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Accelerator Overview for HI program in J-PARC

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1 Accelerator Overview for HI program in J-PARC
Hiroyuki Harada, Pranab Kumar Saha, Michikazu Kinsho J-PARC/JAEA Reimei Workshop "Physics on Heavy-Ion Collisions at J-PARC“ August 8th 2016

2 J-PARC (JAEA & KEK) 1 MW 0.75 MW Neutrino Beam Line to Kamioka (NU)
400 MeV H- Linac 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) Materials & Life Science Facility (MLF) Neutrino Beam Line to Kamioka (NU) 50 GeV Main Ring Synchrotron (MR) 1 MW 0.75 MW Hadron Experimental Hall (HD) JFY 2006 / 2007 JFY 2008 JFY 2009

3 HI Accelerator scheme in J-PARC (preliminary)
proton (existing) HI booster U35+→U66+ 20  67 AMeV U66+→U86+ 61.8 AMeV stripping HI Linac U35+ 20 AMeV HI (under planning) Figures: Not to scale U92+ 0.727  AGeV p/HI to HD p to HD MR 330 GeV (p) MLF RCS (H-  p) 0.4  3 GeV U86+ 61.8  AMeV U86+→U92+ 0.727 AGeV stripping p to NU H- Linac: 0.4 GeV

4 HI linac & Booster

5 3GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS)
Inj. Ins. Ext. ins. Acc. Ins. Arc MLF :   Material & life science facility MR :   50GeV Main Ring synchrotron Injection   time (ms) 0.28 0.93 1.13 B (T) Excitation curve of main mag. LINAC Rep. :25Hz 400MeV Extraction 3GeV proton beam 3GeV 20ms Acceleration Circumference : m H- beam from 400 MeV LINAC field Mid. pulse time (ms) 0.5ms (307turns) H- charge exchange Multi-turn injection 456ns 814ns Injection energy : 181MeV → 400MeV (2013) Number of particles : 5× → 8.3×1013 (2014) Beam power   : 300kW → 1.0MW

6 RCS beam study results for high intensity proton
Courtesy: H. Hotchi ― 8.45 x 1013 ppp : 1014 kW-eq. ― 7.25 x 1013 ppp : kW-eq. ― 6.09 x 1013 ppp : kW-eq. ― 5.05 x 1013 ppp : kW-eq. ― 3.94 x 1013 ppp : kW-eq. BLM signal(arb.) time (ms) Oct. 2015 Injection Loss < 0.1% Time (ms) Particles /pulse (x 1013) Circulating beam intensity measured by a CT Jan. 2015 Injection Extraction 8.41 x 1013 ppp : 1.01 MW-eq. 6.87 x 1013 ppp : MW-eq. 4.73 x 1013 ppp : MW-eq. 7.86 x 1013 ppp : MW-eq. 5.80 x 1013 ppp : MW-eq. ● Successfully demonstrated acceleration and extraction of 1 MW-equivalent beam power (8.4x1013 ppp). ● Beam loss at 1 MW: only 0.1% at beam injection -- mostly due to the foil scattering. ● Simulation reproduces well experimental results Demonstrates a potential to achieve a rather high intensity HI beam too! Realistic simulation of HI beam in RCS

7 A potential of high intensity beam
3rd Main Ring ~ Typical SX operation 4th MR user operation : MR FX : ~21×1013 ppp, MR SX : ~4.6×1013 ppp A potential of high intensity beam 2nd 1st Injection Acceleration Slow Extraction Circumference m Cycle time sec for SX 2.48 sec for FX Injection energy 3 GeV Extraction energy 30 GeV Super-periodicity 3 Harmonic number 9 Number of bunches 8 ( 4 times injection) Target beam power 100 kW for SX 750 kW for FX

8 Extraction efficiency : 99.54% The highest level in the world
MR SX operation Injection Acceleration Slow Extraction <RUN 69 (Jun 2016)> Intensity : 4.6×1013 ppp Extraction efficiency : % Duty factor : 52.2 % 99.6 Extraction efficiency[%] Duty factor : 52.2 % Spill target Extraction efficiency : 99.54% The highest level in the world Jun 24th to 26th , 2016 99.4

