading Year 1 phonics test Ofsted recommendations Establish consistency in way phonics is taught Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

6 How does it work at St Michael’s?
One hour per day, 1.00 – 1.30 , five days per week Ability groups Small groups Reading and writing in every session Sounds Green words Red words Reading books Get writing books Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

7 How does it work? Ruth Miskin downloads and videos
Watch 2 4 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

8 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Sounds Children learn 44 sounds and matching letters/letter groups learn to blend sounds to read words read lots of specially written books This is called decoding Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

9 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
How does it work? Children Talk a lot about what they have read to show that they understand Listen to and discuss other ideas to deepen understanding This is called comprehending Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

10 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Grouping children Each stage of RWI is denoted by a colour. There are groups of various colour depending on need. Staff have been trained in delivery of RWI as RWI teachers. Regularly assessed Flexible Supported by 1-1 sessions Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

11 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Sounds All words are made up of sounds There are 44 sounds in the English language Spanish has 24 speech sounds. Italian has 27 speech sounds. Finnish has 21 speech sounds. Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

12 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Graphemes A grapheme is a sound written down English has more than 150 graphemes A complex code! Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

13 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
If English had a simple code spelling and reading would be much easier - play mayk trayn cafay strayt wayt brayk green dreem kee hee happee light kight fligh Igh tigh blow smowk flowt gow mowst moon broot bloo groo Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

14 Children learn a simple code first
Simple speed sounds chart Consonants - stretchy f l m n r s v z sh th ng nk Consonants - bouncy b c k d g h j p qu t w x y ch Vowels - bouncy Vowels - stretchy a e i o u ay ee igh ow Vowels - stretchy oo ar or air ir ou oy Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

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Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

16 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Children will learn the 44 sounds through simple picture prompts And write the sounds through simple rhymes “Maisie mountain mountain” Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

17 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Children learn to read real and nonsense words by blending sounds together Real words like - d-i-g m-u-d p-i-n Nonsense words (sometimes called alien words) like – tam ped flum Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

18 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Fred Fred helps children learn to read Fred can only talk in sounds….. (Fred can only say c – a – t he can’t say cat) We call this Fred talk. Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

19 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Fred If children can understand Fred then they can blend orally Blending is needed for reading Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

20 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Fred Fred helps children learn to spell as well Children convert words into sounds They press the sounds they hear on their fingers We call this Fred Fingers Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

21 Progression through RWI
Set 1 sounds Set 2 sounds Set 1 sounds – all letters of the alphabet plus sh, th, ch, nk, ng Segmenting and blending CVC words Set 2 sounds - ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oy Red words introduced Red Ditty books Green and Purple books Get writing books Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

22 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Storybooks and Get Writing books Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

23 Progression through RWI
Set 3 sounds Literacy and Language A complete literacy programme for fluent readers Gives every child a deep understanding of what they read using the special 'three reads' approach Fully prepares every child for writing using a planning, drafting and revising method Teaches grammar in context so that children can apply it seemslessly in their own writing Supports the grammar and punctuation aspects of the Key Stage 1 and 2 tests Includes practice tests to build confidence prior to statutory assessment Creates articulate speakers where children justify their answers and learn how to debate. Set 3 sounds – ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, ar, are, ur, er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure More complex and lengthy reading books- more opportunities for segmenting and blending. Questions to answer- find it prove it. Questions to read and answer (independent) The aim is to achieve fluent reading by age 7. Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

24 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Beyond RWI The aim is to achieve confident, fluent and expressive readers Once they have achieved this they will no longer need RWI Children will then access ‘Literacy and Language’ Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

25 So how can you help your child?
By helping them know their 44 pure sounds By practising saying and writing speed sounds with your child By knowing how to blend using Fred Talk for reading By knowing how to support your child using Fred Fingers for spelling Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

26 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
And….. By encouraging your child to use the new phrases to write the letters By having fun with Fred Talk at home! ‘ What a tidy r-oo-m’ ‘Where’s your c-oa-t?’ ‘Time for b-e-d’ Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

27 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
And…. By having quality reading time not necessarily quantity Support your child to read all the time – signs, labels, recipes etc Read to your child even when they can read well – 77% of 7 yr olds are not read to at home By writing in their reading record books even just to let us know they have read to you at home. Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

28 And…. By reading a variety of books
By reading to your child lots of lovely stories and asking lots of questions! Use these prompts: What is the character thinking ? What do you think happens next? What is happening? What is the character saying? What do you thing that character is feeling now? Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

29 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
And…. By talking to your child as much as possible and ‘feeding’ them new and different words. ‘Let’s eat our lunch now.’ ‘Let’s munch our lunch now.’ ‘Let’s gobble up our lunch now.’ ‘Let’s devour our lunch now.’ Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

30 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
And….. By enriching conversations through descriptions: “Look at that rain. It looks like little diamonds sparkling on the window pane!” By having fun with words and language: “ I’m as hot as a spud in a cooking pot!” By praising your child for using new words or interesting images. Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

31 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
And…. By having a look at the parents page at www. Ruthmiskinliteracy By asking their class teacher or teaching assistant any questions about phonics teaching or reading Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

32 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Our reading scheme We have reorganised our reading scheme books to support and recognise our use of RWI phonics Children will bring home a phonetically de-codable book which matches their phonics group ability They will also bring home a supporting book which isn’t completely phonetically decodable such as an Oxford Reading tree book which might require your support to read some of the words. Please don’t encourage them to sound out these non-decodable words They will also bring home their red or tricky words to read or spell (these again are not decodable and have to be learnt by sight) Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

33 Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy
Reading Good role models – Dads/Grandads/brothers/uncles School need to do their bit to provide good reading role models within school. To be life long readers – need ownership of a book. Scatalogical – following their own interests – illustrated dictionaries/comics/picture atlas/information/short chapters/pictures/humour – MOLE Enrol them in library If pupils are to maximise potential must have parental involvement and we must all have high hopes for their future. Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

34 Reading in the Early Years
Literacy in the Early years includes talking about books, looking at print in the environment, early mark making and writing as well as sharing books with others and reading. Reading includes a lot more than just reading books. Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

35 Top tips for reading bedtime stories
Michael Rosen tells us ‘From the day our children are born (yes) to the day they tell us to stop, we should read to them’ Copyright Ruth Miskin Literacy

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