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The Integumentary System

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1 The Integumentary System
Chapter 1 Section 2

2 Overview Integumentary System – consists of the skin and its accessory organs hair, nails, and cutaneous glands Most visible system and more attention paid to this organ system Skin is the most vulnerable organ exposed to radiation, trauma, infection, and injurious chemicals

3 Structure of the Skin 1 Square inch contains
20 blood vessels, hundreds of sweat glands, and more than a thousand nerve endings

4 Epidermis Outermost layer Composed of epithelial cells
Very Active layer and constantly being renewed Cells at the bottom are always going through mitosis New cells move up… as they move up they create fibrous protein called keratin Once they reached the surface they are full of keratin and have died Dead cells eventually shed off the surface

5 Melanocytes of the Epidermis
Melanocytes—produce melanin Gives skin its color The darker the skin the more melanin that is produced Located at the deepest layer of the epidermis. Protects against UV damage.

6 Dermis Inner layer of skin made of connective tissue
Connected to the epidermis by a fiber protein called collagen Contains all the structures Sweat gland Hair follicles Sebaceous glands (oil glands) Nerve endings Blood vessels

7 Functions of the Skin Helps maintain homeostasis
Controls what enters and leaves the body Prevents the loss of too much water Melanin absorbs Ultraviolet light Prevents the light from reaching and damaging the dermis Regulated body temperatures

8 Hair and Nails Hair Nails Both Mammals are the only ones with hair
Protects from sun exposure and pathogens Insulates the body Nails Protects fingers and toes Aid in feeling things Both Made up of Keratin Made up of dead and living cells

9 UV Core UVA and UVB are improperly called “tanning rays” and “burning rays” Both thought to initiate skin cancer Sunscreens protect you from sunburn but unsure if provide protection against cancer chemical in sunscreen damage DNA and generate harmful free radicals

10 Skin Cancer Skin cancer – induced by the ultraviolet rays of the sun
most often on the head and neck most common in fair-skinned people and the elderly one of the most common cancers one of the easiest to treat has one of the highest survival rates if detected and treated early three types of skin cancer named for the epidermal cells in which they originate basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma

11 Basal Cell Carcinoma - Most common type
(a) Basal cell carcinoma - Most common type - Least dangerous because it seldom metastasizes - Forms from cells in stratum basale - Lesion is small shiny bump with central depression and beaded edges

12 Squamous Cell Carcinoma
(b) Squamous cell carcinoma - Arise from keratinocytes from stratum spinosum - Lesions usually appear on scalp, ears, lower lip, or back of the hand - Have raised, reddened, scaly appearance later forming a concave ulcer - Chance of recovery good with early detection and surgical removal - Tends to metastasize to lymph nodes and may become lethal

13 ABCD--asymmetry, border irregular, color mixed and diameter over 6 mm
Malignant Melanoma (c) Malignant melanoma Skin cancer that arises from melanocytes Less than 5% of skin cancers, but most deadly form Treated surgically if caught early Metastasizes rapidly - unresponsive to chemotherapy - usually fatal Greatest risk factor – familial history of malignant melanoma High incidence in men, redheads, people who experience severe sunburn in childhood ABCD--asymmetry, border irregular, color mixed and diameter over 6 mm

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