9 Requirements of Accelerator in J-PARC
No confliction with other proton programs (MLF/NU) Reduction of space and budget (by using RCS and MR) Variable ion species (p, Li, C, Si, Ar, Cu, Xe, Au, U etc.) Variable beam energy (1 – 19 GeV/u for U) High beam intensity/rate (1011 per cycle)

10 How HI scheme works in RCS
RCS beam delivery cycle MLF (p) MR (p/HI) MLF (p) 40ms • • • 5.52s PB pattern 25Hz ● MR operates either for NU or HD When MR operates for HD (5.52s), No. of RCS cycles in 1 MR cycle: 25×5.52 = 138 ● Only when MR runs HI for HD, RCS injects HI in the MR cycle. No conflict with MLF/NU Limits magnetic field patterns of main magnets

11 Bending and quadrupole magnets of RCS for HI beam
Bending and quadrupole magnets have the same performance (bending angle and focusing strength) by keeping the same “Br” of 400MeV proton beam. p : momentum [GeV/c] e : charge B : magnetic field [T] ρ : curvature radius [m] free fix +1(proton)/+86(U) Particle Inj. Energy [MeV/u] Momentum [GeV/c] Br [Tm] Ext. Energy proton 400 0.954 3.182 3000 3.825 12.76 U86+ 61.8 82.1 735.4 329.0 No problem for injection, acceleration and extraction in RCS

12 What’s difference between proton and HI
Charge state Full stripping / multi charge state Beam loss source Space charge, instability and gas interaction Injection scheme H- charge exchange multi-turn injection / Bump orbit sweeping injection

13 Charge state of HI beam 86+ Carbon Charge state depends on Beam energy
Material of foil/Gas Density of foil/Gas Equilibrium charge 83+ N2 U66+ U86+ U92+ Facility : Riken Ion : U Energy : 50MeV/u Foil/Gas : Carbon, N2, Ne Density 71 76 81 86 91 82+ Ne Booster injection RCS injection MR injection Fraction Courtesy: H. Kuboki charge

14 What’s difference between proton and HI
Charge state Full stripping / multi charge state Beam loss source Space charge, instability and gas interaction Injection scheme H- charge exchange multi-turn injection / Bump orbit sweeping injection

15 Beam loss source ~ electron stripping
Charge state of U Injection energy of U Extraction energy of U HI LINAC 35+ - 10-20 AMeV HI Booster 66+ 67 AMeV RCS 86+ 61.8 AMeV 735 AMeV MR 92+ 727 AMeV 11.15 AGeV Facility Particle Vacuum pressure J-PARC RCS proton ~1×10-8 Torr (~10-6 Pa) GSI SIS18 U28+ 1.8×10-11 Torr (~10-9 Pa) BNL Booster Au33+ 3.0×10-11 Torr (~10-9 Pa) BNL AGS Au77+ 2.0×10-8 Torr (~10-6 Pa) Source : FAIR homepage Courtesy : D. Dinev, W. Fischer Au77+→Au31+ Beam loss and lifetime are dominated by the electron stripping process due to vacuum pressure. HI beam w/ high charge state is no problem like AGS. Almost “Au31+“ beam were lost in AGS with low pressure level of 10-6 Pa Beam BNL Booster

