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The Scientific Method Music Video:

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method Music Video:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method Music Video:

2 The Scientific Method Identify the problem- observe and ask questions.
Research and form a hypothesis Test your hypothesis- experimentation Collect and record DATA Conclusion- Analyze your data. Was your hypothesis correct?

3 1. Observe and ask Quesitons
All scientists make observations that lead to different questions, without these questions we can’t experiment and without experimentation we wouldn’t have ANYTHING!

4 What is an observation? Lets make some observations about what Mr. Einstein is holding…

5 Observations vs. Inferences
Observation- direct way of gathering information in an organized way. Ex. Inference- taking observations and making a logical conclusion

6 Lets do some practice! Make a list of observations in your notebook as you watch this scene from Emperor’s New Groove

7 Lets draw some inferences from our observations…

8 Do Now Use the following picture and list 3 observations and 1 inference.

9 Do Now Identify the following pieces of lab equipment. 2 1 3 6 5 4

10 Objectives SWBAT identify the steps of the scientific method.
SWBAT create a hypothesis. SWBAT practice measuring and using scientific equipment.

11 2. Determine what is already known and form a hypothesis
How might we determine what is known? 1) 2) 3)

12 2. Forming a Hypothesis Hypothesis - a testable explanation of a situation. Hypothesis that are supported through experiments and data are then accepted in the scientific community. Usually written in an “if… then” statement. Example: If salt is added to water that is being heated then the water will boil at a faster rate.

13 Identify the hypothesis
A study is being done on the increase in cases of skin cancer. It has been said that skin cancer shows a direct correlation with exposure to UV light. If skin cancer is related to ultraviolet light, then people with a high exposure to UV light will have a higher frequency of skin cancer. Is this hypothesis a testable hypothesis?

14 Do Now Two groups were testing how a new cosmetic reacts on the skin and to see if they get a rash. One is was given the cosmetic with added aloe and the other had the original cosmetic. Write a hypothesis for this experiment. List 3 controls/constants that were kept the same between group A and group B.

15 Objectives 1. SWBAT define and identify the independent variable, dependent variable, experimental group, and control group in different experiments. 2. SWBAT compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative data. 3. SWBAT complete a worksheet on the scientific method.

16 3. Design a Controlled Experiment
i. Controls- ex. ii. Variable- iii. Data-

17 Collect and gather data
Quantitative Data- measurements of time, temperature, length, or other factors. Qualitative Data- descriptions of what our senses detect.

18 Gather both qualitative and quantitative data about the picture below.

19 3. Controlled Experiments (cont.)
Independent variable: variable that changes Dependent variable: results from or depends on changes to the independent variable Experimental Group: group that is being changed. Control Group: group you keep the same (all variables constant) Ind var = the pill (change being made) Dep. Variable = weight loss\

20 Identify the components of the experiment
A group of college students were given a short course in speed-reading. The instructor was curious if a reward would influence how fast students could take a reading test at the end of the course.  Half the students were offered $5 for obtaining a certain time on the test, the other half were not offered money.   Independent Variable: the reward Dependent Variable:how fast to read test Experimental Group: group offered money Control Group:

21 Do Now Identify : control group, experimental group, independent variable, dependent variable, constants Yankee Candle designers want to increase the time their candles burn for. They made a new candle with increased paraffin wax. They set up an experiment to compare the new candle vs. the old candle.

22 4 .Interpret Results A. Analyze data
Bar graph Line graph Pie chart B. Maybe need to refine and redo experiment

23 Analyze Data to from a Conclusion
We have to do something with our data! What can we conclude from this graph?

24 5. Conclusion A. i.

25 Homework!! For homework you have a worksheet on experiments. This will be due the next class.

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