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Information processing is evolving

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1 Information processing is evolving
Developing Stonier´s idea of two complementary types of information In an evolutionary sense

2 Underlying assumptions
The process of evolution is not only a biological concept darwin kept with selective breeding and natural selection to formulate his theory for living systems only. Intuitively he wrote to G. C. Wallich:"the principle of continuity renders it probable that the principle of life will hereafter be shown to be a part, or consequence of some general law; but this is only conjecture and not science [1]" (see [2] for online summary). And the one-line evolution definition he himself stated, namely as “descent with modification” [3] allows to think the idea of evolution being connected with selective regimes and some kind of invariance or stability further. [1] Beer, G. de. Some Unpublished Letters of Charles Darwin. Notes and Records of the Royal Society 1959, 14, 12–66. [2] Darwin, C. Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no ; Available online: [3] Darwin, C.; Neumann, C.W.; Heberer, G. Die Entstehung der Arten durch natürliche Zuchtwahl; Reclam: Stuttgart, Originally published 1859

3 Underlying assumptions
The process of evolution is not only a biological concept Evolutionist researchers long after Darwin and familiar with Watson & Crick biological INFORMATION developed his descent with modification – definition embracing the (new knowledge on) genetic information, like Mayr did, pointing out the “(...) differential perpetuation of genotypes"[4] [4] Mayr, E. Animal Species and Evolution; Harvard University Press: s.l., 1963. Developing this intuition further, I propose the definition Evolution as a differential perpetuation of stabile states and stability of states

4 Underlying assumptions
Information has physical effects on an individual also when it is not actively read out. (Via the environment). Information that is communicable or communicated is Just one of many evolved types of information Is connected with differential perpetuation and selection as is information in general

5 Stonier´s two types of Information
What of (statistical) entropy corresponds to information of communication theory is best viewed as a tendency for equilibrium distribution functions in matter. Knowing that Shannon´s formula [5] relates a distribution function between set elements to the amount of decision- events necessary is leaving (too) many questions open. What influences this amount? Isn´t this set´s information rather a non-equilibrium distribution´s cause?... STRUCTURAL INFORMATION KINETIC INFORMATION cause of non-equilibrium state leads to a non-stable situation underlying stable configurations and material structures triggering work to be done inherent in the configuration or structure externally introduced Energy which is physically potential energy, as it is stable inside a certain conformation, is stable because of structural information A state stabilized by structural information becomes in-stable (or changes into another organized state) because kinetic information was added. [5] H= - ∑pi log pi Shannon, C.E.; Weaver, W. The mathematical theory of communication; Univ. of Illinois Press: Urbana, Originally published 1949

6 What logically follows
Information changes organization´(Stonier) and thermodynamic improbability is by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics not enduring for long, i.e. it affords information to last.  When structural information observably changed local probability of a thermodynamically narrow distribution function (i.e. „improbability“) the return to a thermodynamically wide distribution function („high probability“) is constrained. The „naturally“ (locally) improbable became probable / standard

7 What logically follows
According to Stonier´s definition, a kinetic information triggers work Destructing a constraint to change a system´s stabile distribution function is not disorganization but organization transmitted via kinetic information if the system produces work in the process of restructuring. ? Stonier connects information (kinetic information) to its effect or meaning for the process.

What I would suggest Information is a quality with some kind of store and it influences selective processes respectively processes comprising decision-events leading to relations and changes in relations. It has to play a major role in all evolutionary processes, not just in biologic evolution. STRUCTURAL INFORMATION KINETIC INFORMATION (pulsing information) Is needed to define invariance in relations between particulate objects and this invariance is not due to a thermodynamic equilibrium situation. Basis for structural similarity. Is giving a metre of events, allowing superposition and interference between realization-probabilities of events. Base for effects of similarity (similarity of paths, ~meaning). The duration of the deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium plays no role. More than that, inside stable structures, time could seem to stand still, since energy as well as observable form are conserved. Non-structural information carries a kind of temporal non-equilibrium, a pattern of change in time. Is defining the configuration of a structure. Influences (via confinement) temporal patterns in oscillators and thereby generates kinetic information. Is selectively influencing perpetuation of (decision) events that define a structure.

9 What can follow Structural and Kinetic information mutually cause each other Information processing systems use the structure building, in-forming capacity of media which store information. Communicable information (like genetic information, non-genetic developmental constraints to ontogenesis, signal information, language information, music…) comprises both types of information in one medium. Differences that make differences alltogether have a physical basis and an evolutionary history of their effectiveness and are therefore powerful factors of evolutionary processes wherever they take place.

I hope those ideas might inspire a fruitful debate which triggers critical thinking about what actually could be influencing our daily life and how this influencing could actually work. …without resigning due to but still respecting the complexity it has reached today!

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