16 Estimation of vacuum pressure related beam loss(1)
Special thanks for suggestions: Manfred Grieser, Max-Planck Inst. H. Imao, RIKEN Mechanisms: (1) Electron capture, (2) Electron loss …. Electron capture cross section: (Schlachter’s formula, Phys. Rev. A 27, (1983)3372) sc = 1.1×10-8 (Zi3.9×Zt4.2/Ei4.8) where, Zi and Zt are HI and target (gas molecule) charge numbers, respectively. Ei is the HI mass in keV/u. sc = 2.752×10-20 cm2 (For N2 at inj.) Electron-loss (stripping) cross section: (Modified Bohr’s formula) σ 𝑠 =4π 𝑎 𝛼 2 𝛽 𝑍 𝑡 2 + 𝑍 𝑡 + 𝑞 𝑖 𝑍−1 𝐼 0 𝐼 Where, qi is the ion charge state (86), z is the ion chare (proton number = 92) a0 = Bohr radius = 0.529×10-10 m, a = fine structure constant = 1/137 b = relativistic parameter = at injection, Zt = charge of residual gas atom (Z = 7 for N) I0 electron ground state energy = 13.6 eV, I is the binding energy of remaining 6 electrons in different orbital shell ss = 3.34×10-20 cm2 (For N2 at inj.) Ion beam lifetime: t = 1/(s*n*v) s= cross section, n = residual gas density and v = ion beam velocity E(GeV/u) b g Pgas(Pa) sc (cm2) tc (s) ss (cm2) ts (s) ttot (s) N2 0.0618 0.3473 1.0664 10-6 2.752E-20 14.44 3.34E-20 12 6.5 0.735 0.8293 1.7894 ,, 1.898E-25 8.8E5 5.85E-21 28 H2 7.766E-24 5.12E4 1.19E-21 334 332 5.355E-29 3.11E9 2.09E-22 796

17 Estimation of vacuum pressure related beam loss(2)
For N2 with 10-6 Pa Beam loss: (Upper limit by using ttot at injection energy) ∆𝑁 𝑁 =1− 𝑒 −( 𝑡 𝜏 ) DN (Beam loss) = 0.31% Precise estimation: (summing up turn-by-turn) ∆𝑁 𝑁 =1− 1 𝑛 𝑒 −(∆𝑡 ∆𝜏) DN (Beam loss) = 0.12% Beam losses at 10-6 Pa level are acceptable level by using high charge state. Courtesy: P.K. Saha

18 Beam survival and intensity of HI Beam
● Limits magnetic field patterns of RCS’s main magnets for parallel operation of MLF and MR/HD ● RCS operating set : 1MW proton operation ● Beam survival > 99.95% even for 1.1×1011/b of U86+ ions ● No any unexpected beam losses ● Beam losses are localized at ring collimator. Courtesy: P.K. Saha U86+: 1.1×1011 stripping at 3-50BT  U92+: ~1×1011/RCS cycle 4 RCS cycles injection into the MR: 4×1011 /MR cycle!

19 What’s difference between proton and HI
Charge state Full stripping / multi charge state Beam loss source Space charge, instability and gas interaction Injection scheme H- charge exchange multi-turn injection / Bump orbit sweeping injection

20 Injection system for proton beam
H- multi-turn injection system for high-intensity proton beam In principle, this scheme Different motion equation between injected and circulating beam Multi-turn injection in same phase space for transverse plane No limitation for the number of injection turns In principle, this scheme cannot be used for heavy ions injection.

21 Injection scheme for HI beam
Same motion equation between injected and circulating beam Degrease a bump-orbit height to avoid circulating beam hitting at SEP mag.

22 Beam accumulation in SIS18
Injection inefficiency for tune Example: SIS 18 Courtesy: S. Appel (ICAP 2012) w/o SC w/ SC Minimum beam injection ~ 40% Septum apr. <SIS 18> Injection turns : ~20 turns Min. beam loss : nx = 4.28 <Limitation> injection turns, intensity, ring optics (tune) A new injection scheme for high intensity HI beam!

23 World record intensity
3.2×1010 ppp High intensity (>1011) of HI beam is very challenging in the world.

24 HI Accelerator scheme in J-PARC (preliminary)
proton (existing) HI booster U35+→U66+ 20  67 AMeV U66+→U86+ 61.8 AMeV stripping HI Linac U35+ 20 AMeV HI (under planning) Figures: Not to scale U92+ 0.727  AGeV p/HI to HD p to HD MR 330 GeV (p) MLF RCS (H-  p) 0.4  3 GeV U86+ 61.8  AMeV U86+→U92+ 0.727 AGeV stripping p to NU H- Linac: 0.4 GeV

