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Structure development –Trawlers and purse seiners

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1 Structure development –Trawlers and purse seiners
Bent Dreyer, John R. Isaksen and Helene Jensen

2 Measures and drivers Structure development Innovation

3 Structure and Measures
Input based measures Number of vessels Engine power Tonnage Age of vessel Investments Harvesting strategy Days and when at sea Fishing gear Quota portfolio Output based measures Catch per unit effort (CPUE) Capacity utilization (VIU) Profitability Waste

4 Drivers Biological conditions Public management
Technological development Market conditions Profitability Wages and working conditions

5 Norwegian quotas 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Potential Cod
Cod Haddock 98 000 88 000 89 000 Saith Caplin 39 000 72 000 Herring Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

6 Capacity adjustment Vessels
Step 1: In an open access fishery internal growth of capacity, new entrants and technological developments lead to overcapacity and depletion of commercial stocks. Step 2: To reduce the economic and social impact of drop in catches and income, governments often introduce different forms of subsidies. The result is reinforcement of the problem – lack of adjustment of capacity and further drop in catches. Step 3: To address the problem in a more efficient way authorities introduce TAC and stop new actors from entering. However, this is often not sufficient to give the remaining actors economic rents. Step 4: Establishing of buy-back programs to give actors incentive to leave the industry. Public involvement often dominate such program in an early stage, but replaced gradually by market places to involve the industry in the decommissioning process. However, technological development will inevitably lead to more efficient vessels and gears giving a continuous need for adjustment of capacity. Step 5: Finally, several of the successful management regimes have chosen to create marketplaces – with various restrictions – leaving the actors themselves to solve this perpetual capacity adjustment challenge. Financial involvement from public authorities, i.e. subsidies and buy-back programs, have become history. In this stage, focus has been on how to construct the market place, i.e. what restrictions are best to balance the societies need for environmental, economic and social sustainability in fisheries. Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

7 Endring fra 3 til 4 torsketrål: 37 til 22
Endring fra 3 til 4 torsketrål: 37 til 22 Endring fra 650 til 850 basistonn: Fra 79 til 50 Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

8 Freezing, fresh fish and fillet trawlers
Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

9 Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

10 2014; 70m/16m, GT, kW Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

11 Capacity development 2002–2014
Trawlers: # vessels: 86 → 36 (-58 %) GT: 85’ → 71’ (-16 %) kW: ’ → 170’ (-20 %) Avg. vessel charact.: 10m/3m longer/wider (58m/13m) Double GT (2,000 GT) Double engine power (3,500kW) 3 yrs younger than in 2002 (15) Vessel Capacity units: 𝑉𝐶𝑈 𝑖 = 𝑙 𝑖 × 𝑏 𝑖 ×0.45× 𝑘𝑊 𝑖 In 12 years 3 of 5 cod trawlers are out. In the same periode the vessels, and their engines, have doubled in size. Renewal has reduced the average age by 3 years: While built in 1984 in the start of the period, at the end it is 1999. Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

12 Stormfuglen1966 /42/7,6 m/1800 hk/395 GT
Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

13 Kvannøy 78/15.5 m/2786 GT/4896 Hk Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

14 Capacity development 2002–2014
Purse seiners: # vessels: 95 → 78 (-18 %) kW 255’ → 288’ (13 %) Avg. vessel charact.: 7/2m longer/wider (66m/13m) 40% more engine power (3,775kW) 17 of the vessels are built after 2012 Vessel Capacity units: 𝑉𝐶𝑈 𝑖 = 𝑙 𝑖 × 𝑏 𝑖 ×0.45× 𝑘𝑊 𝑖 In 12 years 3 of 5 cod trawlers are out. In the same periode the vessels, and their engines, have doubled in size. Renewal has reduced the average age by 3 years: While built in 1984 in the start of the period, at the end it is 1999. Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

15 Technical or economic capacity
Structuring (more quota per trawler) has increased profitability and improved the capacity utilization Despite the vaste reduction in number of vessels (58 %) the fuel consumption is not quite muched reduced (-33 %). And these

16 Can there also be detected a “green effect”?
Can there also be detected a “green effect”? Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

17 Purse seiners Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

18 Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

19 Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september

20 Balancing the aims and choosing the tools
Future governance: Balancing the aims and choosing the tools Environmental sustainability Social sustainability Economic sustainability Institutional sustainability: Protect ecosystems, assets and society Avoid overfishing Reduce TAC fluctuations Reduce footprint Improve social welfare Allocate TAC Taxation policy Improve financial performance Implement new technology Avoid over-capacity Reduce wasting For the authorities, many goals for the fishing industry must be balanced. First – and perhaps foremost – one must rule so that the resources is managed sustainable. Then, one do not want to waste resources and value added from the sector should be maximised so we need a profitable industry – both for the fishermen and the society as a whole. Third, when acquiring rights to a common resource it is important that the owners (the Norwegian society) find it legitimate. Hence, the reaping of benefits from fishing should be favourable for more than the industry itself – and the benefits should be distributed in a wider manner – for instance in a way with spillover effects in coastal communities. To administer a market based structural scheme, taking all these objectives into consideration, is of course not easy. In Norway, I think it’s safe to conclude that the environmental and economic objectives have been prioritized, which to some degree have crashed against the social objectives. Crisp - Egersund 13. og 14. september


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