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Presentation on theme: "CHRISTIANITY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Christians Followers Called: Symbol: cross 33% 2.1 billion % of World Population: # of World Population:

3 Jesus of Nazareth, about 30 AD, Israel Origins & History:
Where Found?: Most of the Western World – North & South America, Europe & Australia

4 Sacred / Important Writing:
One God, the God of Abraham. A Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Deity & Universe: Sacred / Important Writing: Bible – in 2 parts – the Old & New Testament.

5 Human Situation & Life's Purpose: All have sinned and are thereby separated from God. Salvation through faith. In some sects – through sacraments & good works. Afterlife: Eternal life with God (Heaven) or without God (Hell)

6 Practices and Rituals:
Prayer, Bible study Communion and Baptism are Sacraments Church on Sunday Important days – Easter, Christmas, Lent & Advent Building is a church Leader is ordained (trained) in faith Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox



9 Muslims Followers Called: Symbol: Crescent Moon & Star 21% 1.5 billion % of World Population: # of World Population:

10 Muhammad, 622 AD in Saudi Arabia Origins & History:
Where Found?: Middle East, North Africa, Central & Southeast Asia

11 Sacred / Important Writing:
Deity & Universe: One God, the God of Abraham (Allah). Sacred / Important Writing: Qur’an (Koran) – scriptures. Hadith - traditions

12 Human Situation & Life's Purpose: Humans must submit to the will of God to gain Paradise after death. Afterlife: Paradise or Hell

13 Practices and Rituals:
5 Pillars of Islam – Giving of alms, Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), Fasting during Ramadan, prayer, declaration of faith. Mosque is the building. Service is on Friday Ablutions (ritual washing) before prayer. No alcohol or pork Holidays related to pilgrimage (Hajj) and fasting of Ramadan. Sunnis (90%) Shi’a (10%)

14 Kabah cornerstone. Given to Abraham by God. The door to the Kabah
The Kabah at Makkah - believed to have been built by Adam and then Abraham. Kabah cornerstone. Given to Abraham by God. The door to the Kabah Makkah - only people who practice Islam are allowed inside. Heraa Cave where Gabriel came to Muhammad


16 Jews Followers Called: Symbol: Star of David .22% 14 million % of World Population: # of World Population:

17 Religion of the Hebrews from around 1300 BC
Religion of the Hebrews from around 1300 BC. Especially after the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD Origins & History: Where Found?: Israel. Diaspora (the spreading out) to US & Europe

18 Sacred / Important Writing:
Deity & Universe: One God, the God of Abraham (Yahweh) Sacred / Important Writing: TeNaKh - Hebrew is sacred Language. Torah is part of TeNaKh – it is God’s Law.

19 Human Situation & Life's Purpose: Obey God’s Commandments. Live ethically. Focus on this life, not the next. Afterlife: Historically, not discussed. Varies from no afterlife to Heaven

20 Practices and Rituals:
Circumcision (usually on 8th day), Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah as adult. Synagogue is the building. Service on Saturday morning. Family time (no work) from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. No pork or other non-Kosher foods. Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Hanukah Orthodox, Conservative, and Reformed sects.

21 Shabbat meal of Challah and wine. Time of prayer and family
The Wailing Wall - Western Wall of the Temple Mount - Solomon’s Temple


23 Followers Called: Hindus Symbol: Aum or Om % of World Population: 14% # of World Population: 900 Million

24 Origins & History: Indigenous (native) religion Where Found?: India

25 Sacred / Important Writing:
henotheistic – one deity (Brahman) with many forms. Deity & Universe: Sacred / Important Writing: Vedas & Bhagavad Gita

26 Reincarnation until reach enlightenment
Human Situation & Life's Purpose: Humans are slaves to ignorance, but are able to escape. Purpose is to gain release from rebirth, or at least gain a better rebirth. Afterlife: Reincarnation until reach enlightenment

27 Practices and Rituals:
Yoga Meditation worship (puja) devotion to a god or goddess pilgrimage to holy cities live according to one's dharma (purpose/ role).



30 Followers Called: Buddhists 8 Spoke Wheel / Wheel of Law Symbol: % of World Population: 6% 367 Million # of World Population:

31 Origins & History: Siddhartha Gautama - Buddha in 520 BCE – NE India Where Found?: Mongolia, Southeast Asia, China and Japan

32 Sacred / Important Writing:
Deity & Universe: Buddha taught that nothing is permanent Sacred / Important Writing: Tripitaka (Pali Canon); Mahayana Sutras like the Lotus Sutra; others

33 Nirvana - Enlightenment
Human Situation & Life's Purpose: Purpose is to avoid suffering and gain enlightenment - release from cycle of rebirth, or at least attain a better rebirth by gaining merit. Afterlife: Nirvana - Enlightenment

34 Practices and Rituals:
Meditation Mantras devotion to deities (in some sects)

35 Pictures:


37 Sikhs (pronounced Seeks)
Followers Called: Symbol: Khanda .36% 23 million % of World Population: # of World Population:

38 Guru Nanak, c. 1500 AD, Punjab, India.
Origins & History: Where Found?: Kashmir and Punjab

39 Sacred / Important Writing:
Henotheistic - Only one God in many forms. God: (Ik Onkar or Nam) Deity & Universe: Sacred / Important Writing: Adi Granth (Sri Guru Granth Sahib) written in Gurumukhi (language created by Guru Nanak)

40 Human Situation & Life's Purpose: Overcome the self. Align life with will of God and become a "saint soldier,“ fighting for good Reincarnation until resolve karma and merge with God Afterlife:

41 Practices and Rituals:
Prayer and meditation on God's name services at temple (gurdwara) Wear - turban and five Ks: (Kesa – long hair, kangah – comb, kacha – short pants, kara – metal bracelet, and Kirpan – ceremonial dagger) Balance work, worship, and charity

42 Pictures:

43 Baha'i

44 Baha’is Followers Called: Symbol: .12% 7 million % of World Population: # of World Population:

45 Founded by Baha'u'llah, 1863, Tehran, Iran .
Origins & History: Where Found?: India, Middle East, and Asia

46 Sacred / Important Writing:
One God, who has revealed himself progressively through major world religions Deity & Universe: Sacred / Important Writing: Writings of Baha'u'llah and other Baha'í leaders

47 The soul is eternal and essentially good
The soul is eternal and essentially good. Purpose of life is to develop spiritually and draw closer to God Human Situation & Life's Purpose: Soul separates from the body and begins a journey towards or away from God. Heaven and hell are states of being Afterlife:

48 Practices and Rituals:
Daily prayer avoidance of intoxicants scripture reading hard work, education, and work for social justice and equality God is unknowable, but has sent great prophets: Adam, Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, The Bab, and Baha'u'llah (there will be more)



51 Followers Called: Confucians Symbol: % of World Population: .10%
Water symbol % of World Population: .10% 5-6 Million # of World Population:

52 Kung Fu Tzu / Confucius in 551-479 BCE - China
Origins & History: Where Found?: China and Koreas

53 Sacred / Important Writing:
Deity & Universe none – way of life - not religion x Sacred / Important Writing: The Analects of Confucius

54 Human Situation and Life's Purpose:
Purpose in life is to fulfill one’s role in society with dignity, honor, and loyalty Not addressed Afterlife:

55 Practices and Rituals:
Honesty, politeness, dignity, and humanity Perform correct role in society Loyal to family and nation

56 Pictures:

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