25 HI LINAC and HI Booster Ring
Inj. beam parameters for RCS: Inj. turn No of bunch Intensity (×1011) Beam shape Ds (ns) Dp/p (%) etr (p mm mrad) 1 1.1 Gaussion 1180 ±0.9 100 HI LINAC HI LINAC and HI booster ring are put into same building - Advantage of location and cost reduction Variable Ion species extraction energy extraction beam parameters for RCS etc. HI booster 周長:159.6m Building 50m

26 HI Booster Ring ~ Ring Optics
Beta function bx,by[m] Insertion Arc Dispersion hx,hy[m] Arc Ins. Arc Ins. Arc Ins. Arc Ins. Circumference m Super-periodicity 4 Inj. Energy of U 20 MeV/u Ext. Energy of U 67 MeV/u Number of BMs 16 (22.5 Deg.) Number of QMs 60 (5 series) Number of SMs 32 (4 series) Number of OMs 8 (1 series) Horizontal tune Vertical tune Operating point = (4.28, 2.34) Structural resonance(1~4th) Nonstructural resonance of 2nd. Nonstructural resonance of 3rd.

27 Circulated charge state Corresponding to Dp/p0:±3%
Injection scheme for high intensity in HI Booster Ring To realize high-intensity HI beam, beam accumulation is very challenging. Propose a new injection scheme, which is charge exchange multi turn injection U35+(20AMeV) U35+ U35+ Dump Gas-jet stripper Injection septum Dump septum U66+ U66+ Components : Injection septum Dump septum Charge exchange device (Gas-jet) Circulated charge state Fraction Charge state Innovative Injection scheme ⇒ No limits for injection turn ⇒ > 10 times higher than others Corresponding to Dp/p0:±3%

28 HI injection system ~ charge exchange multi-turn
Injection point Dump point bx,by[m] Charge exchange U35+→U66+ hx,hy[m] Gas jet Quadrupoles (Up:F, Down:D) Bending (θ=22.5Deg.) Injection septum Dump septum

29 HI injection system ~ charge exchange multi-turn
Injection septum Gas jet Dump septum Injection point Dump point U35+ : x=+255mm U35+ : x=+255mm Aperture clearance : > 200 mm No hits to Septum U64+ : x= mm U65+ : x= mm U66+ : x= mm U67+ : x= mm U68+ : x= mm x[m] Charge exchange U35+→U66+ Quadrupoles (Up:F, Down:D) Injection septum Dump septum Bending (θ=22.5Deg.)

30 Design intensity for heavy ion beam
GSI SIS18 (world record intensity of U : 3.2 x 1010 ppp) 20 injection turns 40% beam loss at Septum magnet during injection limitation of ring optics J-PARC Booster (design intensity of U :15~ 30 x 1010 ppp) > 500 injection turns lower beam loss at injection flexible ring optics

31 Requirements of Accelerator in J-PARC
No confliction with other proton programs (MLF/NU) Reduction of space and budget (by using RCS and MR) Variable ion species (p, Li, C, Si, Ar, Cu, Xe, Au, U etc.) Variable beam energy (1 – 19 GeV/u for U) High beam rate (1011 per cycle) This design work satisfies all requirements!

32 Total cost of accelerator part : 120 M$
Design task Optimization of ring optics and injection scheme Accelerating simulation of HI beam with multi charge state Multi particles simulation with space charge force Magnet design and cost estimation HI LINAC design and cost estimation Writing accelerator part of “Technical Design Report(TDR)” Proposal to Accelerator Technical Advisory Committee(A-TAC) Total cost of accelerator part : 120 M$

33 Summary The existing facilities in J-PARC has possibility for high intensity beam and highest efficiency of slow extraction. The proposed HI accelerator scheme has no conflict with existing programs. In the RCS, more than 1011 U86+ ions can be achieved without any significant beam losses. HI beam accumulation for high intensity is very challenging. Innovative injection scheme for high-intensity HI beam is under design work. HI program goes forward as future project in J-PARC.

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